Who Ate All Our Cookies? Investigating Publishers’ Challenges
Caused by Changes in Third-party Cookie Tracking
Valerio Stallone
, Aline Gägauf and Tania Kaya
Institute of Marketing Management, ZHAW School of Management and Law, Winterthur, Switzerland
Keywords: Third-party Cookies, First-party Cookies, Digital Advertising.
Abstract: This paper investigates the potential reactions of Swiss publishers, as actors with-in the digital advertising
ecosystem, to the forthcoming fundamental changes to user tracking in the world wide web. The results of
this mixed methodical study initiate the discussion on the future of cookie tracking by setting and then
answering to four hypotheses regarding first-party tracking, shared ID solutions, Google’s Privacy Sandbox,
and a national walled garden system. The results show a clear inclination of Swiss publishers towards first-
party tracking and shared ID solutions, neutral standing towards Google’s efforts to undo their harm
provoking with their upcoming change, and an aversion towards a nation-wide walled garden. These findings
intend to increase the volume of the discussion on the effects of BigTech’s changes on the digital advertising
ecosystem as a whole and therefore stimulate further research on the effects on single actors within this
ecosystem – beyond the publishers themselves.
The online advertising industry is currently facing
significant challenges. With Apple’s Safari and
Mozilla’s Firefox disabling third-party cookies in
2020 and Google Chrome's announcement that third-
party cookies will be disabled by 2023 (Sparkes,
2022; Szabocsik, 2021), lately postponed to 2024
(Love, 2022), many applications of relevant
stakeholders of the online advertising ecosystem will
be eliminated (Szabocsik, 2021). The decision to
phase out tracking cookies was made to protect the
privacy of users. In this research, the aim is to initiate
an open discussion lead by the clarification of the
standpoint of publishers as suggested by the
Marketing Science Institute (2020) in their research
priorities. It is yet unclear, how disabling third-party
cookie tracking will affect publishers and their
business models.
A cookie is a text string that is stored in the
Internet user's browser when the user accesses a
particular website. The web cookie was invented in
1994 with the intention of maintaining status between
clients and servers (Cahn et al., 2016) and is used to
store and read different data. For example, products
that have been placed in a shopping cart on a website
still appear in the shopping cart when the website is
accessed later thanks to the cookies. Furthermore,
log-in data, details on personal information and other
data can also be stored by a cookie (Github, 2019).
If a cookie is set by the website on which an
Internet user is staying, it is called a first-party
cookie. These cookies are generally used to identify
users, remember the user's settings, or save the
shopping cart (Cookie-Script, 2021). A company that
owns first-party cookies can enter into a partnership
with another company. If the first-party cookies are
forwarded to the partner company, then the partner
company subsequently owns second-party cookies
(Cookie-Script, 2021). Cookies that are set for the
Internet user by domains other than the one that
appears in the URL line of the browser are called
third-party cookies.
Cookies are domain-related, meaning that a third-
party provider has a different ID stored for the
Internet user than another third-party provider.
Cookie synchronization provides a channel for
information exchange between different third-party
providers in the background, in order to obtain
information about Internet users and, for example, to
serve user-specific advertisements (Papadopoulos et
al., 2019).
Worldwide, different approaches to replace use of
cookies are already being developed. However, it is
Stallone, V., Gägauf, A. and Kaya, T.
Who Ate All Our Cookies? Investigating Publishers’ Challenges Caused by Changes in Third-party Cookie Tracking.
DOI: 10.5220/0011336400003318
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2022), pages 97-104
ISBN: 978-989-758-613-2; ISSN: 2184-3252
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
unclear whether one of these solution approaches is
sufficient for a publisher or whether a combination of
different solutions must be used to avoid a potential
drop in revenue. Also unclear is, whether these
changes will affect national publishers differently.
The solution approaches need to be investigated so
that a publisher can properly plan its strategy for
selling programmatic inventory. The goal of this
work is to present the different solutions and prepare
for discussion. The advantages and disadvantages of
these approaches should be explored, and its
implications investigated.
The focus of this work is only on publishers, in
order to being able to deliver specific
recommendations for action for this essential
participant of the digital advertising ecosystem
(Gusic & Stallone, 2020). Effects on other
participants of the online advertising industry eco-
system (such as advertisers, intermediaries, and
users) are not analyzed. Although being a worldwide
phenomenon, we geographically limit our work to
Switzerland. Mobile applications are not considered.
We start this paper by highlighting the online
advertising ecosystem narrowing down the focus of
the potential revenue loss due to the disablement of
Third-Party-Cookies. We then move on to our mixed
method procedure: We present (1) our hypotheses
deduced from interviews with experts and (2) show
the survey with Swiss publishers. After showing the
results of the survey, we discuss them and interpret
them, in order to derive a differentiated set of
2.1 Publishers and Tracking
McKinsey already examined the implications for US
publishers of disabling third-party cookies
(Brodherson et al., 2021). For this purpose, the
authors conducted 28 expert interviews in the US and
came to the conclusion that 80% of online advertising
activities on non-premium publishers is placed with
third-party cookies. For premium publishers, this
percentage is lower, because many of these publishers
already use first-party cookies. The aim of another
study was to find out the actual use of ad choices and
financial impact (Johnson et al., 2020). The results
showed that only a small part (0.26%) of advertising
inventory sold to publishers in Europe, had been
shown to users who opted out of behavioral targeting.
Further on, the authors found out that these
advertising content generated 52% less revenue than
advertising content with behavioral targeting
(Johnson et al., 2020). Similar arguments are made in
two other studies in this area way back in 2014 and
2013 respectively. 2014, authors concluded that the
revenue loss for impressions without cookies ranges
from 37.5% to 66% (Beales & Eisenach, 2014). 2013,
scholars noted in their publication a 30% loss of
revenue if the top 5% users do not allow web tracking
(Gill et al., 2013). Earlier on, authors concluded in
their study that a publisher can make twice as much
revenue when buying via programmatic with
behavioral targeting than compared to revenue via the
traditional sales channel without behavioral targeting
(Chen & Stallaert, 2010). In contrast to the studies
listed so far, which all predict a significant loss of
revenue for the publisher, scholars concluded that a
publisher should expect only a small loss, when
avoiding behavioral targeting as an offering (Marotta
et al., 2019).
2.2 Third-party Tracking Alternatives
2.2.1 First-party Data
First-party cookies enable a publisher to create its
own walled garden by aggregating first-party data.
An example of how first-party data can be linked is
shown by the solution from Meta, which offers
advertisers a solution on how target audiences can be
found again within their platforms with the help of the
advertiser's first-party data. With Meta's conversions
API, the advertiser has the possibility to share his
first-party data with Meta's server. Meta promises that
in combination of the Meta Pixel and the Conversions
API will improve the performance and measurement
of the advertising campaign.
The study of Diener et al. (2020) goes on to state
that first-party data can be used as a basis for
personalization and measurement if publishers and
advertisers collect the data of their users and process
it. Diener et al. (2020) have concerns about the fact
that the open Internet is becoming a more and more
proprietary, leading to smaller, national publishers
having no chance to successfully use their first-party
data when compared to the data held by the big walled
gardens Alphabet, Meta, Apple, Microsoft, and
Amazon (Diener et al., 2020).
2.2.2 Shared ID
With the elimination of third-party cookies, however,
this solution is gaining more importance. The shared
ID solution is based on first-party cookies. When a
website is visited, different first-party data is shared
with it. In the process we can talk about declared and
derived information (ID5, 2022; Papadopoulos et al.,
WEBIST 2022 - 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
2019). Declared information is the e-mail address
that is voluntarily entered by the user on the website,
also known as first-party data according to Hassler
(2021). When visiting a website, passive
identification signals such as the IP address or the
user agent of the of the device are exchanged via the
http-protocol, also called derived information. It can
be processed by algorithms to deduce the uniqueness
of the user. This information is considered personal
data and requires the consent of the user due to legal
regulations (e.g. GDPR and CCPA), also known as
zero-party data according to Hassler (2021).
In order for the collected first-party data to be
further used, a publisher must work with an ID
provider. Via an API, the collected first-party cookies
are forwarded to the ID provider. If the required
consent of the user is available, it is the task of the ID
provider to create an ID for this user. This ID consists
of random sequences of numbers and letters. The API
then sends this ID back to the publisher so that the
publisher can store the ID in the user's first-party
cookie, which can be read by SSPs and DSPs (Davies,
2019). Thus, advertisers can recognize their target
audience on the publisher's website when using this
approach (Wakefield & Mussard, 2021).
2.2.3 Privacy Sandbox
In addition to the information that Google will block
third-party cookies in their browser, readers of the
post were also informed that Google has launched a
new initiative called Google Privacy Sandbox
(Cooper et al., 2022; Geradin et al., 2021). One
component of this solution is interest-based
advertising technology. Federated Learning of
Cohorts (FLoC) is an API that can be used to target
groups of web users with similar interests into
clusters. The FLoC API relies on a cohort assignment
algorithm, assigning web users to cohort ID based on
their browsing history. The browser updates the
cohort ID when web users are active. In order to
ensure privacy, the browser requires that this cohort
ID be shared by at least n different users (Turati,
2022), whereas n has to be above a certain predefined
A cohort assignment algorithm is a trade-off
between privacy and utility: The more users share a
cohort ID, the harder it is to use this signal to infer an
individual user's behavior from the entire Web. On
the other hand, a large cohort is more likely to consist
of a large number of users, making it harder to use
this information to personalize ads (Turati, 2022).
According to Bindra (2021) and Diemert et al. (2022),
initial tests with simulations based on FLoC
suggestions from Chrome were successful. The result
was that advertisers can expect at least 95% of the
conversions per dollar spent when compared to
cookie-based advertising.
3.1 Interviews
In order to build our hypotheses, we relied on online
advertising experts. We planned to find experts
within the online advertising ecosystem of the online
advertising industry (see Gusic & Stallone, 2020 for
a thorough presentation of them). Individuals were
contacted via email or LinkedIn. We ended up with
six experts willing to support our research.
In order to be able to evaluate the six interviews,
we decided for this work to use content analysis
according to Mayring (2020). This method is used for
the systematic processing of texts and should help to
gain new insights. We evaluated the transcripts of the
interviews summarizing the content analysis. The
deductive approach pursues the goal of classifying
and utilizing the statements from the interviews based
on predefined categories.
3.2 Hypotheses
The experts see various advantages in first-party data.
Since the data comes directly from the publisher, they
can decide for themselves which data is shared with
whom. However, first-party data also requires the
publisher to install a login wall in order to access the
data. All experts recognize similar side effects with
first-party data. A lot of resources must be made
available by the company so that first-party data can
be built up. The experts assume that only larger
publishers will be able to provide these technical and
human resources at the beginning. It is not only the
resources that the experts consider problematic, but
also the density of the data. A large publisher will be
able to provide much more data than a small publisher
with generic content. A login wall could have a
deterrent effect on an Internet user, which could lead
to a publisher losing a website visitor because an
attempt is made to build up first- party data. From an
advertiser's perspective, the problem is that first-party
data cannot be used across publishers. Advertisers
would therefore have to plan a strategy per publisher.
Based on this evaluation, the following hypothesis
was made:
H1: Large publishers will invest resources to
strengthen their first-party data.
With regard to the shared ID, the experts see the
advantage of standardization. The ID created via a
Who Ate All Our Cookies? Investigating Publishers’ Challenges Caused by Changes in Third-party Cookie Tracking
shared ID. The ID can be understood by all parties
affiliated with this provider, although login data being
required. The experts strongly advise against working
with shared ID providers who still rely on
fingerprinting. Different shared ID providers give rise
to the problem that the IDs are not understood if
different providers are used by the parties. Another
concern expressed by the experts is the long-term
nature of this solution. This is because individual user
data is shared between the parties. Some experts fear
that for this reason the solution will be restricted again
by law in a few years. The evaluation therefore raises
a second hypothesis:
H2: Smaller publishers who market themselves
will work with shared ID providers.
Products such as contextual or geo-targeting not
only offer new ways to track a user in the industry,
but could also focus more on the environment a user
is in. These targeting methods have existed for some
time and are likely to be used forever. With
contextual targeting, the advertiser buys specifically
on an inventory. Despite the side effects, experts
argue that contextual targeting is essential for a
publisher. This is also because this targeting method
represents a long-term solution.
H3: All publishers already know about
contextual targeting.
The experts were asked whether they considered
a Swiss walled garden to be possible. The experts
were of very similar opinion on this question. A great
potential is seen in this approach. It would make it
easier for advertisers to plan their advertising buying,
as it would be possible to buy from several publishers
with the same strategy. But it would also bring
advantages for Swiss publishers, as the publishers
would then be more competitive against the big
companies Meta, Alphabet, Apple, Microsoft and
Amazon. Publishers also benefit from shared data.
For example, Publisher 1 only knows the age and
Publisher 2 only the gender of the Internet user.
Through shared data, this results in an Internet user
where age and gender are known. However, a Swiss
walled garden requires that all publishers participate.
Some experts express the fear that certain publishers
would not participate at the beginning, but that these
publishers will join at a later stage. What would need
to be considered in a Swiss Walled Garden is a way
to share the data between the parties. After this
evaluation, a fourth hypothesis is made.
H4: All publishers are ready to build a Swiss
Walled Garden.
Google's Privacy Sandbox was also mentioned as
another approach to solving the problem of
eliminating third-party cookies. Various advantages
are noted here. On the one hand, this approach allows
access to data, even to parties who otherwise do not
have any data. Another important aspect of this
solution is the fact that an Internet user is no longer
tracked individually. Rather, the Internet user is
hidden in a group with similar interests. The reach
that can be achieved with this solution is also listed as
an advantage. From the Internet user's point of view,
it is further assumed that they feel less tracked with
this solution. Especially because Google builds the
solution on the W3C-standard, it would be optimal for
the online advertising industry if other browsers
would also implement this approach. However, there
are also some concerns expressed about Google's
solution. Why an Internet user is assigned to a cohort
is no longer comprehensible. The solution is therefore
a black box for Internet users, but also for online
advertising industry participants. Experts see another
side effects in the even greater market power that
Google will gain as a result. Two experts expressed
the wish that such a solution should have come from
an independent organization such as the IAB.
4.1 Methodological Approach
A total of 12 questions on various topics were asked
in the survey. The questions were mainly closed
questions, which respondents could answer with
single or multiple choice. The operationalization of
the survey is shown in Table 1. In some cases, hybrid
questions were asked. For these questions,
respondents had the option of choosing between
either predefined answers or their own answer under
"other". Four open-ended questions were also asked.
These questions always involved a statement of
reasons for an answer previously given. At the
beginning of the questionnaire, six questions were
asked about the company. They were served to find
out differences between different attributes. If it was
stated that no programmatic inventory was offered,
then the respondents had to answer whether there
were plans to offer the programmatic sales channel in
the future and via which channel in order to be
forwarded to the questions for publishers. The
condition for this diversion was also that the
inventory is marketed by the publisher.
WEBIST 2022 - 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 1: Operationalization.
Term Variable Indicator Expression
Company Size
Number of
250 or more
Usage Application
5: Very
4: Important
3: Neutral
2: Not
1: Not
important at
Shared ID
Familiar or
First-party data
Own walled
Google Privacy
bility of
Shared ID
First-party data
Own walled
Google Privacy
5: Very
4: Probable
3: Neutral
2: Not
1: Not
probable at
Willngness to
In order to check whether the survey functioned
correctly, a pretest was first carried out. People from
the authors' environment filled out the survey and
checked whether the branchings were correct and
whether there were any spelling mistakes. The
respondents could fill out the survey in German or
English. The survey took about five minutes to be
completed. The survey with the Swiss publishers was
conducted between May 10 and May 23, 2021, one
year after the first announcement of phasing out third-
party cookies by 2022, one month before the
announcement of delaying it to 2023 and almost a
year before the second postponement to 2024 (Love,
2022). The participants were deliberately written to.
Only people who work in the programmatic area for
Swiss publishers and advertisers were contacted. We
contacted a total of 20 Swiss publishers.
4.2 Results
We excluded survey that were not completed
resulting in ten response sets to be considered. All of
the respondents confirmed, they were selling
programmatic inventory. We depict the results of all
the questions in Table 2.
Table 2: Results.
Term Variable Indicator Results
Company Size
Number of
1-9 = 1
10-49 = 3
50-249 = 4
250 or more
= 2
Usage Application 10 yes
Importance avg. 3.8
Self = 7
diary = 3
Shared ID
Familiar = 4
First-party data Familiar = 7
Own walled
Familiar = 7
Google Privacy
Familiar = 7
bility of
Shared ID
avg. 3.3
First-party data avg. 4
Own walled
avg. 1.3
Google Privacy
avg. 3.4
Willngness to
Yes = 4
No = 4
No answer
= 2
The analysis of the individual hypotheses is based on
the size of the companies. They are subdivided as
follows: Large companies (250 or more employees),
Who Ate All Our Cookies? Investigating Publishers’ Challenges Caused by Changes in Third-party Cookie Tracking
medium companies (50-249 employees) and small
companies (1-49 employees).
H1: Large publishers will invest resources to
strengthen their first-party data.
To evaluate the first hypothesis, the responses on
the login wall for first-party data, as well as the
information on the probability of building up first-
party data, were compared with the size of the
companies. Out of the three large companies overall,
all would install login walls at websites to collect
first-party data (100%). In comparison, five of the
respondents who do not work for a large company say
they would not build a login wall, while three of the
respondents in this category would consider a login
wall. Regardless of whether a login wall is installed,
the inclusion of first-party data in the strategy of both
large and small companies is considered very likely.
Based on the results of this analysis, the first
hypothesis is confirmed.
H2: Smaller publishers who market themselves
will work with shared ID providers.
For the evaluation of the second hypothesis, the
company type Publisher was taken into account.
Larger collaborations consider cooperation with a
shared ID provider. A collaboration with a shared ID
provider is indicated as "very probable" or "probable"
by three respondents. All these three individuals work
for medium or large companies. Respondents from
smaller companies, indicate that collaboration with a
shared ID provider is "not probable" or "not probable
at all". According to this analysis, the second
hypothesis must be falsified. Currently, it looks more
like medium-sized and large companies will
cooperate with a shared ID provider. This result is
hardly surprising insofar as this solution approach has
generally received little approval.
H3: All publishers already know about
contextual targeting.
The third hypothesis’ statement cannot be
confirmed: Only 7 out of 10 said they were familiar
with this potential alternative. For this reason, the
third hypothesis must be falsified.
H4: All publishers are ready to build a Swiss
Walled Garden.
In order to be able to answer the fourth
hypothesis, the question about the Swiss walled
garden was evaluated. Since an initial analysis
already showed that less than the half of the
respondents would be willing to join a Swiss walled
garden, the question was examined in more detail to
identify any patterns. We encountered that
willingness is highest among medium-sized
companies, at 60%. In a second comparison, where
the willingness was put in relation to the type of
company, a higher agreement can be seen among
publishers (50%). Not all publishers and marketers
are willing to set up a Swiss walled garden. For this
reason, the fourth hypothesis must be falsified.
Although the establishment of a joint Swiss walled
garden cannot yet be given any real chance, half of
the publishers are open to such a project. The fourth
hypothesis has therefore not been confirmed. It will
take time and experience to win over more companies
for a joint Swiss walled garden.
The result of the analysis shows that there is
currently no consensus among Swiss publishers
regarding the right solution. The survey was able to
confirm only one of the four hypotheses. Agreement
can be seen with the approaches of first-party data and
the Google Privacy Sandbox.
The aim was to find out, from the publishers' point of
view, which approaches could represent a possible
solution. The results of the survey clearly show that
publishers are generally very familiar with the various
solutions. The solution approach of building up first-
party data itself achieves the highest probability of
being included in the strategy of the companies. There
is also a high level of agreement with the Google
Privacy Sandbox. Shared IDs were exclusively
indicated by large companies as a probable solution.
What does not represent a solution approach for
publishers is the establishment of their own walled
garden. The participants in the survey also do not see
a Switzerland-wide walled garden as an optimal
approach. At least the importance of the topic was
recognized. This is because the programmatic sales
channel is relevant for many of the publishers, which
consequently means that all of these publishers must
expect a drop in revenue if third-party cookies are
6.1 Implications
Many publishers see the creation of first-party data as
a possible solution. In order to implement this
solution, the publisher must first clarify important
strategic questions. Decisions must be made about
how to access the data, how to interpret the data, what
data and also how and with whom the data will be
shared. Some experts have expressed fears of a waste
WEBIST 2022 - 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
of resources on this point. In this work, it was
assumed that only the large companies would build
up first-party data due to the resources required and
the high effort involved. However, regardless of the
company size, it has been shown that this approach is
followed in all the companies surveyed. The actual
effort of each individual company should not be
underestimated. After all, SSPs and DSPs cannot read
first-party data from publishers without additional
effort. If all publishers collect their own first-party
data and offer it as targeting, this means that an
advertiser must increasingly buy from individual
publishers and can no longer apply a unified buying
A smaller effort exists for the publisher in a
cooperation with a shared ID provider. The
assumption that smaller publishers use this approach
is related to the fact that these publishers have fewer
human and financial resources. However, the survey
showed that large publishers are considering such
collaboration. Shared ID providers have been around
for a while, but the awareness of this solution
approach is the lowest. The fact that there are already
many different providers could make it even more
difficult to understand the solution approach. It could
be that due to the lack of understanding, there is a
reluctant attitude towards this solution approach. The
acceptance of the Google Privacy Sandbox by Swiss
publishers should also be viewed with caution when
it comes to weakening Alphabet's monopoly position:
This could intensify the mechanism of "digging one's
own grave".
Not all types of targeting are affected by the
deactivation of third-party cookies. Contextual
targeting is already used in campaigns. The solution
approach is very well known among publishers, but
not as well as we originally thought. Some experts
also pointed out the advantage that this type of
targeting will never be affected by data protection
laws and can always be used. This fact led to the
assumption that this solution approach is followed by
all publishers. However, based on the survey results,
this assumption had to be falsified. From the author's
point of view, this approach represents a sustainable
solution. However, it was probably rejected because
the question was formulated imprecisely. The survey
should have been supplemented with the probability
of cookieless solutions. The fact that this type of
targeting is already in use perhaps means that
contextual targeting is not perceived as a solution to
this problem, but more as simply targeting that still
works. Disabling third-party cookies might lead to the
risk of shifting the competitive advantage to the big
foreign companies such as Alphabet, Meta, Apple,
Amazon, and Microsoft. This is because the solutions
from these companies also work without third-party
cookies. To counteract this, a Switzerland-wide
solution seems sensible and appropriate. However,
the participants disagreed on the establishment of a
Swiss walled garden. Such a project requires
technical know-how as well as the firm will of all
participants in the online advertising industry. The
experts considered a nationwide solution across all
market participants to be the best way to achieve this
goal. To be able to do this, the participation of the
large media houses and marketers is particularly
needed. However, the survey shows that approval
from these companies is rather low. Various points
are cited as reasons for their rejection. For example,
there are fears that Switzerland is not technically
ready for such a project, that closed systems limit
innovation and that data protection could suffer as a
result. In particular, little attention is paid to walled
gardens because they are closed systems.
Consequently, solutions such as the development of
open systems would increase the interest of market
6.2 Limitations and Future Research
In this paper, we undertook an investigation into the
world of the online advertising ecosystem and the
perspective of publishers on it. Since the number of
publishers relevant to this ecosystem in Switzerland
is not large, we ended up with a reduced number of
respondents. Because the topic is also relevant for
other countries, the same study should be extended to
the surrounding German-speaking countries like
Germany and Austria. With this further research,
differences and similarities between the countries
could be identified and it could be found out whether,
for example, other data protection laws influence the
assessment of the solution approaches. Another
recommendation is to repeat the study when the
solutions are in use.
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