Towards Lightweight Neural Animation: Exploration of Neural Network
Pruning in Mixture of Experts-based Animation Models
Antoine Maiorca
, Nathan Hubens
, Sohaib Laraba
and Thierry Dutoit
ISIA Lab, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mons, Mons, Belgium
Artemis, TelecomSud Paris, Paris, France
Neural Character Animation, Neural Network Pruning.
In the past few years, neural character animation has emerged and offered an automatic method for animating
virtual characters. Their motion is synthesized by a neural network. Controlling this movement in real time
with a user-defined control signal is also an important task in video games for example. Solutions based
on fully-connected layers (MLPs) and Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) have given impressive results in generating
and controlling various movements with close-range interactions between the environment and the virtual
character. However, a major shortcoming of fully-connected layers is their computational and memory cost
which may lead to sub-optimized solution. In this work, we apply pruning algorithms to compress an MLP-
MoE neural network in the context of interactive character animation, which reduces its number of parameters
and accelerates its computation time with a trade-off between this acceleration and the synthesized motion
quality. This work demonstrates that, with the same number of experts and parameters, the pruned model
produces less motion artifacts than the dense model and the learned high-level motion features are similar for
Virtual characters animation is a trending topic for
video game and movie industry. It is important that
the motion generation algorithm can guarantee a plau-
sible and natural synthesis in order to increase the im-
mersive factor of the movie or the video game. Thus,
the computer vision research community has a special
interest in the task of motion synthesis. Moreover, the
real-time control of the character trajectory and ac-
tions may be an important constraint depending on
the use case.
(Holden et al., 2017) showed that, with the use of
a relatively simple neural network architecture based
on Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLP), it is possible to
draw several modes of locomotion for a biped char-
acter. The motion data needs first to be aligned on
a phase vector that represents the timing of the mo-
tion cycle. Then, a regression network whose param-
eters change dynamically according to the phase vec-
tor generates the pose-by-pose motion in an autore-
gressive manner. Finally, a regression network whose
weights vary dynamically according to the phase vec-
tor generates the pose-by-pose motion in an autore-
gressive way. (Zhang et al., 2018) keeps the same
regression network as (Holden et al., 2017) but pro-
poses upstream a Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) to gen-
eralize this architecture for the motion of quadruped
characters whose the different locomotion gaits are
difficult to align on one phase signal.
However, fully-connected layers are computation-
ally expensive in terms of number of parameters and
floating point operations (FLOPs) compared to other
architectures like Convolutional Neural Network for
example. Once the network is trained, some weights
in the neural network may not learn information that
significantly contributes to the quality of the gener-
ated signal. Thus, the network capacity may be not
fully exploited. Moreover, some of recent architec-
tures can be highly greedy in term of hardware re-
sources and may not be suitable for embedded deploy-
ment but reducing its number of parameters would be
too costly in terms of performance. Neural network
pruning is a research area that aims to compress a
neural network while keeping its performance intact.
It is widely used when there are non-negligible con-
straints on hardware resources, such as on embedded
devices. The idea behind this concept is to remove
unnecessary weights and to retrain the pruned neu-
ral network. Practically, these are not removed but
Maiorca, A., Hubens, N., Laraba, S. and Dutoit, T.
Towards Lightweight Neural Animation: Exploration of Neural Network Pruning in Mixture of Experts-based Animation Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0010908700003124
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2022) - Volume 1: GRAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-555-5; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
nullified. This induces that the pruned weight matri-
ces become sparse. The proportion of zero parame-
ters compared to the original network size is termed
as sparsity. In this paper, we explore the impact of
pruning a MLP-and-MoE based neural network in the
context of neural character animation. The benefits of
this method is to reduce the number of the network
parameters and thus theoretically accelerate the com-
putation time while minimizing the performance loss.
To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first
that applied pruning methods in the context of neural
First, the state of the art on modern data-driven an-
imation techniques as well as on neural network prun-
ing is presented in section 2. Then, the experiments
performed are described in section 3 and the related
results in section 4.
2.1 Data-driven Animation
The task of interactive motion generation is a broad
field of research focusing on synthesizing a natural
motion from control signals. The problematic of real-
time pose prediction from a user-defined trajectory
belongs to this paradigm. This has been addressed
by data-driven methods using machine learning tech-
niques (Park et al., 2002; Tilmanne and Dutoit, 2010;
Clavet, 2016). More recent works lie in the field
of autoregressive models where, along with the con-
trolled trajectory, the next character pose is predicted
with the previous ones. More recent models consider
deep learning algorithms with time series analysis ar-
chitectures such as RNNs (Lee et al., 2018; Pavllo
et al., 2018). This family of models combined with
probabilistic generative methods draw motions that
exhibit less artefact than deterministic models (Wang
et al., 2021; Henter et al., 2020; Chen et al., 2021).
(Holden et al., 2017) has shown that real-time con-
trolled locomotion of a bipedal character can be real-
ized thanks to a phase vector representing the timing
of the motion cycle and computed from foot contact
with the ground, like said in section 1, since MLPs
do not initially extract any correlation in sequential
data. This variable is used to cyclically generates the
weights of a MLP-based regression network that syn-
thesizes, from motion features such as joint positions,
velocities and rotations at the frame t, the pose as
the next frame. However, this system fails when the
motion is difficult to align to a single phase vector,
such as quadruped locomotion. To tackle this issue,
(Zhang et al., 2018) proposes to use the technique of
MoE (Jacobs et al., 1991). This technique is based on
n experts models. Each of them is specialized in the
realization of a particular subtask of the given prob-
lem. The output y
of each expert is further weighted
by n coefficients ω
computed by a so-called gating
network. It learns to quantify the importance of each
expert to resolve the given task. Thus, the final result
y takes into account the effect of the n expert models.
y =
In the work of (Zhang et al., 2018), the gating net-
work computes coefficients from the skeleton leg fea-
tures and simulates the effect of the phase function
in (Holden et al., 2017) for quadruped character. In
this case, the experts are sets of parameters learned
during training that are then blent. Then, this recom-
bination is used as weights of the regression network.
This technique has shown encouraging results in the
field of interactive motion generation and constitutes
the backbone of recent interactive locomotion gener-
ation algorithms. (Starke et al., 2019) employed this
method so that a character is able to interact adap-
tively with objects of variable shape defined in the vir-
tual environment. For example, he can sit on a chair
or carry a box without having any prior knowledge
of their shape. More complex movements than loco-
motion can also be synthesized. (Starke et al., 2020)
propose a framework to generate basketball move-
ments with awareness of the ball and a direct oppo-
nent. The model must therefore learn to analyze con-
tacts other than feet on the ground, such as the hand-
ball contact. For this, they introduce the concept of
local phase where each phase is linked to a partic-
ular subset of the body. The movement is thus no
longer aligned on a single global phase but on sev-
eral phases and they showed that this helps the model
to learn multi-contact motion. More recently, (Starke
et al., 2021) have succeeded, still with MoE, in gener-
ating with simple user-defined control signals a vari-
ety of martial arts movements while allowing a close-
character interaction. (Ling et al., 2020) implemented
the method of (Zhang et al., 2018) with a VAE archi-
tecture. This solution allows to define the character
controller through Reinforcment Learning. Thus, the
avatar can be controlled from joystick input, learn to
follow a predefined trajectory or even freely explore
an environment like a maze.
2.2 Pruning
Pruning methods primarily differ according to three
factors: (1) the granularity at which pruning is oper-
ated, (2) the criteria uses for selecting parameters to
remove, and (3) the schedule followed for pruning.
Towards Lightweight Neural Animation: Exploration of Neural Network Pruning in Mixture of Experts-based Animation Models
Granularity. Pruning granularity is usually di-
vided into two groups: unstructured pruning, i.e. the
weights are removed individually, without any intent
to keep structure in the weights (LeCun et al., 1989;
Hassibi et al., 1993). This method leads to matri-
ces able to reach a high sparsity level, but difficult to
speed-up due to the lack of regularity in the pruning
patterns. For those reasons, structured pruning, i.e.
removing groups of weights, have been introduced
(He et al., 2017). Those structures can include vec-
tor of weights, or even kernel or entire filters when
pruning convolutional architectures.
Criteria. Early methods proposed to use the second-
order approximation of the loss surface to find the
least useful parameters (LeCun et al., 1989; Hassibi
et al., 1993). Later work also explored the use of vari-
ational dropout (Molchanov et al., 2017a) or even l
regularization for parameter removal (Louizos et al.,
2018). However, it has been shown recently that, even
though those heuristics may provide good results un-
der particular conditions, they are more complex and
less generalizable than computing the l
norm of the
weights, and using that value as a measure of the im-
portance of the weights, thus removing the ones with
the lowest norm (Gale et al., 2019). Moreover, when
comparing the importance of weights, one might do it
locally, i.e. only compare weights that belong to the
same layer, which will provide a pruned model that
possesses the same sparsity in each layer. One also
might compare the weights globally, i.e. the weights
from the whole model are compared when the pruning
is applied, resulting in a model with different sparsity
levels for each layer. Comparing the weights globally
usually provides better results but may be more ex-
pensive to compute when the model grows larger in
Scheduling. There exist many ways to schedule
the network pruning. Early methods proposed to re-
move weights of a trained network in a single-step,
the so-called one-shot pruning (Li et al., 2017). Such
a strategy typically required further fine-tuning of the
pruned model in order to recover from the lost per-
formance. However, performing the pruning in sev-
eral steps, i.e. the iterative pruning, is able to provide
better results and reach a higher sparsity level (Han
et al., 2015; Molchanov et al., 2017b). Nevertheless,
such methods were usually time-consuming because
of the alternation of many iterations of pruning and
fine-tuning (Li et al., 2017). Recently, another family
of schedules has emerged, performing a pruning that
is more intertwined with the training process, allow-
ing to obtain a pruned network in a more reasonable
time (Zhu and Gupta, 2017; Hubens et al., 2021).
The experimental setup consists in applying unstruc-
tured global pruning to the model proposed by (Zhang
et al., 2018) with a hidden layer size h
= 512 and
8 experts. As explained in section 2.1, it is defined by
two fully connected-based subnetworks : the gating
network extracting the coefficients ω
and the motion
prediction network whose its weights are the result of
the MoE processus. The chosen pruning scheduling is
the one cycle pruning (Hubens et al., 2021) with the
weights l1 norm criterion (Gale et al., 2019). We use
the same training data as (Zhang et al., 2018) which
is composed of motion capture recording of dog loco-
motion with various gaits.
First of all, we increase the network sparsity step-
by-step from 10% to 90% of the total amount of pa-
rameters to extract the relationship between the net-
work sparsity and the motion quality. To quantita-
tively assess the performance of each model, we mea-
sure the foot skating artifact on the generated motion.
Foot skating is the fact that the character foot slides
when the related joint on the skeleton is considered on
contact with the ground which is practically defined
if this joint foot height h is under a height threshold
H. That effect has a bad impact on the motion nat-
uralness and is induced by the mean regression dur-
ing the training process as explained by (Zhang et al.,
2018). We use the equation from (Zhang et al., 2018)
to quantify the foot skating s where v stands for the
foot horizontal velocity. We fixed the threshold H at
s = v(2 2
) (2)
Then, we draw a comparison of the generated mo-
tion quality between the same size dense (unpruned)
and sparse models (pruned). Next, the qualitative con-
tribution of each expert in the generation of the move-
ment is established through an ablation study in order
to visualize possible differences between their roles in
the case where the initial model is pruned. Finally, the
dynamic behavior of the gating network output vector
ω is extracted and subjectively compared between the
dense and sparse network.
For these experiments, we use the Fasterai frame-
work (Hubens, 2020) built on top of Fastai (Howard
et al., 2018) to implement the pruning methods. We
train 150 epochs on a GTX-1080 Nvidia GPU with
a batch size of 32, a learning rate η = 1e 4 and a
weight decay rate λ = 2.5e 3 with a AdamWR al-
gorithm (Loshchilov and Hutter, 2018) warm restart
with the same parameters as (Zhang et al., 2018).
GRAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
This section presents the experimental results of the
analysis setup described in section 3.
4.1 Performance/Sparsity Analysis
Figure 1 draws the average foot skating curves along
the network sparsity. The generated dog motion
is evaluated when he walks and when he performs
sudden turns. The trend is that skating increases
with the network sparsity. So, there is a trade-
off between the number of non-zero parameters and
the quality of the synthesized motion. This is due
to the fact that the network is less able to learn
complex relationships when it has fewer parame-
ters and the generated motion tends towards an av-
erage pose which is reflected in the motion by an
excess of foot skating. So, following Table 1 that
shows the relationship between the sparsity imposed
on the network, the number of non-zero parameters
and the floating point operations, the same trade-off
exists between the synthesized motion quality and
the model size and FLOPs. A video showing the
degradation of the motion quality when the num-
ber of non-zero parameters decreases is available at
Figure 1: Average Foot Skating on all legs (cm/frame). The
generated motion has been evaluated on foot skating while
the dog was walking around and abruptly turning.
4.2 Comparison between Same Size
This section presents a comparison of the quality of
the motion generated by two models with an equiv-
alent number of parameters: the size of the dense
model hidden layer h
is set to 256, 128 and then
64. Starting from the original network (8 experts and
= 512), we prune the network until we reach
Table 1: Relationship between network size and FLOPs.
Each individual parameter is stored as a 32 bits float.
Network sparsity Model size (Mb) MFLOPs
0% 178 11.10
10% 160 10.06
20% 142 9.02
30% 124 7.98
40% 106 6.94
50% 88 5.89
60% 71 4.86
70% 53 3.82
80% 35 2.78
90% 17.8 1.74
an equivalent number of parameters for each dense
Figure 2: Top: Animation generated by the dense model.
- Bottom: Animation generated by the sparse model. Both
models have the same number of non-zero parameters. In
this example, we keep 10% of parameters from the initial
model. The output motion of the sparse model exhibits less
motion artifact than the dense one such as back legs stiffness
while turning. The videos about these observations can be
found at
The observations from the related videos show
that the quality of motion decreases with the hidden
layer size. Indeed, since the network training is a re-
gression problem, it suffers from mean regression and
the output poses may converge to a mean pose that
minimizes the mean squared error. When reducing
the number of parameters, the network has less ca-
pacity to learn complex features and it enhances the
mean pose regression issue. However, sparse models
eliminate globally rough artifacts such as the absence
of motion while turning or unnatural poses. This phe-
nomenon is illustrated by Figure 2 showing an ex-
ample of the virtual dog animation comparing pruned
Towards Lightweight Neural Animation: Exploration of Neural Network Pruning in Mixture of Experts-based Animation Models
model with 90% of sparsity and the equivalent dense
model. The dog motion from the dense model is very
static while turning.
Then, average foot skating is measured for each
of the three dense and sparse models while the dog is
walking. The abrupt turn motion is not evaluated by
skating because the motion artifacts produced by the
dense model when reducing h
are too harsh and
may not be correctly assessed by Equation 2. The
results of this evaluation are shown in Figure 3. It il-
lustrates the fact that sparse models synthesize motion
with less skating than the dense models with the same
number of parameters and experts. This points out the
benefits of the application of this pruning method on
this neural network : while fixing the training bud-
get at 150 epochs in our case, pruning a dense model
into a sparse one leads to more reasonable movements
than the dense network with the same number of non-
zero parameters.
Figure 3: Comparison on average foot Skating on all legs
(cm/frame) for dense and sparse models with the same num-
ber of parameters and experts. Sparse models exhibit less
skating than dense model.
4.3 Ablation Study
In order to visualize the contribution of each expert
to the generation of the movement, we make an abla-
tion study as it is done in (Zhang et al., 2018) : each
expert is deactivated one by one and we observe the
impact of this deactivation on the synthesized move-
ment. This study is realized for the initial model with
8 experts and the one pruned with to a sparsity of 90%
(90% of the total amount of parameters are removed
from the network) and is presented in Table 2. For
example, when removing the first expert α
, the dog
cannot properly sit or lie on the ground and this be-
havior is observed on both models. Since each obser-
vation while removing the same experts in both mod-
els is similar, this ablation study shows that, even in a
case of extreme sparsity, each expert in both models
corresponds qualitatively to the same high-level fea-
tures perceived in the movement.
4.4 Expert Activation Behavior
Since section 4.3 shows that the high-level motion
features learned by the experts are not affected by
the employed pruning paradigm, the same behav-
ior of the ω
(values weighting each expert to com-
pute pose regression network parameters) is thus ex-
pected. So, the experts activations are compared be-
tween the initial and the sparse model for the same
movement. These activations are shown in Figure 4.
When the quadruped performs a specific action, the
same weighting profile is applied to experts for both
models. However, the activations in the sparse model
are slightly more distributed among the different ex-
perts compared to the original model. We believe that
this is due to the fact that, as the number of non-zero
parameters in the pruned model experts is lower than
in the dense one, the sparse network exploits those
of other experts in order to synthesize similar move-
In this work, we applied an unstructured parameter-
by-parameter pruning method, i.e. with a granularity
at the weight level. Using such a method leads, from a
dense matrix, to a sparse matrix where no constraint is
a priori imposed on the structure of the sparsity of the
matrix. This means that, in order to take advantage
of the optimization that pruning theoretically brings,
it is necessary to have an adequate hardware that can
handle sparse matrices. The most evident way to over-
come this limitation would be to perform a structured
pruning, which would remove blocks of weights, al-
lowing to change the initial architecture, instead of
keeping sparse matrices.
Then, The model we considered in our experi-
ments constitutes the backbone of recent models as
shown in section 2.1. One of the perspectives of this
work is to be able to prune these models in order to
visualize and measure the impact on more complex
Finally, other methods can be employed to opti-
mize a neural network such as knowledge distillation
(Hinton et al., 2015) in which a lightweight student
model learns the output of a large master model and
tries to reach its performance) or fully-connected lay-
ers decomposition by singular value decomposition
GRAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
Figure 4: Expert activation ω
performing various motion. The left column shows the results for the dense model and the
right column for the 90% sparse model. The action performed from top to bottom: walk, run, sit, jump and turn. A similar
behavior is observed for both models: the same experts contribute to the same movements. However, the curves are slightly
flatter for the sparse model, which implies that the most significant expert in the dense model is a little less significant in the
sparse model.
Towards Lightweight Neural Animation: Exploration of Neural Network Pruning in Mixture of Experts-based Animation Models
Table 2: Comparison between the ablation study of the dense and the sparse model. Both models exhibit the same experts
MANN8 pruned MANN8
fail to sit and lie fail to sit and lie
turn badly and fail to lie turn badly and fail to lie
cannot turn while walking walk badly and cannot turn while walking
cannot jump or run cannot jump or run and turn badly
cannot run and badly walk,turn and jump can barely move
badly right turn badly right turn
can only jump can only jump
cannot jump and run cannot jump and run
technique (Golub and Reinsch, 1970) which replaces
them by an approximation of two smaller layers)
In this work, we explored the influence of pruning on
MLP-MoE based architectures, measured and visual-
ized the impact on the generated motion. These anal-
yses showed that:
There is a trade-off between the naturalness of the
generated motion and the size of the network and
its computational cost.
For an equivalent number of parameters, a pruned
network performs better at generating natural mo-
tion than a dense network.
Even in the case of extreme sparsity (90% of the
network parameters have been removed), the high
level motion features that each expert learns are
very similar between the dense and sparse mod-
els, which is consistent with the similarity of the
activation profiles between these models.
As far as we know, this work is the first to make
use of pruning techniques in the context of neural
network animation and we hope that this work will
open the way to further research in the context of
lightweight neural animation.
Unity materials and dog motion capture files we used
here is given by Sebastian Starke
. We would partic-
ularly like to thank him for his precious help.
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Towards Lightweight Neural Animation: Exploration of Neural Network Pruning in Mixture of Experts-based Animation Models