can be a useful addition to enhance current state-of-
the-art 3D point cloud object detection methods, as
shown with the improvements made on the state-of-
the-art mean average precision values @ 0.25 and
@ 0.5 for some classes. However, along with this,
the experimental results proved that the iterative sam-
pling method caused inconsistency across all classes.
This indicates the limitations of utilizing ou unsuper-
vised iterative sampling and clustering framework on
a dataset of varying classes and object shapes/sizes
demonstrating this may be best suited to applications
with primitive shapes or similar point cloud scenes. In
future works, we plan to further extend and fine tune
the framework to achieve superior results on other
common benchmark datasets.
The results show that Enhanced VoteNet and En-
hanced MLCVNet achieved high object accuracy re-
sults for both training and testing on the benchmark
SUN RGB-D dataset with all runs yielding object ac-
curacy results greater than 99.1% which is promising.
The objective of this work is to evaluate the above
dataset and methods using key considerations of in-
dustrial applications which has not been previously
done for raw point cloud object detection methods.
VoteNet and MLCVNet, which were implemented on
the 3D point cloud dataset, show promising results in
terms of accuracy, computation, and real-time capa-
bility for industrial applications. However, one ad-
ditional consideration which needs further evaluation
is the process of updating the models for new ob-
ject classes, changes in ambient conditions or infras-
tructure in an industrial setting as this is important in
modern real-world applications.
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