for improving the efficiency of packaging waste recy-
cling by means of TBS. Our approach builds upon sig-
nal data from fluorescent emitting tracers which can
be combined in any way to indicate the type of plas-
tic. We applied two different classification models, a
RF and CNN to distinguish between the tracer com-
binations by signal intensity per channel. Due to the
limited size of the training and test data, we used syn-
thetic data which we generated by artificially varying
the tracer channels and their mixture. We then com-
pared the RF and CNN in different evaluation scenar-
ios in order to compare and assess the models.
The results show that although model perfor-
mance decreases for theoretically high numbers of
tracers, their accuracy still remains high enough for
classification decisions up to a tracer count of 120 un-
der near-optimal conditions. In more difficult condi-
tions, the maximum number of tracers is reduced to
Furthermore, RF and CNN seem to provide simi-
lar results at first sight; however, the experimentation
suggests that the performance of the CNN is likely
limited due to the low variation in the dataset and the
small amount of available data. It should be men-
tioned that this problem could be alleviated by at-
taining more training data and using further data aug-
mentation methods while training. The experiments
suggest that synthesized data from tracer data repre-
sent the real-world data well enough for first insights.
Nevertheless, further studies with more real data are
needed to confirm our results. Especially the effects
of contamination on the surface need to be studied
more in detail on real data.
In view of the dataset size and tracer quality, this
study reveals the potential of future TBS applications.
In addition, the use of computer vision algorithms
in combination with our signal processing approach
would increase the search space and add to the avail-
able features which would certainly allow to better
distinguish between different tracers. The authors
plan to continue the work presented in this paper and
improve the field of TBS. Further studies are intended
to increase the economic efficiency of a circular econ-
omy of plastic packaging by means of AI innovation.
The authors would like to thank the German Federal
Ministry of Education and Research for supporting
the project Tracer Based Sorting – Effizient und Flex-
ibel (Tasteful). The authors would also like to express
their thanks to Polysecure GmbH for providing mea-
surement data and helpful support.
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