Image Quality Assessment using Deep Features for Object Detection
Poonam Beniwal, Pranav Mantini and Shishir K. Shah
Quantitative Imaging Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, University of Houston,
4800 Calhoun Road, Houston, TX 77021, U.S.A.
Object Detection, Image Quality, Video Compression, Video Surveillance.
Applications such as video surveillance and self-driving cars produce large amounts of video data. Computer
vision algorithms such as object detection have found a natural place in these scenarios. The reliability of
these algorithms is usually benchmarked using curated datasets. However, one of the core challenges of
working with computer vision data is variability. Compression is one such parameter that introduces artifacts
(variability) in the data and can negatively affect performance. In this paper, we study the effect of compression
on CNN-based object detectors and propose a new full-reference image quality metric based on Discrete
Cosine Transform (DCT) to quantify the quality of an image for CNN-based object detectors. We compare
this metric with commonly used image quality metrics, and the results show that the proposed metric correlates
better with object detection performance. Furthermore, we train a regression model to estimate the quality of
images for object detection.
Video surveillance cameras are being deployed in
large numbers to ensure safety and security. Large
infrastructures, such as airports and shopping malls,
employ thousands of cameras and generate massive
amounts of data. Since it is impossible to review such
amounts of data manually, automatic video analytic
systems are utilized to accomplish tasks such as ob-
ject detection, tracking, anomaly detection, etc. Video
analysis is generally performed at a centralized loca-
tion. Video from the camera is transmitted to a cen-
tral location over data channels. Since these channels
have limited bandwidth, video compression is used to
realize this framework. However, this introduces ar-
tifacts in the data that can affect the performance of
vision algorithms and make automated systems less
reliable. Many other factors, e.g., weather, illumina-
tion, etc., affect performance. This paper focuses on
compression artifacts common in video surveillance
systems and their effect on CNN-based object detec-
tion algorithms.
H.264 (Wiegand et al., 2003) is the most com-
monly used compression algorithm in surveillance
cameras. It uses motion prediction, motion com-
pensation, quantization, etc., to achieve high com-
pression ratios. It is more complicated than image
compression algorithms like JPEG (Wallace, 1992),
where only spatial information is utilized for com-
pression. The primary objective of the compression
algorithm is to reduce the amount of data that needs to
be transmitted or stored, which generally comes with
the loss of data quality. It directly impacts perfor-
mance and often decreases the performance and relia-
bility of computer vision algorithms. Figure 1 shows
object detection results on an image compressed us-
ing different compression parameter.
Image quality assessment (IQA) algorithms have
been studied for a long time. However, these algo-
rithms were designed with the intent of measure im-
pact on human perceptual ability. In doing so, the
quality of an image is determined by the mean of
opinion score (MOS) assigned by humans (Zhai and
Min, 2020). With increased vision applications, al-
gorithms are the end recipients of images and videos.
As a result, there has been a significant effort in the vi-
sion community to determine image quality for algo-
rithms. For example, face image quality assessment
(FIQA) (Schlett et al., 2020) focuses on assessing the
quality of images for face recognition. The quality of
a face image determines how good the image is for
recognition. In other words, the image quality cor-
relates with the face recognition algorithm’s perfor-
mance. A high-quality image implies that the algo-
rithm would perform well on the image, and a low-
quality implies that the algorithm may fail to recog-
nize face in the image.
In this paper, we focus on understanding the image
quality for object detection algorithms. The quality
of an image should determine its suitability for object
detection and its expected performance. Object de-
Beniwal, P., Mantini, P. and Shah, S.
Image Quality Assessment using Deep Features for Object Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0010917000003124
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2022) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-555-5; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Figure shows object detection results on a sample frame from a video. (Left) Frame is from a video that is
uncompressed. All the objects in the images are detected. (Middle) There are 4 objects that are not detected after applying
low compression. (Right) The number of objects that are not detected has increased with increased compression.
tection is a core vision algorithm, and its results are
used in a broad range of other applications like ob-
ject tracking, anomaly detection, etc. Assessing the
image quality for object detection can be a difficult
task as it involves finding the location of objects in the
image and classifying them. Many factors affect the
performance of object detectors, but in this work, we
focus primarily on the effect of compression in video
surveillance scenarios.
Recent methods in FIQA use performance-based
labels to assign quality labels to images. But directly
using these ideas is not suitable for determining the
quality of an image for object detection. We make
two important contributions in this paper. First, we
propose a new quality metric based on the output from
intermediate layers of CNN models for object detec-
tion. The proposed metric is validated by checking
its correlation with object detection performance and
comparing it with other widely used image quality
metrics. Second, we train a regression model to esti-
mate the quality of compressed images for object de-
tection. We evaluate our approach on a comprehen-
sive surveillance video dataset with indoor and out-
door scenarios to infer the efficacy of the metric and
the prediction model.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: The
second section describes the related work. The third
section discusses the limitation of performance-based
metrics and the idea behind the proposed metric and
regression model. The section is followed by discus-
sion of dataset and experimental settings. A predic-
tion model is defined in the next section.
Image quality assessment methods have received sig-
nificant interest from the vision community (Zhai and
Min, 2020). Initially, the focus was on image quality
from the perspective of the human visual system. But
in recent years, image quality has been determined
for various purposes such as face recognition, the aes-
thetic quality of images, etc.
Image Quality Assessment. A detailed survey of
IQA methods is conducted in (Zhai and Min, 2020).
Recent methods utilize deep learning models to ac-
complish image quality assessment. These methods
(Yang et al., 2019) can be divided into patch-based
and image-based categories. Patch-based methods di-
vide an image into patches and estimate quality as an
agglomeration value of quality of individual patches.
An end-to-end optimized method is proposed in (Ma
et al., 2017) where the network is divided into two
sub-networks. The first one is trained on a large-scale
dataset to identify the type of distortion. The latter
uses the output of the first network to predict quality.
Gao et al. (Gao et al., 2018) extract features from dif-
ferent layers of models to identify and then obtain a
better quality score.
Image Quality for Vision Algorithms: Schlett et al.
(Schlett et al., 2020) surveyed the progress in FIQA.
Chen et al. (Chen et al., 2014) extracted different
features from the input image and computed the fi-
nal quality score as the weighted sum of the score ob-
tained from each feature. Rowden (Best-Rowden and
Jain, 2017), (Best-Rowden and Jain, 2018) presented
5 different variants of face image quality assessment.
In their experiment, three quality scores for ground
truth data are determined by human assessment. In
one variant, a face recognition model was used to de-
termine the quality of the image. Face embedding is
used in the face recognition model and quality assess-
ment models. Shi et al. (Shi and Jain, 2019) proposed
to compute probabilistic metrics where mean of em-
bedding is used as feature representation, and vari-
ance is used as a quality indicator. SER-FIQ uses a
similar approach (Terhorst et al., 2020) where the sig-
moid of negative Euclidean distance between every
pair of embedding is used to determine the quality of
the image. Embeddings for an image are obtained by
using dropout.
There is limited work available for assessing the
quality of images for object detection. A no-reference
model (Kong et al., 2019) has been proposed to pre-
dict the quality of images for object detection. An
image compression algorithm was used to compress
individual frames of a video. They proposed a metric
Image Quality Assessment using Deep Features for Object Detection
that was a variant of frame detection accuracy com-
monly used to measure pedestrian detection perfor-
mance. A regression model based on a bagging en-
semble of regression trees was used to train the model.
Instead of using a performance-based model, we pro-
posed a new metric that utilizes DCT of features ob-
tained from a convolutional neural network (CNN).
We mainly focus on the quality of compressed videos
from video surveillance cameras. Videos are com-
pressed using a video compression algorithm. DCT
on the output of convolutional layer has been used be-
fore by Ghosh et al.. In their work, the idea behind
using DCT was for early convergence and obtaining
sparse matrix weight for CNN. In our work, we are
using DCT on features to find the information loss.
In recent face quality assessment algorithms (Schlett
et al., 2020), performance-based metrics are used
to assign quality labels to images. But using per-
formance metrics as labels is not as simple in ob-
ject detection. We are describing below why using
performance-based labels or compression parameters
can result in poor quality labels.
Object detection is a classification as well as a
localization problem. It locates one or more ob-
jects present in the image and identifies the class
of each object. The output is a bounding box
and classification score for each detected object.
Performance is defined based on confidence score
and Intersection over Union (IoU) with ground-
truth. Using an average classification score, av-
erage IoU, or a combination of both does not re-
sult in suitable labels. There are two problems
with this. First, deep learning-based object detec-
tors are miscalibrated (Guo et al., 2017) and show
overconfidence in prediction. Second, the aver-
age classification or localization score (IoU) does
not consider missed detections, a common prob-
lem with increased compression.
Average precision (AP) is the commonly used per-
formance metric in object detection. It takes into
consideration the precision and recall of detection
results. But it is not a good measure for a single
image or frame of a video. Figure 2 shows ob-
ject detection results on a frame of a video that
is subject to two different levels of compression,
low and high. Low compressed image has double
detection resulting in False Positives (FP), but the
high compressed image has False negatives (FN).
AP for both images is approximately the same de-
Figure 2: Figure shows result of Faster RCNN (Ren et al.,
2015) object detection model on a low compressed frame
(top) and highly compressed frame (bottom).
spite having very different detection results. Us-
ing AP as the quality label will assign the same
score to both images. Assigning the same quality
label to both images will not be right as the loss
in information caused FN while FP is mainly be-
cause of the detector’s miscalibration.
Object detectors show low performance on im-
ages (Ren et al., 2015) containing small objects
and occluded objects. The lower performance
in such scenarios is because of object detectors’
properties and not always the result of compres-
sion. Since our primary focus is on information
loss because of compression, the quality metric
should not consider object detector biases.
Because of these limitations, instead of using the
performance-based metrics, we proposed a new met-
ric for assigning labels to the frames of a video. In
this paper, we use the term image to refer to a video
3.1 Modeling Quantization Error from
H.264 Compression
H.264 uses intra-frame and inter-frame prediction to
reduce the information redundancy in spatial and tem-
poral domains. A block diagram of the compression
procedure is shown in Figure 3. A frame of video
is divided into macro-blocks. Motion estimation and
prediction are used to predict a macro-block. The
difference between predicted and actual macro-block
is used to calculate the residual block. This step is
known as motion compensation. Let B
be the origi-
nal block, and let B
be the predicted block, then the
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
residual block B
is defined as
= B
The residual is transformed using an approxima-
tion of DCT, called Integer Transform, to obtain the
frequency coefficients. These coefficients are quan-
tized and rounded to the nearest integer. This op-
eration results in loss of information that cannot be
inverted. The amount of quantization is defined by
Quantization Parameter (QP). Let q be the quantiza-
tion parameter. Then the quantized coefficients Q are
obtained as:
Q = Round(
) (2)
A bitstream encoding (E) is applied to the Q and
then encoded data is transmitted. The decoder does
the inverse of the encoder process to obtain the quan-
tized coefficients. Note that the encoding is a lossless
invertible process.
Q = E
(E(Q)) (3)
Initially, the received quantized coefficients are in-
verse scaled with q and then the inverse transform is
applied to reconstruct the residual block. Let
the reconstructed residual block,
(Q q) (4)
The reconstructed residual block and predicted
block are added to get the compressed block. The pre-
dicted block is identical to the one used at the encoder.
The reconstructed block (compressed) B
is obtained
+ B
The reconstructed block has undergone loss in
quality due to quantization and rounding in the en-
coding process, which are non-invertible operations.
We hypothesize that a measure of image quality can
be attributed to the amount of quantization error that
has occured during the H.264 encoding-decoding pro-
cess. From equation 2 and 4, we have:
) = Round(
) q. (6)
Considering that DCT is a linear operation, from
equation 5, we have:
) = Round(
) q + DCT (B
). (7)
In general a compression loss occurs for q > 1. If
we consider rounding to be a rounding down opera-
tion of round(a/q) q, we have a round(a/q) q
for q > 1. Using round operation properties, we have:
Figure 3: Figure shows block diagram of video encoding
and decoding step for H.264 compression.
) (Round(
) + Round(
)) q.
Since round(a + b) round(a) + round(b), we
) (Round(
) + DCT (B
)) q.
So the relation between the DCTs of the com-
pressed block and original is given by:
) Round(
) q. (10)
An estimate of the quantization error can be ob-
tained by computing
. (11)
From Equation 11, we observe that a measure of
the quantization error involved in the H.264 process
can be obtained by consider the ratio of the DCT’s of
the original and reconstructed image blocks.
3.2 Quantifying Loss in Information in
CNNs due to H.264 Compression
Deep learning algorithms have shown significant im-
provements in the performance of object detection
tasks. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are at
the heart of these methods and are used for feature
extraction, localization, and classification. A convo-
lution operation is applied using a filter followed by
an activation function. CNNs learn a set of filters via
optimization process. These filters extract important
information from images by applying the following
I(x,y)~ h =
I(x+L/2, y+L/2)h(i, j),
where ~ is convolution operation, I is the image and
f is a CNN filter of size 2L+1. Note that while these
Image Quality Assessment using Deep Features for Object Detection
Figure 4: Figure (Left) shows the block diagram for proposed quality metric. Features from original and compressed images
are extracted using backbone of an object detector model. The ration of DCT of extracted original and compressed features
is used as quality label. (Right) Figure shows the regression model used to predict quality labels. A random patch from the
compressed image is given as input to the prediction label.
are referred to as convolution functions, the operation
actual computes the correlation between the image
function I and filter h.
Our metric is based on the assumption that com-
pression artifacts will change features extracted from
images. There are activations at background areas
with increased compression and no activations for
some objects present in the image.
Let us consider a 1D function f R
and a filter
h. If we consider the type-II periodic extension of the
function f
, we have
(n) = f [((n))
] + f [((n 1))
k [0,1,...,2N 1].
We know that DCT can be expressed in terms of
the 2N point Fourier transform as:
(k) = cF
(k) k [0, 1,..N 1], (14)
where c = exp(jπk/2N), j is the complex number
1), F
(k) is DCT of f and F
(k) is the Fourier
transform of f
If we consider the Fourier transform of the corre-
lation between f
and a filter h, by correlation theo-
rem we have,
F ( f
~ h)(k) = F
k [0,1,..N 1],
where F (.) is the Fourier transform, () is the conju-
gate and H(k) is the Fourier transform of h.
Now if we consider the periodic extension of an
H.264 reconstructed image block B
(with twice the
number of rows and columns) and its correlation with
a filter h, i.e., the output of convolution layer in the
CNN based object detector,
F (B
~ h)(u,v) = F (B
(u,v) [0,1,..N 1].
From equation 14, we can express the Fourier
transform in terms of the DCT, as
F (B
~ h) = 1/c
(u,v) [0,1,..N 1],
where c
is a constant. For ease of reading, we avoid
using (u,v) in the following equations. All function
that follow can be assumed to be functions of fre-
quency (u,v).
From equation 10,
F (B
~ h) = 1/c
(u,v) [0,1,..N 1].
This can be rewritten as:
F (B
~ h) 1/c
= 1/c
~ h)
) q.H
Considering the similarity between equation 10
and 20, we infer that the loss in information due to
the quantization of a DCT block with a quantization
value of q has the effect of quantizing the 2N point
DFT of the output from the first layer of CNN (with a
filter H) with a quantization value of (q.H).
Similar to equation 11, the loss in information due
to the quantization error in the H.264 process can be
estimated as:
~ h)
~ h)
. (21)
3.3 Metric Computation
In H.264 compression process, images are trans-
formed to YCbCr color space before encoding. Since
YCbCr is a linear combination of RGB channels; we
ignore this and compute the metric on RGB images.
Each block in the image undergoes a different amount
of quantization depending on the content. However,
quality is usually expressed as an accumulated mean
of these quantization values. To account for this, we
compute the metric on complete images instead of
processing each block.
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Furthermore, convolution layer has multiple fil-
ters. In our work, the ratio is calculated for each filter
of the first convolutional layer of the deep neural net-
work. To get a single score representing the image’s
quality, we use the mean of the above-defined ratio for
all filters as a quality label. Figure 4 shows the block
diagram of obtaining training labels of an image.
In this work, we are using Faster-RCNN (Ren
et al., 2015) backbone for feature extraction. Faster-
RCNN network backbone is a ResNet network that
is pre-trained on image classification dataset and then
fine-tuned on COCO (Lin et al., 2014) dataset. The
network helps to select features that are relevant to
object detection.
4.1 Dataset
In this paper, we are using videos collected from
video surveillance scenarios (Aqqa et al., 2019). We
used 11 videos consisting of 5 different scenes, in-
cluding indoor and outdoor scenarios. The dataset
is compressed using H.264 using 4 bandwidths and
5 constant rate factor (CRF) values to obtain videos
showing variations in quality. For each video, there
are 20 compressed variants. There are 10 videos of
average length 5 minutes and 1 video of length 2 min-
utes 30 seconds. The dataset has a total of 92890
frames. The resolution of 7 videos is 1920*1080, and
4 videos are of resolution 1080 584.
4.2 Evaluation
The idea behind the proposed metric is to assign
quality labels to images. Higher values indicate
higher quantization loss and lower quality. Con-
versely, lower values imply better quality. We com-
pute the correlation between the proposed metric and
object detection performance metric, AP, to validate
the proposed quality metric. AP is not well defined
for individual frames so we calculate it over the non-
overlapping window of 100 frames in each video. In
this paper, we are using Faster-RCNN (Ren et al.,
2015) for object detection.
Since our metric is defined for each frame, a mean
of quality over 100 frames is used to assign quality
label for that window. Table 1 shows a comparison
of 6 commonly used quality metrics (Beniwal et al.,
2019) and their correlation with object detection per-
formance metric. Of the six metrics, two are full-
reference metrics, and four are no-reference quality
metrics. SSIM (Wang et al., 2004), and PSNR are
Table 1: Table shows the correlation between quality met-
rics and AP.
Contrast 0.050 0.180 0.168
Noise 0.102 0.074 0.047
Blur 0.221 0.143 0.089
PSNR 0.627 0.695 0.508
Blockiness 0.627 0.670 0.491
SSIM 0.650 0.614 0.440
Proposed metric 0.701 0.693 0.503
Table 2: Table shows the correlation between quality met-
rics and AP. (Top) table shows results on subset of dataset
that includes videos compressed using CRF-35, CRF-41,
CRF-47. (Bottom) table shows results on subset of data that
includes video compressed at CRF-41, CRF-47.
Contrast 0.015 0.147 0.138
Noise 0.089 0.066 0.044
Blur 0.160 0.141 0.089
PSNR 0.564 0.604 0.431
Blockiness 0.514 0.570 0.403
SSIM 0.549 0.527 0.431
Proposed metric 0.626 0.640 0.447
Contrast 0.026 0.111 0.106
Noise 0.102 0.041 0.021
Blur 0.044 0.045 0.027
PSNR 0.427 0.461 0.320
Blockiness 0.307 0.390 0.262
SSIM 0.378 0.375 0.25
Proposed metric 0.498 0.511 0.337
full-reference metrics that are commonly used for de-
termining image quality. Blockiness is a no-reference
metric that uses the ratio of differences in luminance
of pixels in inter and intra-pairs. Blur (Mu et al.,
2012) focuses on spatial artifacts introduced because
of the removal of high-frequency components. The
detail of metric noise is given in (Janowski and Pa-
pir, 2009). Contrast shows how distinguishable the
objects are from the background.
We used Pearson linear correlation coefficient
(LCC), Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient
(SRCC), and Kendall’s rank correlation coefficient
(KRCC) to validate the proposed metric. In Table 1,
our proposed metric shows higher LCC values com-
pared to other metrics. SRCC and KRCC values for
PSNR and the proposed metric are very close. The
results are calculated over the complete dataset.
Aqqa et al. (Aqqa et al., 2019) showed that ob-
ject detection model’s performance dropped at higher
Image Quality Assessment using Deep Features for Object Detection
Table 3: Table shows the performance of prediction method on videos from the dataset.
Inside Scene 1
Inside Library 1 0.594 0.778 0.591 6.549 3.515
Inside Library 2 0.560 0.772 0.584 6.588 3.621
Inside Library 4 0.600 0.794 0.606 6.514 4.170
Scene 2
Outside Library 4 0.546 0.806 0.629 6.187 3.005
Outside Library 5 0.530 0.801 0.624 6.307 2.986
Outside Library 6 0.559 0.794 0.615 6.684 3.156
Scene 3
Library 6 0.405 0.707 0.523 5.484 2.327
Library 11 0.411 0.692 0.506 5.331 2.359
Dataset 0.574 0.789 0.610 6.197 3.049
Table 4: Table shows the performance of regression model on scenes that were not seen during training.
Inside Scene 1
Student Center 1 0.408 0.644 0.461 5.972 4.081
Student Center 4 0.410 0.654 0.470 6.323 4.576
Outside Scene 2 campus 1 0.517 0.730 0.535 7.038 3.634
Dataset 0.490 0.673 0.486 6.453 4.101
compression. We created two subsets of the dataset to
analyze correlation further. The first subset includes
video compressed at CRF-35, CRF-41, and CRF-47.
The second subset has video compressed with CRF-
41 and CRF-47. The correlation results are shown
in Table 2. The results show the drop in correlation
for all metrics with increased compression. But, our
metric shows relatively lower drop than the other met-
rics. With an increase in compression, object detec-
tion models show high detection variation between
consecutive frames. One reason can be the loss of
important information because of compression that
makes an object more detectable. It is difficult to
capture the variation in quality between consecutive
frames of a video by quality metrics. But, the pro-
posed quality metric shows relatively less decrease in
correlation at higher compression. These results vali-
date the idea that the proposed metric provides a cor-
relation between image quality and object detection
While metrics such as PSNR and Blockiness also
show a high correlation to the AP, these are com-
puted independent of properties of the object detec-
tion model. A model trained to extract better features
from the image will change performance. Our metric
is dependent on the features extracted from the deep
learning models and will vary based on features. But,
the value of PSNR and Blockiness would remain the
same. Since our goal is to determine the performance
of algorithms, quality should change with the algo-
rithm. This makes the proposed metric more appro-
The proposed metric is a full-reference metric de-
fined based on features from original and compressed
videos. In real-world scenarios, uncompressed im-
ages are not available for each image. The perfor-
mance of vision algorithms needs to be determined
based on the compressed image. In this section, we
develop a model that predicts the quality of images.
The predicted quality correlates with object detection
models’ performance.
5.1 Model
We trained a regression model to predict the quality
of an image. A network inspired by AlexNet architec-
ture (Krizhevsky et al., 2012) is used for our regres-
sion model. It includes 5 convolutional layers and 4
fully-connected layers. The network is not pre-trained
on any other dataset.
Input to the network is a 224*224 patch from the
image. Although we are using the original images
to obtain the quality label, the regression model only
needs compressed images for predicting image qual-
ity. The model is trained with SGD optimizer and
mean squared error loss function. The network is
trained for 50 iterations.
Videos are obtained from fixed cameras with a
constant background. It can create a bias towards
the background features. We perform regularization
through data augmentation to avoid this, allowing the
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Quality=12.81 Quality=12.68 Quality=14.80 Quality=17.14 Quality=18.08
Quality=9.43 Quality=9.22 Quality=10.22 Quality=12.77 Quality=15.83
Figure 5: Figure shows image quality for frame of video compressed using different compression parameter. Each row
shows patch from frame of a video. Each column shows the images compressed with same compression parameter. CRF-23,
CRF-29, CRF-35, CRF-41, CRF-47 are compression parameters for each column respectively.
model to learn features related to compression arti-
facts. We randomly select a 224 224 patch from the
image to extract training features, and the label for
the patch is the quality computed for the image. Dur-
ing testing, we need to sample patches to calculate
the metric. Depending on the image features, patches
from the same image can produce different quality
metrics. It is imperative to select patches that con-
tribute the most towards the feature extraction process
in the CNN layers. These tend to be locations in the
feature maps that are extracted from the intermediate
layers and produce either a high or low value in ac-
tivation. We take activation maps from intermediate
layers, construct a 2D probability map using a non-
parametric approach, and sample points to localize
patches that contribute the most towards the feature
extraction process. We select two patches from the
image, pass them through the regression model, and
compute the quality of the image as a mean of the re-
gression values obtained. We selected 8 videos from
3 different scenes to train our model. We randomly
selected 26240 frames from the dataset. The dataset
contains compressed images with 4 bandwidths and 5
CRFs values. The rest of the data is used for testing.
5.2 Evaluation
Following evaluation metrics that are commonly used
to quantify the performance of regression models, we
use Mean Squared Error (MSE), Mean Absolute Er-
ror (MAE), LCC, SROCC and KCC to understand the
performance of the prediction model. A higher value
of correlation implies good performance. The results
are summarized in Table 3. As shown in Table, the
predicted values correlate with ground-truth labels of
quality. The videos from library scene show less cor-
relation as compared to other metrics. These videos
contain 1 or 2 objects in a frame. The objects are of
smaller size as compared to other videos. The amount
of compression is less as compared to other videos.
Figure 5 shows the prediction result for images com-
pressed at different compression levels. With increase
in compression, the quality value increases. Increase
in proposed metric value indicates higher quantization
loss and poor image quality.
In our methods, we need uncompressed and com-
pressed images to assign quality labels to images. Ob-
ject detection datasets e.g. COCO dataset (Lin et al.,
2014) and Pascal object dataset (Everingham et al.,
2010) have images collected from different sources
and are already compressed. Instead of using a differ-
ent dataset, we excluded 2 scene containing 3 videos
from the training data. The excluded video contains
both indoor and outdoor scenarios. We evaluated our
regression model on these 3 videos and results are
shown in Table 4. The results show that videos from
indoor scenarios show a lower correlation than other
videos. Video showing poor performance has objects
of small size, and lighting conditions are really dif-
ferent compared to videos used for training. It can
make generalization difficult and result in poor per-
formance. MSE and MAE values show the difference
between predicted and correct values. Higher values
imply less accurate predictions. The difference be-
tween MAE and MSE loss suggest that we can use
the model on unseen videos.
In this paper, we proposed a quality metric based on
the features extracted from deep learning models. The
proposed metric correlates with object detection mod-
els’ performance. The results show that the proposed
Image Quality Assessment using Deep Features for Object Detection
metric correlates better at higher compression than
SSIM and PSNR. One advantage of our metric is that
it depends on both image and model used for feature
extraction. The metric will change based on features
extracted from images. In the future, we will focus on
determining the quality of image patches.
This work was supported in part by Grant No.
60NANB17D178 from U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Na-
tional Institute of Standards and Technology.
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VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications