In this study, skeleton-based online sign language
recognition using monotonic attention was investi-
gated. A total of three monotonic attention techniques
were applied to continuous sign language word recog-
nition based on the STGCN-RNNA model. The ef-
fectiveness of the monotonic attention for online con-
tinuous sign language word recognition was demon-
strated through the results of the evaluation using the
JSL video dataset.
Seq2Seq-based online recognition has been well
researched within the speech recognition and nat-
ural language processing domains. Recently,
Transformer-based online recognition methods have
also been proposed (Tsunoo et al., 2019; Inaguma
et al., 2020; Miao et al., 2020; Li et al., 2021) in the
field. Future studies will include investigations on the
applicability of these methods to online sign language
Furthermore, the authors have considered online
sign language translation as an interesting research
topic for future studies. The techniques for simulta-
neous translation in natural language processing (Gu
et al., 2017; Dalvi et al., 2018; Ma et al., 2019) can be
expected to contribute in this direction.
This research is supported by SoftBank Corp.
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Skeleton-based Online Sign Language Recognition using Monotonic Attention