The experimental protocol presented in this paper
takes into consideration many of the sources of varia-
tion encountered in previous studies. Its main purpose
was to induce three states: relaxation, stress and neu-
The study was carried out in a constrained envi-
ronment and protocol validation was achieved using
both psychological self-reports and ground truth cor-
tisol levels which makes it reliable for machine learn-
ing algorithms. The dataset includes high-quality
physiological modalities commonly used in commer-
cial and medical devices for stress identification like
ECG, PPG, EDA, EMG and three axis gyroscope
data. Thanks to the high number of participant as
well as their diversity in terms of age and gender, it
is possible to draw reliable conclusions and statistical
The dataset will be made publicly available once
data cleaning and organisation are complete. It could
be used in many different ways to study the correla-
tion between various physiological signals with stress
and/or stress recovery in a uni-modal or multi-modal
approach. It could also be used to compare chest-
based ECG device to earlobe PPG in terms of signal
quality, prep-rocessing, and classification results. The
self-reports could be utilized to create personalised
models able to detect and predict a person’s specific
affective state.
Authors would like to thank Idex Sorbonne Univer-
sity for funding this experimental study as part of
french state support for ”Investissements d’Avenir’
program”. Also thanks to all the subjects and to IN-
SEAD lab for their expertise in participant recruit-
ment and management which made the process ex-
tremely easier.
All volunteers gave their informed written consent in
accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and fol-
lowing approval from and in accordance with the IN-
SEAD Institutional Review Board (IRB : 202077).
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