geographical, social, environmental, economic,
production, and technical and technological
indicators. The article substantiates the use of
cognitive modeling as a method of situational
management, which allows you to describe the object
and the laws of its operation, to develop a
mathematical model as close as possible to the real
situation. Situational management involves the
collection, accumulation, monitoring of information,
situation analysis, modeling of situations, selection of
the best development scenarios, graphical
presentation of the results. The basis of cognitive
modeling is the construction of cognitive maps of the
system under study. The cognitive model, which is
formally represented as a directed sign graph, is a
model for describing experts' knowledge about the
laws of development and properties of the analyzed
situation, and also reflects the strength of cause-and-
effect relationships and the values of factors on a
cognitive map.
The paper substantiates the use of simulation
modeling to analyze the situation of the ecological
state with respect to the further development of the
economic system based on sustainable development.
The study of the results of simplicial analysis and
its meaningful interpretation of the situation under
study, allowed us to draw the following conclusions.
Environmental management systems have a high
level of q-connectivity, which indicates a high degree
of system sensitivity to internal and external changes
in parameters. The calculation of the values of the
connectivity of the complex KX (Y, R) showed the
presence of indirect connections between the vertices
of the cognitive map.
To improve the ecological situation in Ukraine on
the basis of impulse modeling, three possible
scenarios of ecological development are analyzed. It
has been proven that the maximum effect can be
achieved if the third management scenario is adopted.
According to this scenario, a system of environmental
monitoring and environmental insurance should be
introduced, environmental legislation should be
improved, alternative energy sources should be used,
the systems for cleaning emissions and discharges
should be improved, and waste accumulation should
be reduced. The negative value of the indicator of the
ecological load indicates that the ecosystem fully
restores the resources consumed in the process of
human life and multiplies them.
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