The Effect of Native Advertising on User’s Behavioral Intention:
Based on the Technology Acceptance Model
Sijia Wang
and Lin Bai
School of Economics and Management, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China
Keywords: Feed Advertisement, Technology Acceptance Model, User's Acceptance, Structural Equation Model.
Abstract: With the popularity of mobile applications, marketers invented a new form of internet advertisements to
promote products and services: native advertisements. This study aims to figure out what are the key factors
that affect user’s acceptance of native advertisements through empirical research methods. Therefore, a model
of user responses to native advertisements is constructed based on the technology acceptance model. With
native advertisements on Zhihu (a Chinese question-and-answer website) as the object of research, we
performed a survey on the Internet. After collecting the questionnaires of 232 users, the structural equation
method was applied to analyse the data. The results of the study showed that: user’s perceived usefulness and
perceived pleasure have a positive impact on the user’s behavioural intentions. User’s perceived disturbing
has a negative influence on user’s behavioural intentions. Among these, perceived usefulness is an important
factor that affects users' behavioural intentions. In addition, user's perceived ease of use positively affects
user's perceived usefulness. User's behavioural intention positively affects user's behaviour.
Under the background of rapid development in the
Mobile Internet, people increasingly spend time using
mobile applications to acquire knowledge and
information. Marketers have to advertise on the
mobile platform. The display of online advertising is
gradually transformed into personalized delivery
based on user’s attributes and usage scenarios. Native
advertising is fast becoming a key instrument in
network marketing.
Native advertising follows the natural form and
function of the user experience in which it is placed
(Iacobucci, 2020). It can be integrated with the
characteristics of the platform, and supports the
interactive participation of users. As a new form of
advertising, native advertising is increasingly popular
with advertisers because of its accuracy and
originality, and the market of native advertising also
maintains a good vitality and development trend. In
2020, the market share of native advertising in China
increased from 28% in 2019 to 34%, surpassing e-
commerce advertising to become the advertising
form with the largest market share.
However, it has always been a difficult problem
for advertisers and enterprises to improve users'
willingness to accept advertisements and promote
users' intention of share and purchase. In addition,
most of the studies on native advertising are
theoretical studies, summarizing related concepts and
practical applications. And few empirical studies
focus on the acceptance behavior of native
advertising users. Therefore, this study chooses
native advertising on Zhihu as the research object and
applies empirical research methods to study the
influencing factors of user’s adoption behavior,
which has certain theoretical and practical
significance. Firstly, this paper explores the
influencing factors of user adoption behavior from
the perspective of user attitude. Combined with
marketing practice, it can help advertisers and
platforms find more effective ways and methods to
push information flow advertising for users. In
addition, we extended the technology acceptance
model with new factors including perceived
disturbance and trust and pleasantness. Therefore, the
Wang, S. and Bai, L.
The Effect of Native Advertising on User’s Behavioral Intention: Based on the Technology Acceptance Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0011175300003440
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Big Data Economy and Digital Management (BDEDM 2022), pages 313-317
ISBN: 978-989-758-593-7
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
model of this study is innovative and the research can
enrich the theoretical research of native advertising.
This chapter summarizes the related work on native
advertising and describes the differences between
previous studies and this study. Based on the
Technology Acceptance Model and conclusions of
previous studies, the hypotheses are proposed and the
experiments are designed.
2.1 Theories
2.1.1 Native Advertising
Native advertising is a term used to describe
advertising that takes the specific form and
appearance of editorial content from the publisher
itself (Wojdynski, 2016). From the perspective of big
data technology, native advertising is an advertising
strategy based on user data analysis. It can be
naturally mixed into the platform’s information flow
and to be more difficult for users to detect. The U.S.
Federal Trade Commission issued guidelines for
disclosing native advertisements to prevent local
advertising from confusing consumers.
With the rapid growth of native advertising in the
field of practice, there has been an increasing amount
of literature on the discussion on the characteristics of
native advertising. Most of these studies have
analyzed the characteristics of native advertising
from the perspectives of its generation mechanism,
external form, platform and context. Huang argued
that native advertising mainly has three
characteristics. First, the content of the advertisement
is similar to the content of the platform on which it is
embedded. Second, native advertising is presented in
the form of information flow along with other non-
commercial information on platforms. Third, native
advertising supports consumers to interact with it
(Huang, 2019).
Studies have shown that advertising significantly
effects users’ attitude, purchase intention and share
Haeson Park’s study suggests that consumers'
brand attitudes, preference of the advertisement have
a positive impact on user’s attitude (Park 2019).
Anocha conducted a study based on the technology
acceptance model and proposed that perceived
usefulness and perceived ease of use have a positive
impact on user acceptance of native advertisements,
while perceived risk has a negative impact on user
acceptance (Aribarg, 2020).
In this study, we consider these related studies as
well as the features of native advertisements to design
antecedents toward the behavioral intention of users
to native advertisements.
2.1.2 Technology Acceptance Model
The technical acceptance model (TAM) is one of the
most influential models to explain and predict the
behavior of the use of information system. The
original purpose of the technology acceptance model
is to explain the determinants of the widespread
application of computer technology. There are two
main factors that affect individuals' willingness to use
new technologies: perceived usefulness and
perceived ease of use. According to the technology
acceptance model, whether users use the system is
determined by behavioral intention, which is jointly
determined by users’ attitude and perceived
usefulness. Users’ attitude is determined by both
perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use.
Perceived usefulness is determined by both perceived
ease of use and external variables. External variables
include system design, user characteristics and so on.
There are two reasons for using TAM model as
the theoretical basis in this study. Firstly, TAM model
has been used in many studies to analyze the
acceptance factors of online advertising. Besides,
TAM model can be extended according to the actual
situation in the research.
2.2 Hypothesis
One of the purposes of native advertising is to provide
users with relevant product information in a novel
form, so as to make a good impression on users. In
this process, advertising content will influence users'
perception of usefulness. In addition, individual
behavior depends on the basic goal of the individual,
and perceived usefulness can be a basic goal for users
to learn about the advertisement. Hsiao built a
research model and concluded that perceived value,
perceived usefulness and perceived satisfaction affect
users' willingness to use the information system
(Hsiao 2013). Therefore, this paper puts forward the
following hypothesis:
H1: Perceived usefulness positively affects users'
behavioral intention of native advertising.
Native advertising has variable forms and can
vividly display product information. It enables users
to understand product information or use related
services as conveniently and easily as possible. When
BDEDM 2022 - The International Conference on Big Data Economy and Digital Management
Davis proposed the technology acceptance model, he
proposed that perceived usefulness and perceived
ease of use have an impact on individual attitude at
the same time, and perceived ease of use also has a
positive impact on individual perceived usefulness.
Based on this, this paper puts forward the following
H2: Perceived ease of use positively affects users'
behavioral intention of native advertising.
H3: Perceived ease of use positively affects
perceived usefulness.
Although native advertising reduces the
disturbance to users as much as possible by
improving the similarity with the information flow
content. It is inevitable that users will be disturbed or
even bored because of the advertisement. On the
other hand, some users will think that the mechanism
of information flow advertising based on their past
behavior and information violates their privacy.
Hence, we make hypothesis:
H4: Perceived disturbance negatively affects
users' behavioral intention of native advertising.
In terms of user trust in advertising, studies have
proved that user trust in the website will have an
impact on advertising marketing effect. Cai Peier
pointed out that if advertising is placed on the website
trusted by users, users will trust the advertising due to
their trust in the website, resulting in behavioral
intention (Cai 2016). Hence, we make hypothesis:
H5: Trust positively affects users' behavioral
intention of native advertising.
An important reason why users use mobile
applications to browse information is that they want
to get entertainment and spiritual satisfaction. A key
factor for the success of advertising marketing is
whether it can attract the attention of the users. The
novel and interesting content and form of native
advertising can please the users and promote users’
acceptance. Dai Wei constructed the value model of
Internet advertising and pointed out that perceived
pleasure can increase users' value perception (Dai,
2016). Therefore, we propose the following
H6: Pleasantness positively affects users'
behavioral intention of native advertising.
According to the theory of consumer behavior, in
the process of native advertising affects users'
acceptance, users will finally make purchases or
share behaviors after generating behavior intention.
The main purpose of online advertising is to convey
product information to potential consumers, persuade
users to understand the advertised products or
services in detail, and generate the behavior of
purchase and use. Bhattacherjee pointed out that
users' intention will also be affected by various
subjective and objective factors, and whether it can
be transformed into users' continuous use behavior
needs further investigation (Bhattacherjee 2008).
Therefore, the following assumption is put forward:
H7: Users' behavior intention has a positive
impact on users' actual behavior.
On this basis of the hypothesis, this paper put
forward the research model of user responses to
native advertisements. Figure 1 shows the
components of the model.
Figure 1: Research Model.
2.3 Sample Selection and Data
This study intends to use the questionnaire survey to
study the user adoption behavior of native advertising.
Since most Internet websites have launched native
advertising, the forms and contents of native
advertising on each website are different. In order to
reduce the impact of other factors, this study selects
the native advertising of Zhihu website, a question-
and-answer website like Quora, as the research
object. And we mainly conducted questionnaires on
users who have noticed native advertisements, so that
we could gain useful feedback from experienced
The questionnaire mainly includes two parts. The
first part is the background investigation, which
mainly aims to gather some sample statistical data of
participants. The sample statistical data includes the
user's gender, age, education. Other information
includes the time and frequency of using Zhihu
website and the understanding of native advertising.
The second part is the main part of the research. It
includes the measurement of user perception, user
behavior intention and actual behavior. The
measurement of all variables comes from the
previous literature and the context of this study.
The participants of this study were users who have
used Zhihu website and had purchase and share
The Effect of Native Advertising on User’s Behavioral Intention: Based on the Technology Acceptance Model
behavior of the products in advertising.
Consequently, 219 questionnaires were collected.
The effective rate of the questionnaire was 93.6%. In
order to improve the reliability of the structural
equation model, the number of samples should be
more than 25 times the number of variables. This
study involved 7 variables, and the amount of data
was more than 175, which met the needs. In the
effective questionnaire, men accounted for 50.2%
and women 49.8%. The ages of the participants were
19-24 and 25-30 years old. Since most of the users of
Zhihu website are young and middle-aged, the
collected questionnaire data is reliable.
2.4 Measurement
Most of the measurement scales constructs are
adopted from scales demonstrated in previous
literature. All variables in this study were carried out
by a five-point Likert-scale (1=strongly disagree,
5=strongly agree). Based on the work of D Gefen
(Gefen, 2003), we choose three items to measure
perceived usefulness. The three items are “The
advertisement helps me understand the information
about products or services; the advertisement can
improve my efficiency in using products or
downloading software; the advertisement helps me
relax.” For perceived ease of use, three items contain
“The content of the advertisement is easy to
understand; learning how to participate in the
advertisement is easy (viewing, clicking and other
operations); advertisements can link products or APP
download pages directly”. For perceived disturbance,
three items contain: “The appearance of the
advertisement disturbs my normal browsing
behavior; the advertisement distracts me; the
appearance of the advertisement bothers me” (Logan,
2013). For users trust, three items containZhihu
website is trustworthy; Zhihu website attaches great
importance to the rights and interests of users; there
are no false advertisements on Zhiu website”. For
user’s pleasantness, three items contain: “The
advertisement is funny and interesting; the
advertisement is innovative; I think the advertisement
makes me happy”. For behavioral intention, three
items contain “After seeing the advertisement, I will
have the intention to check the advertisement
information in detail; I will have the intention to click
the link to other pages; I will be willing to download
the app or purchase relevant products”. For actual
behavior, three items contain “After seeing the
advertisement, I will check the advertisement
information in detail; I will click the link to other
pages; I will download the app or purchase relevant
The research model was tested by using SPSS23.0
and AMOS 24.0. This study checked internal
consistency reliability, convergent validity, and
discriminant validity before carrying out hypotheses
testing. The composite reliability (CR) of all
constructs was above 0.80. The reliability was
achieved. Besides, the convergent validity and
discriminant was also achieved. The resulting indices
of the model indicated a good model fit (Chi-
square/df = 2.960; RMSEA = 0.095; GFI = 0.829;
NFI = 0.890; TLI = 0.907; CFI = 0.924; GFI = 0.829;
IFI = 0.925). Table 1 shows the results of structural
model evaluation.
Table 1: Results of structural model evaluation.
H1 H3 H4 H6 H7
0.814 0.569 -0.160 0.363 0.938
The final validation results show that perceived
usefulness has a positive impact on users' behavioral
intentions of native advertisements (hypothesis 1 is
true). When users think that native advertisements
can enable them to obtain useful information, users
will have behavioral intentions and then actual
behaviors. Perceived ease of use positively affects
users' perceived usefulness (hypothesis 3 is true),
which is in line with the original hypothesis of the
technology acceptance model. Perceived disturbance
negatively affects users' behavioral intentions for
native advertisements (hypothesis 4 is true),
indicating that users will have negative behavioral
intentions when they feel that their APP usage
behavior is disturbed by advertisements. User's
pleasantness has a positive impact on the user's
behavioral intention to the native advertisement
(hypothesis 6 is true). Users' behavioral intention for
information flow advertising positively affects users'
actual behavior (hypothesis 7 is true), indicating that
users' behavioral intention tends to generate actual
behavior, which also conforms to the original
hypothesis of technology acceptance model. In
addition, the hypothesis that perceived ease of use
and perceived trust have an impact on users'
behavioral intentions has not been proved (hypothesis
2 and 5 are not valid). One of the reasons may be that
there are biases in the samples. Most of the surveyed
users are students in school, which may have biases
BDEDM 2022 - The International Conference on Big Data Economy and Digital Management
in age and gender. Second, the surveyed users are
familiar with Zhihu platform, so their perceived ease
of use and trust of the platform are clear, which will
not affect their further behavior intentions
Native advertising has been favored by the online
advertising market since it was launched, but the
research on native advertising is still in an immature
stage. There has been little quantitative analysis of
factors that affect user’s acceptance of native
advertisements. Therefore, this study has important
theoretical and practical significance.
Based on the technology acceptance model, a new
hypothetical model is established by adding new
factors including pleasantness, trust and perceived
disturbance, which is innovative. The empirical
results show that users’ perceived usefulness and
pleasantness have a positive impact on users'
behavior towards native advertising. Users' perceived
ease of use has a positive impact on users' perceived
usefulness, and users' perceived disturbance has a
negative impact on users' behaviour.
Through empirical study results, we gained some
new findings and they are beneficial for advertisers.
Besides, we made few reasonable suggestions for
marketers and advertisers to develop native
advertisements. Firstly, in order to promote users'
behavior in native advertising, advertisers and
platforms should improve the usefulness and ease of
use of advertising, so that users can get the
information they need, find the value of advertising,
reduce the difficulty of users' operation. It’s
important to make it easier for users to get more
information about the products or download software.
Secondly, the interference caused by native
advertising needs to be weakened as far as possible.
Advertisers or marketers need to deliver personalized
advertisements more accurately and set the frequency
of advertisements within a reasonable range. Thirdly,
we can improve the user's pleasantness caused by
native advertisements by enhancing the interest of
advertisement and making the advertisement novel
and interesting. Making the display forms of
advertising more rich and diverse can improve the
attraction of advertisement to users and promote
users' intention to learn more about the product
displayed in the advertisement.
In addition, there are also some deficiencies in
this study. Firstly, there are some sample deviations
in the questionnaire survey, and there are some
limitations in analyzing the influencing factors of
user adoption behavior of native advertisements with
only one website as an example. Secondly, the
theoretical model only considers user perception. In
the future, there are some issues that need to be
investigated. For example, how do the characteristics
of advertising affect user attitudes and purchase
intention or share intention on native advertising?
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The Effect of Native Advertising on User’s Behavioral Intention: Based on the Technology Acceptance Model