The proposed wearable technology could serve for
obtaining knowledge regarding causal relationships
of electrolyte fluctuations with arrhythmia develop-
ment and sudden cardiac death. Algorithms for iden-
tification of the causal direction, coupling delay, and
causal chain relations from time series could be ap-
plied (Huang et al., 2020).
Information on the occurrence of life-threatening
conditions is valuable for developing a system for per-
sonalized decision support, for instance, implemented
as a deep recurrent neural network based on long
short-term memory, such as described in (Kwon et al.,
2018). The neural network can consist of three time
series inputs involving information on signal quality,
electrolyte fluctuations, and temporal distribution of
arrhythmia episodes. Temporal distribution that car-
ries important information about arrhythmia progres-
sion can be characterized using a model-based ap-
proach (Henriksson et al., 2021). The output of the
personalized decision support system may be a sud-
den cardiac death risk score.
The proposed framework for personalized deci-
sion support can potentially be adapted for other
groups with an increased risk of electrolyte fluctua-
tions and life-threatening arrhythmias, e.g., those with
heart failure or receiving chemotherapy treatment.
An unobtrusive noninvasive technology for monitor-
ing electrolyte fluctuations and detecting ventricular
tachycardia and extreme bradycardia in a home en-
vironment can be of value for identifying patients
susceptible to dangerous arrhythmias precipitated by
electrolyte imbalance.
This work was supported by the European Regional
Development Fund with the Research Council of
Lithuania under the Project 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-01-
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