To evaluate the overall learning value, the attrac-
tiveness and the usability of the developed system, the
application was tested with volunteers from Civil Pro-
tection, and feedback was collected (before and after
the experience) and later analyzed.
The activity was performed in collaboration with
an Italian regional Civil Protection body, involving
in particular several Civil Protection and Forest Fire
Fighting Units of Piedmont Region, Italy and the
Piedmont Region Coordination body of Civil Protec-
tion Volunteering in the context of the PITEM RISK
project (for which Politecnico di Torino has been ap-
pointed as the implementing body for the Piedmont
Region). More specifically, this paper builds on a VR
application developed for the RISK FOR sub-project,
which aims at improving the training of the many ac-
tors involved in the disaster management of the AL-
COTRA region, a territory between Italy and France.
The presented activities, though, fall within the scope
of the RISK ACT sub-project, whose goal is to exploit
the outputs of RISK FOR in real-world use cases such
as the one situated in the considered application.
In the last years, the use of VRTSs has seen a great
diffusion in many contexts including academia, med-
ical field (Kaluschke et al., 2018), and industry (P
et al., 2019). VRTSs have been especially useful for
training activities that are mainly focused on practical
tasks involving specialized equipment. In such cases,
training can be enhanced by learning experiences that
offer hands-on approaches (Gavish et al., 2015). It
was demonstrated that the use of VR in this type of
learning contexts can be more beneficial with respect
to the use of other types of training tools, such as
printed material or video lessons. In particular, VRTS
are more effective in terms of procedural knowledge
retention and confidence when compared to printed
learning tools (Buttussi and Chittaro, 2021), whereas
they are more efficient in terms of retention of infor-
mation and self-efficacy increment when compared
to non-immersive, video-based trainings (Lovreglio
et al., 2021). Another aspect that contribute to the
diffusion of VRTSs is the fact that VR technology is
particularly suited for the creation of training tools,
mainly due to its ability to simulate (Lateef, 2010)
real scenarios with a high level of accuracy and with-
out exposing users to the corresponding risks. For
example, it is possible to recreate an evacuation sce-
nario in the event of a road tunnel fire (Calandra et al.,
2021), where the users can learn emergency regula-
tions while experiencing a realistic simulation of fire
and smoke.
Based on the above considerations, VRTSs are
particularly useful for the education of FRs or other
operators that must train in practical tasks while work-
ing in dangerous situations. In facts, immersive
VR applications have been largely adopted in risk-
management contexts: for example, to train operators
in the CBRN procedure (Lamberti et al., 2021), or cri-
sis management teams (composed by policemen, fire-
men and doctors) in rescue missions (Conges et al.,
An additional advantage offered by VRTSs is the
possibility to enhance the training efficacy by includ-
ing automatic guiding and evaluation modules: users
can be trained and evaluated directly by the applica-
tion, therefore the presence of a trainer is not neces-
sary. Regarding the design of these modules, despite
the diffusion of VRTSs there are no standard rules to
follow during the development of a new application.
Nevertheless, it still possible to find general guide-
lines the describes the best design practices in the lit-
erature (Feng et al., 2018). In particular, the most
common solutions for training consist in scaffolding
systems that guide the trainee step-by-step, either us-
ing audio or textual feedback (or a combination of
both). This feedback can consist either of instructions
that describe the next step of the training, or correc-
tion given to the trainee after each task. As for the
assessment of the users’ performance, the adopted so-
lutions are either run-time error signaling or the use of
a final report that can be consulted only at the end of
the VR experience.
To conclude, the present activities build on a
previously published research activity on the use of
simulation-based VR as a mock-up tool for training
experiences (Prattic
o et al., 2021). In the above ac-
tivity, a sandbox VR application was used to support
Training Provisioners (TPs) in designing a training
experience, and this approach was compared to a stan-
dard, dramaturgy-based one. In this paper, the feed-
back and the results collected from the TPs are used
to improve that VR application and to implement a
guiding and an evaluation system into it to safely train
operators from Civil Protection.
This paper presents a VR-based experience to train
operators from Civil Protection in the HCP procedure.
An existing, sandbox VR application was first im-
proved accordingly to previously collected feedback
from Civil Protection TPs, and later used to build a
VRTS targeted to FRs.
HUCAPP 2022 - 6th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications