From the results expressed in both graphs it is pos-
sible to see that both the pressure and temperature val-
ues are within the expected values according to the
study carried out by X. Tan (Tan et al., 2020).
Observing the graphs, it can also be seen that at
the pressure graphic, time series 1 showed the greatest
variations in pressure values, which can be explained
because it corresponds to a place where there is more
movement. This is observable at a quantitative level,
since by looking at the standard deviations (SD) of
each time series (from 1 to 3) (0.026 ± 0.003 MPa),
(0.029 ± 0.002 MPa) and (0.019 ± 0.001 MPa), we
conclude that the first one shows the biggest SD.
Regarding temperature, it can be observed that
time series 1 and 2 have relatively close temperature
values, whereas the values of time series 3 are sig-
nificantly lower than the previous ones. The quali-
tative results are supported by the mean and SD of
temperature values, (25.9 ± 0.2 °C), (26.5 ± 0.3 °C),
(23.8 ± 0.3 °C), from 1 to 3 time series, respectively.
This can be justified by the fact that the sensor on
the abductor digiti minimum is near to the end of the
upper limb, and consequently more exposed to envi-
ronmental temperature, while the others, in addition
to being further away from the upper-limb end, were
also relatively covered by the patient’s sweatshirt.
A slight temperature decrease over time can be
also detected in time series 3 since when the hand
was still, it started to cool off, tending its tempera-
ture to the value of the environmental temperature (≈
23 ºC).
Through a continuous analysis of the pressure and
the temperature it will be possible to detect inade-
quate values of pressure and variation of temperature
values which may indicate inflammation on the tis-
sues. The combination of the analysis of both types
of sensors will allow a more accurate assessment of
patient’s compliance.
These results prove that the equipment is func-
tional, demonstrating that the prototype is viable to
be tested in real situations.
This article presents a portable system capable of ob-
jectively, continuously and simultaneously doing the
monitorization of pressure and temperature values.
Through the processing of these data, it will also al-
low monitoring the patient’s compliance, that is, its
time of use. The portable device can be adapted to
monitor these parameters in other types of orthotics.
Regarding the application, it is in the development
stage, and at this moment its graphic appearance and
user interface are being improved.
After concluding the development of the applica-
tion, the next step will be to apply the device in real
By using this approach, the device will allow a
greater and better monitoring of the treatment, as well
as reducing discomfort and the formation of pressure
sore, since it will not only allow improving adjust-
ments in the preparation of the orthosis, but also the
detection of risky situations.
In addition, it will also make possible to store and
manage the patient’s clinical history, in order to fa-
cilitate and assist health professionals, as well as al-
lowing the patient to develop a greater awareness and
sense of responsibility regarding their performance in
relation to the guidelines provided by the health pro-
The authors would like to thank all the healthcare pro-
fessionals of Hospital Curry Cabral - Centro Hospita-
lar Lisboa Central.
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BIODEVICES 2022 - 15th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices