Authoring procedures of content for real-time interac-
tive systems such as games, virtual realities, etc. can
be highly challenging for layperson authors (Horst,
2021). In his work (Sotamaa, 2010; Sotamaa, 2003),
Sotamaa examines motivations of hobbyists for par-
ticipating in mod projects. He states that first of all,
people contribute in mods for the fun of the original
game itself, as artistic self-expression, being part of a
community, and lastly to get a chance to enter the pro-
fessional gaming industry. However, similar to work
by Hurel (Hurel, 2016), Sotamaa (Sotamaa, 2010; So-
tamaa, 2003) concludes that the modding domain de-
serves and needs more research.
Concerning the design of quests and stories,
Howard (Howard, 2008) elaborates on the differences
between quest games and quest narratives, and puts
a strong focus on the description of entities asso-
ciated with quests such as levels, characters, items,
dialogues, journal/logbook entries, and events. He
makes clear that their design has a significant impact
on the quality of a quest’s design. Howard (Howard,
2008) also points out different quest types in games
with a focus on quests to tell the story. He distin-
guishes types such as kill quests and fetch quests and
states practical tips on quest design.
Smith et al. (Smith et al., 2011) analyzed 20
quest-focused RPGs in their work in order to derive
quest and level design patterns and to gain a better
understanding of the interrelationships between these
areas. This work indicates that the quest design in
such games is highly dependent on the level design.
This conclusion is also supported by work of Aarseth
(Aarseth, 2005). From these works, we derive the
recommendation that quest design and quest man-
agement software should provide the ability to link
quests with information about locations, characters,
and items in order to design them synergistically.
In recent work of Veloso and Prada (Veloso and
Prada, 2021), a debugging application was developed
for storywriters to automatically test designed stories
to detect inconsistencies or predict the outcome of dif-
ferent player types’ playthroughs. The authors con-
clude that such an application encourages authors to
create more complex narratives and thus to develop
artistically without feeling restricted. A user test con-
firms these assumptions and also indicates positive ef-
fects on the efficiency of the story writing process.
A tree visualization was used to prepare the structure
of the story. Overall, the work by Veloso and Prada
(Veloso and Prada, 2021) indicates that storywriters
felt supported by the visual overview of their stories
and automated error checks.
Besides work in academia, several authoring tools
have been introduced in the industry. Articy:Draft
(Articy Software GmbH & Co. KG, 2021) is a com-
mercial software for game writing, planning, and con-
tent management. The core of the application is the
Story Flow, a graphical editor that can be used to
design dialogues and story events again as a graph
(flow graph). Another application is ChatMapper
(LearnBrite, 2021), which also represents dialogue
texts and events as a flow graph. DiaDepp (Sekten-
spinner, 2009) is a dialogue manager specifically for
modifying the game Gothic 2. It can be used to create
dialogues and events that can be stored in their own
folder structure. These contain script code, where dia-
logue lines and frequently used functions like passing
items can be written in a highly simplified syntax. The
export function resolves the simplified syntax so that
created dialogues and events can be used directly in
the game. Other applications with similar approaches
we identified include Twine (Interactive Fiction Tech-
nology Foundation, 2021), Arcweave (Arcweave OU,
2021), Dialogue Designer (radmatt, 2021), and Talk-
erMaker Deluxe (digiwombat, 2021).
Overall, we found a lack of research for studies
and tools applied within the modding domain. Some
mentioned works and authoring applications take a
general approach to story writing. However, RPG
mods typically structure their content into quests,
which in turn are often grouped and presented ac-
cording to importance and game stage. Furthermore,
the ability to manage quest-associated entities varies
across applications. Graphs were found to be suitable
for representing interactive dialogues and can possi-
bly be utilized for quest-specific approaches. For ex-
ample, one feature we found missing existing work
is the automatic generation of a visualization of de-
pendencies between a quest’s individual component,
which was investigated in the work of Veloso and
Prada (Veloso and Prada, 2021) and seems practi-
cal for a better overall view of the story but also for
debugging purposes, that might be crucial for non-
professional authors. At last, further assistance func-
tions for inexperienced storywriters are only little re-
To get more specific insights into story writing within
the modding domain, we conducted two one-hour in-
terviews with the lead storywriters of Enderal (par-
ticipant 1, P1) and LoA (participant 2, P2). In this
section, we briefly state the results. The interviews
were conducted as remote semi-structured interview
HUCAPP 2022 - 6th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications