Table 1: Quantitative evaluation.
pix2pix MSGAN Ours
FID 98.23 88.84 92.27
NDB 11 11 9
JSD 0.0812 0.0559 0.0300
LPIPS 0.0621 0.3752 0.4444
be said that the lower these two indicators, the closer
the diversity is to the real data.
LPIPS measures the average distance between images
in the feature space. In this research, we evaluated the
diversity by measuring the average of LPIPS between
the generated images. It can be said that the higher
the LPIPS value, the more successful the generation
of diverse images.
The table 1 shows the results of quantitative evalua-
tion of the existing methods and the proposed method.
From this table, we fined that the proposed method
shows the best score in metrics except FID, and we
find that the proposed method can generate diverse
images close to the ground truth distribution. Regard-
ing FID, although it has decreased in the proposed
method, the degradation is small, and we find that
the diversification was successful while maintaining
the quality of the generated images in the proposed
In this research, we proposed a method for generat-
ing more diverse images in GAN. In particular, we
proposed a method that estimates the distribution of
training images in advance and uses it for learning to
generate diverse images. We demonstrated its effec-
tiveness by conducting comparative experiments with
the existing methods. The results show that the pro-
posed method can generate more diverse images effi-
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VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications