Measures of Joint Default Dependence Risk based on Copulas
Aihua Huang
and Wende Yi
Finance Department, Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences, Chongqing, 402160, China
School of Mathematics and Big Data, Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences, Chongqing, 402160, China
Keywords: Default, Copula, Conditional Dependence Probability, Financing Indexes.
Abstract: This paper studies the problem of forecasting joint default. The default is the result that the credit rating of an
obligor, determined by obligor’s operating situation and financing state, decreases to some certain degree.
The dependence relationship of financing indexes is investigated to judge the credit rating of an obligor and
the conditional dependence probability and probability density functions are proposed. A member of
conditional dependence risk relationships is completely characterized by the marginal distribution and the
copulas of random variables. These results can be applied to investigate the conditional dependence structure
and the conditional dependence measure of obligor’s assets and of the defaults among obligors.
In the economic and financial market environment, a
default would have a chain effect on. The default is
the result that the credit rating of an obligor,
determined by obligor’s operating situation and
financing state, decreases to some certain degree. A
number of studies have investigated credit risk about
financial market and default correlation of obligors.
The KMV (Kealhofer, 1998) and Credit Metrics
(Gupton, et al., 1997) Models are the most important
and widely used industry models. A core assumption
of the KMV and Credit Metrics Models is the
multivariate normality of the latent variables, where
the latent variables often interpreted as the value of
the obligor’s assets. In these models default of an
obligor occurs if the latent variables fall below some
threshold which often interpreted as the value of the
obligor’s liabilities. Defaults are predictable since the
values of assets are continuous process. Indeed, at
any time investors know the nearness of the assets to
the default threshold, so that they are warned in
advance when a default is imminent. However, for
bond prices and credit spreads, prices converge
continuously to their default-contingent values can
not appear at all. This means that they fail to be
consistent in particular with the observed contagion
phenomena, although the existing structural
approaches provide important insights into the
relation between firms’ fundamentals and correlated
default events as well as practically most valuable
tools (Kay, 2004). A benchmark study was provided
on the basis of time to default in credit scoring using
survival analysis and identifying hidden patterns in
credit risk survival data using Generalised Additive
Models (Dirick, 2017,
Claeskens, 2017, Baesens, 2017,
Djeundje, 2019, Crook, 2019).
The default of an obligor is an asymptotical
accumulating process of firm’s assets decreasing. The
default will occur when the operating situation and
financing are distressed to some certain degree. The
indexes characterizing the credit rating of an obligor
are dependence on each other. It is useful of judging
the probability of default of an obligor and running
the credit risk to investigate the dependence structure
of indexes.
In this paper we provide a dependence model of
multivariate indexes based on copula functions for
forecasting the obligor’s default and the conditional
dependence relationship of some indexes. Based on
the properties of probability, we present the
conditional dependence probability and density
Copulas are simply the joint distribution function of
random vectors with standard uniform marginal
distributions. The most important result in the copula