Rediscovering the Forgotten Field of Industrial Applications in
Information Systems Research: A Literature Review of Industry 4.0
John O’Sullivan
, Brian O’Flaherty
and Tom O’Kane
Business Information Systems, Cork University Business School, 3rd Floor, O’Rahilly Building, University College Cork,
Western Road, Cork, Ireland
Keywords: Industry 4.0, Industrial Information Systems, Digital Transformation, Fourth Industrial Revolution, Smart
Factory, Manufacturing, Business Process Management.
Abstract: This paper is a literature review to determine if industrial applications are appropriately represented in
information systems (IS) scholarship. The field of Industry 4.0 was used as a representative sample of
industrial information systems and the Association for Information Systems (AIS) Senior Scholars’ Basket of
Journals was used as a representative, albeit highly ranked, sample of IS literature. Keywords representing
the eleven recognised technologies of Industry 4.0 were chosen and used to search the eight IS journals over
a time period corresponding with the lifecycle of Industry 4.0. This resulted in 1305 papers being discovered.
After calibrating the search terms, a second search yielded 770 papers. These papers were screened for
relevance to Industry 4.0 and for use of a manufacturing application. The resulting 20 papers were queried in
detail to establish the concepts used and a concept centric matrix was produced. The analysis shows that
industrial information applications are rarely used to undertake IS research in the academic field. The
dominant concept revealed was digital transformation resulting in changes to business processes. The
contribution to the literature is to highlight that substantial research studies can be conducted in the industrial
manufacturing arena, but very few have been conducted in the last decade. Therefore, it is an area worth
exploring for future IS research.
When comparing a computer scientist to an
information system researcher, it has been written
that the computer scientist stands in front of the
technology and looks in, while the IS researcher
stands in the same place and looks at the world at
large (Avison et al., 2001). A similar comparison can
be drawn between the control and automation
engineer and the industrial information systems (IIS)
researcher. In this case the control and automation
engineer is standing in the factory and looking at the
technology while the industrial information
researcher is looking at the enterprise at large. This
paper, therefore focuses on industrial information
systems within the enterprise setting and assesses the
breadth and extent of research within the IS field.
Chiasson and Davidson have written that industry
“provides an important contextual "space" to build
new IS theory and to evaluate the boundaries of
existing IS theory” (Chiasson & Davidson, 2005).
While Chiasson and Davidson searched only two IS
journals (MIS Quarterly and Information Systems
Research), this paper searches all eight journals of the
AIS Senior Scholars’ Basket of Journals and defines
industry as the narrower manufacturing sector.
Industry is a significant part of the world economy
and fertile ground for IS research. In the EU, in 2017,
the manufacturing sector had a turnover of €7,230bn
and employed 28,531,906 persons (Eurostat). In the
same year in Ireland, an open economy with a large
exposure to foreign direct investment, industry
accounted for a turnover of €239bn (33% of the
business economy) while employing 242,966 persons
(only 14% of the persons engaged in the total business
economy) (CSO). Industry 4.0 and automation
enables this leverage of turnover. The motivation of
this research is to establish if the manufacturing
O’Sullivan, J., O’Flaherty, B. and O’Kane, T.
Rediscovering the Forgotten Field of Industrial Applications in Information Systems Research: A Literature Review of Industry 4.0.
DOI: 10.5220/0011258700003329
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Innovative Intelligent Industrial Production and Logistics (IN4PL 2022), pages 15-25
ISBN: 978-989-758-612-5; ISSN: 2184-9285
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
industry is a valid arena in which to conduct IS
This paper is structured as follows, with section
1.1 examining prior research. Section 2 gives the
background and definitions of Industry 4.0. In section
3, a methodology is designed and used to perform a
literature review. In section 3, the results of the search
and screening are presented. The emerging themes or
concepts of the literature are presented in section 4,
the literature review, containing section 4.1,
synthesis, or what do we know from the literature.
The methodological and quality state of the literature
is also presented in section 4.2, analysis, or how do
we know what we found in the literature. These
results are discussed in section 5 and future literature
review and research opportunities are outlined.
1.1 Previous Research
In their 2005 paper, titled ‘Taking Industry Seriously
in Information Systems Research’ (Chiasson &
Davidson, 2005), Mike Chiasson and Elizabeth
Davidson “consider various ways industry influences
IS activities”. They analysed two journals, MIS
Quarterly and Information Systems Research over
eight years from 1997 to 2004. It should be noted that
while they accepted that the Webster Dictionary
definition of industry is “any particular branch of
productive, especially manufacturing, enterprise”,
they take the “broad colloquial sense” of the word to
be synonymous with socio-economic sectors, e.g.,
retail industry and airline industry.
They posited that “increased attention to
industry” (or industries by their definition) “will
extend and refine IS knowledge”. They claim the
advantages for the IS field include:
diffusing IS theory into other disciplines
attending to the IS artefact embedded in its
social and technical context
fostering new customers for IS knowledge
and increasing the practical relevance of IS
This paper revisits this theme by replicating the
essence of the study and determining if there has been
any significant uptake in industry focused studies in
the period since 2011.
In this paper, the Webster Dictionary definition is
applied and the term “industry” is used to define the
manufacturing sector. It searches in the current
Basket of Eight journals, which expands on the two
used by Chiasson and Davidson, and searches from
2011 to 2020, a nine year period comparable to the
eight years of the other paper.
In their paper, Chiasson and Davidson present a
table of industry sectors returned in their search
(Table A-1, p. 605). In this paper, while screening
papers for relevance to Industry 4.0 and
manufacturing, the industry sectors were recorded so
that a comparable table could be presented. See Table
2, where it is evident that IS research in the industrial
manufacturing arena is declining.
Industry 4.0, or the fourth industrial revolution, is
meant to signify that we are experiencing a step in
capability equivalent to the previous industrial
revolutions. The first industrial revolution is
described as the advent of steam power in the late
eighteenth century which led to the textile industries
and railways (Duarte et al., 2018). The electrification
of the second industrial revolution at the turn of the
last century led to mass manufacturing, the assembly
line and household appliances (Klein & Crafts, 2020).
The third industrial revolution was born out of the
electronics industry and led to the automation of
manufacturing since the 1980s (Vasilash, 1995). The
essence of the fourth industrial revolution is the
interconnection of machines and cyber physical
systems (Lasi et al., 2014).
Industry 4.0 is a term that was first defined by the
German federal ministry of education and research
(Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung)
(BMBF, 2020) in 2011 and outlined in a research
agenda by the German Academy of Engineering
Sciences (Deutsche Akademie der
Technikwissenschaften) (Acatech, 2020), in 2013.
The synonymous term “fourth industrial revolution”
was first published by Klaus Schwab, Founder and
Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum
(Schwab, 2012). Industry 4.0 has application-pull and
technology-push factors driving it. The pull factors
include short development periods, individualisation
on demand (“batch size one”), flexibility,
decentralisation and resource efficiency. The push
factors include automation, digitalisation, networking
and miniaturisation (Lasi et al., 2014).
2.1 Industry 4.0 Definition
Industry 4.0 is an all-encompassing term, which
envelops a number of existing and emergent
technologies and techniques. While there is a lack of
an agreed upon definition, academic, government and
consulting companies have attempted to define it and
the “definitional dimensions and sub-dimensions
IN4PL 2022 - 3rd International Conference on Innovative Intelligent Industrial Production and Logistics
characterizing Industry 4.0 in its technological and
non-technological aspects” (Culot et al., 2020). The
OECD has outlined the nine key technologies
enabling digital transformation as additive
manufacturing, autonomous machines and systems,
human machine integration, simulations, artificial
intelligence, system integration, big data, cloud
computing and the internet of things (OECD, 2017).
The Boston Consulting Group have outlined an
overlapping nine pillars of technological
advancement which also include augmented reality
and cybersecurity but not human machine integration
nor artificial intelligence (Lorenz et al., 2015). Figure
1 shows the specific terms used in each publication
and how the two lists overlap.
Figure 1: OECD’s nine key technologies enabling digital
transformation and the Boston Consulting Group’s nine
pillars of technological advancement.
Some of the seven shared terms have synonyms,
such as additive manufacturing and 3d printing, and
autonomous machines and autonomous robots. Other
terms have hypernyms, such as internet of things and
industrial internet of things, and big data and big data
analytics. Well known synonyms for artificial
intelligence and simulation; machine learning
(Samuel, 1962) and digital twin (Zhang et al., 2018)
respectively, are also included.
A comprehensive list of keywords was developed
from these definitions with which to search the
3.1 Methodology Development
The literature review methodology was developed
from seminal IS literature review methodology
papers, and more recent papers (as examples for
specific steps and/or how to present the analyses).
After the pre-requisite of asking a research question,
the first task is the identification of the literature to be
searched (Webster & Watson, 2002). Within this task,
predetermined filters are chosen, i.e., the field of
research, the timescale of publications and sources,
such as journals, databases or conference
proceedings. The first iteration of keywords,
combination of keywords or phrases to be used in the
search are also listed. The overall structure of define,
search, select, analyse and present (Wolfswinkel et
al., 2013) is employed and modified.
In the select phase the researcher’s judgement is
used to further refine the sample obtained. In the
analyse phase, the quantitative data is collected and
the qualitative data is organised in content analysis
tables (dataset). After removing duplicate spurious
papers the flow of the filtration process is
documented (Pereira & Serrano, 2020). After
screening for relevance and applicability, the final
selection of papers is queried for research motivation,
objective, and method. The concepts in each paper are
established. The methodologies used in the final
resulting papers are presented and the papers are
assessed for quality.
This represents the overview of the analysis
process (Sammon, 2020). The data is organised with
the number of concepts, either by existence or
frequency. The other two analysis processes,
synthesis (compressing and presenting results
(Petersen et al., 2015)) and critique (highlighting
research deficits and future research directions), are
presented. Theoretical development involving the
development of a conceptual model with supporting
propositions (Webster & Watson, 2002) and the
evaluation of such a theory is beyond the scope of this
paper, but could be applicable for an expanded
literature review, or a separate coding paper.
3.1.1 Identify the Research Question
The research question is an explicit statement of what
the researcher wants to know about and phrasing it as
a question “forces the researcher to be more explicit
about what is to be investigated” (Bell et al., 2019).
The larger research question currently being
investigated is:
“How are industrial information systems topics
being reviewed, researched and communicated in the
IS body of peer-reviewed academic literature?”
To reduce the scope of the literature review for
this paper, the area of Industry 4.0 was chosen as a
sample of industrial topics and the AIS senior
scholars’ basket of journals (hereafter called the
“basket of eight”) was chosen as a well-respected and
Rediscovering the Forgotten Field of Industrial Applications in Information Systems Research: A Literature Review of Industry 4.0
highly ranked sample of IS academic literature (AIS,
2020) (Table 1). The refined and reduced research
question is:
How are the topics of Industry 4.0 in a
manufacturing setting being used for IS research in
the basket of eight?”
3.1.2 Identify the Relevant Literature
The research question limited the field of study to
Industry 4.0 and limited the relevant literature to the
basket of eight.
The timescale of the search was contemporaneous
with the lifecycle of Industry 4.0; from 2011 to date.
Industry 4.0 as a general topic and all eleven
identified sub-topics outlined in section 2.1 were
included in the search. Some terms outside the OECD
and Boston Consulting Group list, identified during
unstructured searching, such as nanotechnology
(Duarte et al., 2018) and edge computing (Collett,
2020) were excluded.
Table 1: AIS Senior Scholars’ Basket of Journals.
AIS Senior Scholars' Basket of Journals
European Journal of Information Systems
Information Systems Journal
Information Systems Research
Journal of AIS
Journal of Information Technology
Journal of MIS
Journal of Strategic Information Systems
MIS Quarterly
Based on the terms identified, the following
keywords and keyword combinations were chosen:
High Level: "industry 4.0" OR "industrie 4.0" OR
"fourth industrial revolution" OR
"smart factory"
"digital transformation"
Detail Level: "additive manufacturing" OR "3d
“artificial intelligence” OR "machine learning"
"augmented reality"
"autonomous machine" OR "autonomous robot"
"big data" OR “big data analytics”
"cloud computing"
"cybersecurity" OR "cyber security"
"human machine interface"
"internet of things" OR "industrial internet of things"
“simulation” OR "digital twin"
"system integration"
3.1.3 Search
Online tools and resources, which have access to all
the relevant journals and databases, were selected for
the search (“UCC Library,” 2020).
The search method was to use the journal search
function and to enter each of the thirteen search terms
above into each of the basket of eight journals
individually. The following data was to be recorded
for each search: number of results per journal and
number of results per search term. The data was to be
recorded in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
The citation of each resulting paper was also
saved to a reference management software package
(Zotero, 2020).
3.1.4 Select
After the first search, using the search terms above, it
was determined that the search terms were too broad
and the results could have non-industrial applications.
The search terms were then amended to include the
terms “industrial” and “manufacturing”. The search
was re-run with the new terms.
3.1.5 Analyse
The full dataset of all 1305 papers returned in the
search is available on request.
Duplicate papers, editorials and spurious papers
(e.g., “about the authors”) were eliminated.
At this stage, the abstract of every paper was read,
i.e. content-based analysis was conducted (Alhassan
et al., 2016). Introduction and conclusion were also
read, if necessary. Whether the paper covered the
topic in substantive manner or just in passing was
recorded. Whether the topic was covered with
reference to an industrial manufacturing application
was recorded. For each of these questions, a negative
resulted in elimination, i.e., two “yes” results were
required for the paper to proceed.
In some cases, the terms are misinterpreted or
misunderstood as they have alternative meanings.
e.g., the search term “system integration” is meant to
return results for the interconnection of technology
systems but results for mergers and acquisitions were
also returned. These were eliminated by the relevance
The remaining papers were read in detail and
queried for research objective, motivation and
method. The particular manufacturing application
was also recorded. They were conceptualised and a
concept centric matrix was created (not displayed but
described in section 5.1). The methodologies used in
IN4PL 2022 - 3rd International Conference on Innovative Intelligent Industrial Production and Logistics
the final resulting papers were presented and the
papers were assessed for quality.
The result of the first search returned 1305 papers.
After the second search run, this was reduced to 770,
or 59.1% of the first run.
The number of results is reduced in all cases after
the second run. The next reduction in results was as a
consequence of removing duplicate and spurious
4.1 Content Analysis and Screening
To establish pertinence to the research question, the
dataset was queried for relevance to the search term,
i.e., is the term central to the paper, dealt with in a
comprehensive manner or just mentioned in passing. A
significant number of papers appear in multiple search
results and were eliminated as duplicates on their
second and subsequent appearances. The searches in
which they were analysed and the searches in which
they were eliminated were purely artefacts of the order
in which the searches were presented. For that reason,
when a paper was reviewed for relevance, it was
reviewed against all the search topics.
The papers were also, more importantly, checked
to establish if the term covered is related to the
manufacturing industry. For these two questions, two
“yes” answers were required for the paper to proceed.
If manufacturing was included as one sector among
other industry sectors, the paper was included.
With a view to continuing the research agenda as
proposed by Chiasson and Davidson (2005), the
industry sector covered in the paper, if any, was
Editorials, spurious papers, e.g. “About the
Authors” and duplicate papers were removed from
the total. 770 papers remained. After duplicates,
editorials and spurious papers were removed, 459
papers remained. After reading the abstracts, and
further sections if required, papers that were not
substantively relevant to Industry 4.0 were removed
and 94 papers remained. Of these, only papers that
used an industrial manufacturing application were
allowed though the screening process. Thus 20 papers
remained. See Figure 2.
4.2 Content Analysis
The results, after screening, contain papers that
address one or more of the Industry 4.0 topics and use
an industrial manufacturing application. The resulting
20 papers were queried. The questions asked of each
paper, based on the six honest serving men (Sammon,
2020), are as follows: Who: Author(s), When: Year
of publication, What: Title, Where: Journal, What:
Research objective, Why: Research motivation, How:
Research method, What: Manufacturing application.
Of the 20 papers resulting, the plurality (six) were
from the European Journal of Information Systems.
The next most numerous source was the Journal of
MIS (four).
5.1 Synthesis
In the synthesis section, we examine what we know
from the literature. Each of the 20 papers was read in
full and a number of findings emerged.
Figure 2: Process flow of search, filtration, screening,
content analysis and conceptualisation.
Rediscovering the Forgotten Field of Industrial Applications in Information Systems Research: A Literature Review of Industry 4.0
These studies have examined data management
and usage, business processes, CIO practices, and
education. Within data management, one paper each
covered the topics of democratisation of information
(Clemons et al., 2017), external knowledge driving
innovation (Trantopoulos et al., 2017), blockchain
securing IOT data (Chanson et al., 2019), big data
stories (Boldosova, 2019) and information
completeness in tracking (Bardaki et al., 2011). In the
area of people, a paper covered the role of CIOs
(Kappelman et al., 2018) and another covered the
education required for virtual and augmented reality
adoption (Steffen et al., 2019). Under processes, the
following concepts were covered: modularity of
product design (Henfridsson et al., 2014), using big
data (Woerner & Wixom, 2015), how environment
affects cloud decisions (Kung et al., 2015), boundary
objects as socio-material linkages (Doolin &
McLeod, 2017) and blended approach to security
needs (Niemimaa & Niemimaa, 2019). The most
common concept was that of digital transformation
resulting in changing business processes (Baiyere et
al., 2020), (Kathuria et al., 2018), (Sandberg et al.,
2020), (Wamba & Chatfield, 2017), (Huang et al.,
2014), (Grover & Saeed, 2014), (Lee et al., 2020),
(Lyytinen et al., 2016).
Each paper was read in full and the following
concepts were extrapolated from the papers.
In Clemons et al. (2017), information flows
between four entities who create value: consumers,
producers, markets and society. The interaction is
determined by viability, networks and agency. The
information strategies of all entities are changing. For
consumers it is changing from ownership to a sharing
model. For
producers it is changing from push production to
customisation. For markets it is becoming more
disintermediated. This all results in a society that
values fairness as opposed to a ‘winner takes all’
model. The framework is one of democratisation of
Trantopoulos et al., (2017) say that innovation in
firms is dependent on external knowledge (e.g.
customer, competitors, universities and consultants).
Information technology and network
interconnectivity moderate how a firm’s external
knowledge search benefits innovation.
For a firm undergoing digital transformation,
Baiyere, Salmela and Tapanainen (2020) explain that
the existing three logics associated with business
process management (BPM), process, infrastructure
and actors, experience tensions and should be
modified. Process should be modified from modelled
to light touch, infrastructure should be modified from
aligned to flexible and actors should change
behaviour from procedural to mindful.
European Chief Information Officers perform
both IT and business roles and are evaluated on their
performance in both spheres. Kappelman et al. (2018)
explain that there are differences in emphasis between
the USA and Europe. While the US CIOs spend more
on cloud computing, cybersecurity issues are more in
focus in Europe.
Design science research (DSR) was used to
instantiate a blockchain-based sensor data protection
system for IOT and two other projects were ex-post
evaluated by Chanson et al., (2019) suggesting that
the design successfully ensures tamper-resistant
gathering, processing and exchange of IOT data.
Storytelling patterns and types of stories can be
developed from big data analytics implementation
according to Boldosova (2019).
Henfridsson, Mathiassen and Svahn (2014)
outline how adopting and complementing two
architectural frames, network of parts and hierarchy
of patterns, allows modularity and decoupling,
leading to flexibility of redesign of digitised industrial
Woerner and Wixom (2015) explain that big data
is not the solution to firms’ problems but used within
existing structures and processes, it can extend a
firm’s strategic toolbox.
Implementation of cloud computing must be
deployed in a hierarchical manner aligned with
business processes. Kathuria et al. (2018) consider
two options, cloud integration capability (internal)
and cloud service portfolio (external facing).
Sandberg, Holmström and Lyytinen (2020) say
that waves of digitisation can lead to product platform
transitions which can lead to organisational
outcomes, e.g. changed boundaries of platform scope,
scale and sources of value creation and extraction.
Radio frequency identification (RFID)
technology can be used as part of an IT system to
provide business benefits taking in to account five
contingency factors: environmental upheaval,
leadership, second-order organisational learning,
resource commitment and organisational
transformation. This is described in Wamba and
Chatfield (2017).
Boundary objects, e.g. a prototype device, can,
according to Doolin and McLeod (2017), act
sociomaterially to link diverse groups across
knowledge domains, cultures, languages and
Kung, Cegielski and Kung (2015) explain that
environmental factors, including mimetic pressure (to
copy other organisations) and perceived
IN4PL 2022 - 3rd International Conference on Innovative Intelligent Industrial Production and Logistics
technological complexity influence firms’ intentions
to adopt cloud technology, e.g. software as a service
Operational agility is achieved through an
information processing network and organisational
control. Huang, Pan and Ouyang (2014) explain that
the information processing network depends on three
capabilities: information sensitivity, synergy and
Information received after implementation of an
integrated inter-organisational system (IOS) must be
used to make adjustments based on the information.
Grover and Saeed (2014) believe that if not, the
implementation has no benefit.
IOS integration results in manufacturer-supplier
flexibility, explain Lee, Wang and Grover (2020).
This aligned with IOS-enabled analytical ability
results in manufacturer agility.
Information security policy can be implemented
using abductive innovation, involving deductive
adoption, inductive adjustment and synthetic
innovation. This, according to Niemimaa and
Niemimaa (2019), blends best practices (top down)
and participatory development (bottom up).
Lyytinen, Yoo and Boland Jr. (2016) explain that
organisations can innovate using a framework of four
innovations networks: project, clan, federated, and
anarchic innovation networks.
Object tracking information ‘completeness’ is not
increased by increasing the number of capture points.
Rather, as found by Bardaki, Kourouthanassis, and
Pramatari (2011), it depends on the size (capture
points), breadth (location of capture points) and depth
(capability of capturing different objects).
Educating users on the affordances offered by
virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR)
would result in greater adoption, as found by Steffen
et al.(2019).
5.2 New Insights into Industry Sector
Coverage in IS Research
While papers were screened for relevance, the
industry sector being covered in each paper was
recorded so that Table A-1 (Chiasson and Davidson,
2005, p.605) (2005) could be updated. The original
table covered eight years from 1997 to 2004 and
analysed only two papers: MIS Quarterly and
Information Systems Research. They “tallied the
number of articles in which empirical data were
drawn from a particular industry, using the industry
labels (e.g. manufacturing) used by the article
authors” (Chiasson & Davidson, 2005). This paper
covers nine years from 2011 to 2020 and analyses all
eight journals in the AIS Senior Scholar basket. This
paper also filters and screens the papers for relevance
to Industry 4.0. The number of articles referencing
industry sectors were tallied.
The papers specifying “Various” or “Various
Services” were excluded from the percentage
calculations of both papers to avoid discrepancy of
classification, i.e., the percentages for the original
table were recalculated without the “Various” entries.
The comparative results are in Table 2.
Comparing the percentage representation of papers
from Chiasson and Davidson (2005) to this paper, the
following industry sectors have increased visibility in
IS research: High-Tech/ IT Consulting / Telecomms,
Retail (albeit negligible increase), Health care,
Government and Utility. The following industry
sectors have decreased visibility: Manufacturing,
Banking/ Financial, Insurance (to zero), Distribution,
Education, Airline, Oil & Gas, Military, Law
(negligible decrease) and Real Estate (negligible
decrease), The following industry sectors were not
listed in the 2005 paper but were results in this 2020
search: Media/ Entertainment, Energy and
The decrease in the coverage of manufacturing
from 21.8% to 16.9%, despite the latter search being
more focussed on manufacturing would indicate that
interest in researching manufacturing in the IS field is
5.3 Analysis
In the analysis section, we examine how we know
what we have gleaned from the literature by
reviewing the quality and methodological state of the
final papers.
5.3.1 Quality Analysis
The final 20 papers were reviewed from a quality
point of view and assessed for relevance,
accessibility, quality, and research method.
All papers were deemed relevant as they were the
result of a systematic search using predefined search
terms. All papers were deemed accessible as they
were sourced from the AIS senior scholars’ basket of
eight journals and were all accessible using the library
OneSearch tool. All journals were deemed to be of
sufficient authority for the same reason. The authority
of the authors was judged using their Google Scholar
citation count and h-index. The authority of paper
was judged by its Google Scholar citation count. The
quality of each paper was reviewed and assessed for
organisation, completeness and accuracy.
Rediscovering the Forgotten Field of Industrial Applications in Information Systems Research: A Literature Review of Industry 4.0
Based on the quality analysis above, all papers were
deemed to be of sufficient quality and none were
5.3.2 Methodology Analysis
Case studies have been the most common type of
methodologies, accounting for twelve, or over half, of
the papers. Three papers proposed frameworks. Two
papers used ethnography. Design science research,
commentary and literature review accounted for one
paper each.
Eight of the final 20 papers covered the concept of
digitalisation causing changes to business processes.
A particular example in Sandberg et al. (2020)
outlines how digitalisation of a product platform
results in changes to organisational logic and raises
two interesting avenues for a future research agenda:
“a more fine-grained classification of (digital)
platform types is essential for advancing
understanding of digitization’s impact on
product platforms.”
“digitization covered substantial parts of ABB’s
and its customers’ operations (with more
significant and broader effects) and involved
multiple subsystems simultaneously. This
sequencing provides insights into how
digitization processes are likely to unfold in
product platforms and also suggests the need for
future research on their path dependencies.”
Topics other than industry and manufacturing
(e.g., COVID-19, social media, green IT,
entrepreneurship, agile IS, cryptocurrency, smart
cities) can be filtered or selected from the body of
papers in the analysis phase. An extra column could
be used to explicitly define the topic.
6.1 Comparative Analysis
The scope of the journal sources can be expanded
beyond IS journals to include equivalently ranked
journals in the field of Operations and Technology
Management, in order to compare how industrial
applications are covered in this field. These journals
were identified by choosing the top eight journals
ranked 4*, 4 or 3 in the Chartered Association of
Business Schools (CABS) Academic Journal Guide
(AJG) in the field of Operations and Technology
Management (CABS, 2022). The eight chosen
journals were used as a comparable sample.
Using the same search terms and the same
methodology, but searching in the operations and
technical management basket of journals the results
were 10,464 papers. This is more than an order of
magnitude more than the 770 papers found in the AIS
basket of eight. Without completing this literature
review, it is still obvious from the search results that
industrial manufacturing topics are more frequently
covered in Operations and Technology Management
journals than in IS journals, as expected.
This paper is a literature review to determine the level
at which industrial information systems (IIS) are
studied to research information systems (IS). The
field of Industry 4.0 was used as a representative
sample of IIS and the Association for Information
Systems (AIS) Senior Scholars’ Basket of Journals
was used as a representative, albeit highly ranked,
sample of IS literature. This literature review can be
leveraged by future research managers to investigate
the prevalence of industry and manufacturing as topic
of IS research outside the basket of eight journals.
Over the search period of 2011 to 2020, 20 papers
were found that include substantial reference to the
topics of Industry 4.0 and cover the manufacturing
The analysis shows that IIS is rarely used to
undertake IS research in the academic field compared
to other technical and operational fields. It was also
found that, compared to previous data on IS research
in industrial sectors, the coverage of manufacturing
has decreased.
The dominant concept revealed was that of digital
transformation resulting in changes to business
processes. The contribution to the literature is to
highlight that substantial research can be conducted
in the industrial manufacturing arena but few have
been conducted in the last decade. Therefore, it is an
area worth exploring for future IS research.
The authors are advocates of the role of the
researcher-practitioner, where practitioners trained
and qualified as researchers, can carry out research in
the industrial field and contribute to both academic
and practice knowledge. This type of researcher with
access to the industrial manufacturing sector has a lot
to offer IS research. IS researchers in academia
should encourage and advocate for the recruitment of
practitioners (in this case industrial manufacturing
professionals) as IS research students.
IN4PL 2022 - 3rd International Conference on Innovative Intelligent Industrial Production and Logistics
Industry in general and manufacturing in
particular offers a fertile area for IS research for many
reasons. The application of Industry 4.0 concepts in
the real world environment offers opportunities to
research the migration of data from the factory floor
to the cloud, the move from owning licences to
software as a service, the ability to use artificial
intelligence to optimise production, and the unveiling
of new information from big data sets.
The life science manufacturing sectors
(pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device)
offer the added advantage of requirement to
retirement lifecycle documentation suites and
traceability from a project, process and product point
of view, providing copious data to the prospective
By encouraging cross pollination between
manufacturing engineers and IS practitioners, but also
between practitioners and researchers, the field of
industrial information systems can only grow
successfully in the coming years.
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IN4PL 2022 - 3rd International Conference on Innovative Intelligent Industrial Production and Logistics
Table 2: Industries Examined. Comparison of industries returned in Chiasson and Davidson (2005) and this paper. *
Various/Various Services excluded.
Count (Chiasson
and Davidson,
Percent (Chiasson
and Davidson,
(This paper)
(This paper)
Increase or
Manufacturing 30 21.8% 44 16.9% Decrease
High-Tech/ IT
28 20.4% 81 31.0% Increase
22 16.1% 30 11.5% Decrease
Retail 13 9.5% 25 9.6% Increase
Insurance 9 6.6% 0 0% Decrease
Health care 8 5.8% 33 12.6% Increase
7 N/A 61 N/A N/A
Government 5 3.6% 14 5.4% Increase
Distribution 5 3.6% 5 1.9% Decrease
Education 5 3.6% 5 1.9% Decrease
Airline 4 2.9% 4 1.5% Decrease
Oil & Gas 3 2.2% 1 0.4% Decrease
Military 2 1.5% 0 0% Decrease
Utility 1 0.7% 3 1.1% Increase
Law 1 0.7% 1 0.4% Decrease
Real Estate 1 0.7% 1 0.4% Decrease
0 0% 12 4.6% Increase
Energy 0 0% 1 0.4% Increase
Agriculture 0 0% 1 0.4% Increase
Total (excluding
137 100% 261 100%
Rediscovering the Forgotten Field of Industrial Applications in Information Systems Research: A Literature Review of Industry 4.0