A new CT protocol, dedicated to COVID-19
diagnosis, was developed since the start of the 1
wave, so we can see a lot more of the specific
“Thoracic computed tomography – COVID-19
protocol” events. Thermometry was performed more
frequently, as it is implied by an increased amount of
“Botkin hospital notes” events. Meanwhile,
frequencies of performing CT (standard protocol) and
lab tests decreased (Fig. 6).
Finally, new treatment recommendations,
developed until and during the second wave, stated
that virus elimination period was shorter than in case
of usage of previous drug combinations. As we
revealed in the previous subsection, the length of stay
was longer the second time. The second “emergency”
mode in Almazov Centre was 1 month longer than the
first one (Fig. 1). At the same time, there were more
of the completed episodes of care (event “Episode
closure” in Fig. 3-4) but less arranged beds during the
second wave. Since the number of patients involved
in the process (depicted in the green vertex) is less
than completed episodes, we can refer to readmission
cases or patient transferring. Nevertheless, there are
still questions and paradoxes regarding in-hospital
Some limitations present in our study and we have to
mention them. First, the variation in patient treatment
processes due to different patient models was not
taken into account. It could affect resulting process
models and possibly make them less general as was
in case of periods between COVID-19 waves (Fig. 2).
For example, patients admitted with a high-tech
medical care voucher usually need a surgery, while
many patients with other funding sources do not.
Also, clinical pathways differ for medical specialties.
The similarities and dissimilarities of these kinds of
clinical pathways provide a promising substrate for
further research. Second, in order to clearly trace the
impact of changes in clinical practice guidelines on
clinical pathways, the latter should be investigated in
more detail, because these changes often were minor
and could not possibly affect the key elements of
patient’s trajectory, such as necessary laboratory tests
or CT scans. Third, data structure we had included
static and dynamic elements. For example, “Hospital
diagnosis” could be changed several times, and the
system recorded it as a new instance. The same can
be stated about laboratory tests, ECGs, and other
procedures, that were usually performed several to
plenty of times during one treatment course. We
partially addressed this issue in Section 3.2, but it still
could be reflected in the model as most frequent
events. Finally, we did not consider other
methodologies to address the problem. Clinical
pathways can be analysed through modelling, e.g.,
simulation or other probabilistic models. However,
we also aimed to see the capacity of the emerging
discipline to model complex and ad-hoc processes.
Nevertheless, this work provides a promising
insight into how patient pathways can be modelled.
As it turned out, process mining has the potential for
addressing this problem. It demonstrates that the
more standard is this pathway, the easier it is to see it
in full detail, which raises a question of designing
proper patient models for any kind of treatment
processes research. In this paper, we identified
COVID-19 clinical pathways in Russian hospital for
cardiology during different pandemic periods using
process mining. Given peculiarities of the hospital
information system, we developed an approach for
analysing treatment flow. We confirmed clinical
practices compliance with the official guidelines,
which evolved while accumulating experience in
disease management.
This work was supported financially by the Ministry
of Science and Higher Education of the Russian
Federation, Agreement No. 075-15-2021-1013
(08.10.2021) (Internal project number
13.2251.21.0067). The authors also wish to thank the
colleagues from Almazov National Medical Research
Centre for the data provided and valuable
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