images and annotations. A pipeline is presented,
which can be applied to various objects and environ-
ment settings and is extremely facile to use to any-
one for synthesising training data from 3D source
data. Annotated data, 3D source data, scripts and
tutorials are published at https://github.com/LJMP/
We show in multiple experiments, directly learning
safety classes end-to-end on our dataset, instead of
using a lookup table, substantially increases the predic-
tion scores and quality on real-world data. This con-
firms our hypothesis that small datasets benefit from
training abstracted similarities in different objects.
The results from these experiments prove the bene-
fit of using our dataset for logistic-relevant industrial
tasks. Expanding experiments with our dataset on
different architectures can consolidate the effect of
grouping on network performance. Additionally, our
pipeline allows synthesising new datasets for novel
scenes and environments, like consumer stores, ware-
houses and groceries stores.
Further work on this research focuses on creating a
ROS-compatible (Garage and Laboratory, 2021) drop-
in replacement for the commonly used 2D costmap
generator (Marder-Eppstein et al., 2021). This will
allow a robot’s trajectory planning to take a more op-
timal approach. The safety-class-adjusted margin to
an obstacle in the semantic costmap can now be con-
sidered, instead of a blunt arbitrary margin around
obstacles, thus enabling a risk-aware navigation, as
previously described in fig. 2.
This work is partially supported by a grant of the
BMWi ZIM program, no. ZF4029424HB9
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VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications