objects of many scholars. For example, Zhi-Cheng Li
builds a new model based on the theory of planned
action. He studied from the perspective of the
characteristics of consumer behavior, carried out the
research on the influencing factors of online
consumers’ purchasing behavior, which had certain
guiding function to the practice of B2C (Li 2002). In
order to study the influencing factors of consumer
behavior in the context of big data, Guan-Ting Zhu
established the theoretical model of C2C, tested the
hypothesis, drew conclusions and gave constructive
suggestions (Zhu 2015). Na Zhou et al. used the R-
type system clustering method to investigate and
empirical the influencing factors of online
consumers’ purchasing decisions and came to the
conclusion that the eight factors, such as word-of-
mouth, brand and sales volume, were the key
influencing factors in the process of consumers ’
purchasing decisions(Zhou 2017).Based on SOR
model (stimulus-organic-response), Zan Mo et al.
studied whether online product evaluation would
have an effect on consumer behavior from the
perspective of consumer learning, and the final study
showed that positive evaluation had a positive
effect(Mo 2015).
2.2 AISAS Model
AISAS model is a brand-new consumer behavior
analysis model proposed by Dentsu Company in
2005, which aims at the changes of consumer life
style in the era of Internet and wireless application. It
emphasizes the relationship between all aspects of
interrelated and mutually influence each other
constraints with user experience. AISAS model
consists of five parts: Attention -- Interest -- Search -
- Action -- Share, that is, consumers gradually change
from the original passive receivers of information to
the receivers of independent information collection.
AISAS model emphasizes that online consumers will
spontaneously use third-party shopping platforms,
community apps and search engines to search the
product information that they are interested in, and
consumers will take the initiative to share user
experience and product quality information with
others after making purchases.
Third-party platforms or websites can help users
better understand products or change or influence
their purchase decisions. They can also promote the
interaction and communication between people.
Enterprises can use consumers' online behaviors to
quantify and digitize data, study, analyze and
interpret the data, and the conclusions drawn from the
data can help enterprises or operators to develop
suitable and feasible marketing strategies.
In the current research on commodity conversion
rate, most scholars mainly focus on the conversion
rate of a specific module in the operation of online
stores, and seldom study the conversion rate of each
stage in the operation process. For example, Bao-Wu
Bian et al. studied the commodity attraction factors of
the conversion rate of enterprise e-commerce
websites, and found that the factors affecting the
conversion rate of enterprise e-commerce websites
include website brand, commodity attraction,
customer service, customer behavior, user
experience, flow quality and other factors (Bian,
2019). Jing Jiang and Zhi-Yong Yang found that
attention and intention had a significant effect on
sales conversion. They suggested upgrading
communication methods according to the experience
model, and in-depth communication could promote
sales conversion (Jing, 2013). Tan Kai Yee discussed
the conversion rate of Amazon products based on the
AISAS consumer model, and made a regression
estimate of products and sales volume to help
improving the application value and assisting
enterprises engaged in cross-border e-commerce to
solve the problems of their products (Tan, 2018).
Therefore, based on the first-hand data of the
background of a company's Amazon website, this
paper studies the effect of product conversion rate on
sales volume in various stages of operation.
3.1 Theoretical Model
Conversion rate means the percentage of users who
do positive behavior to the webpage versus all users.
The behavior of users in web can be quantified, such
as browsing, click, buy, evaluation, etc. The
conversion rate outwardly is a number, but as the
growth of the Internet websites and platforms, we can
find conversion rate reflects the Internet websites or
platforms a lot of problems. Conversion rate is
particularly important in the transactions of Internet
third-party platforms. To some extent, it is the
cornerstone of the growth of Internet platforms. High
conversion rate can bring greater returns to
enterprises. AISAS model, which was reconstructed
based on e-market characteristics in the Internet era,
is composed of five stages. That is Attention- Interest
- Search – Action-Share. Consumers search for