putation area, representation and encoding is of ulti-
mate importance in evolutionary computation due to
the impact they have in producing feasible schedules
using genetic operations efficiently.
The aim of this paper is to address freight train
scheduling from the point of view of scheduling gen-
eration algorithms, combination of scheduling gener-
ation algorithms with genetic algorithms, and a novel
approach based on random keys and job permutation
encoding. Much of the conceptual inspiration of the
approaches addressed here comes from job shop and
flexible job shop scheduling theory. It is known that,
if trains are viewed as jobs, and tracks as machines,
then train scheduling can be modeled as a job shop
problem (Liu and Kozan, 2009). However, to the
best of the authors knowledge, train scheduling has
not yet been approached from the point of view ad-
dressed in this paper. In particular, the representation
and encoding scheme suggested herein is novel and
benefits from the effectiveness of random keys to en-
code sequences, and from the representation power
of permutation schedules. These are important is-
sues because the genetic operators will always pro-
duce feasible individuals during generations, which
precludes the need of repairing or similar feasibil-
ity checking techniques, what considerably increases
computational efficiency. The paper also solves a
simple example to show how the solutions produced
by the scheduling algorithms addressed in the paper
compare with the optimal value found by OR-Tools,
a state of the art, industry standard solver.
After this introduction, the paper proceeds as fol-
lows. Next section gives a brief overview of the main
approaches developed for train scheduling. Section 3
details the scheduling generation and the genetic al-
gorithms for train scheduling addressed in this work.
Section 4 reports the results for the example rail line,
and Section 5 concludes the paper summarizing its
contributions and work to be developed in the future.
The complexity of rail operations, the current traf-
fic increase trend, and obstacles to expand railroad
infrastructure turn train scheduling and management
strategies into a key mechanism to improve railroad
operation and services. There is an extensive lit-
erature on train scheduling. This section focuses
mainly on optimization models, genetic algorithms,
and heuristic methods to develop optimized train
schedules. Further information can be found in e.g.
(Harrod, 2012) and the references therein.
The first explicit mathematical programming ap-
proach to train scheduling was formulated as a lin-
ear integer optimization model (Szpigel, 1973). The
formulation and the solution algorithm was inspired
in the job-shop problem. In this formulation, branch-
ing is done dynamically by adding constraints accord-
ingly to the value of the branching decision variable.
This scheme speeds up the solution of the candidate
problems of each node in the search tree. This for-
mulation eliminates the direct manipulation of binary
variables, but at the cost of unrealistic assumptions
such as unlimited siding capacity.
In a similar vein, optimal pacing of trains in
freight railroads has been studied in (Kraay et al.,
1991) using a nonlinear mixed optimization model
that outputs meet-pass plans and the speed of trains in
each track segment to simultaneously minimize tran-
sit time and fuel consumption. A modified branch and
bound algorithm has been devised in (Higgins et al.,
1996), adopting a modeling scheme similar to (Kraay
et al., 1991). The goal is to minimize train delays
at the destination station, considering trains priorities,
and operating costs.
Using genetic algorithms, taboo search, and their
combinations, (Higgins et al., 1997) also solves the
single line train scheduling aiming at minimizing de-
lays. A more sophisticated genetic algorithm ap-
proach was developed in (Tornos et al., 2008) to
minimize the average delay of trains at their des-
tinations. The authors use a sequence of pairs
(train, single track) to represent the order in which
the trains travel through the tracks, track allocation to
trains always occurring at the earliest time allowed.
The authors also uses a regret-based biased random
sampling technique to generate a population of feasi-
ble initial schedules.
Heuristic techniques for single line train schedul-
ing was addressed in (Sahin, 1999) using a proce-
dure that attempts to reduce the difference between
the schedule produced and the one expected by a train
dispatcher. A fuzzy set-based approach was devised
in (Vieira et al., 1999) as well as in (Tazoniero et al.,
2007) where it is compared with a heuristic search al-
gorithm. A genetic algorithm is also adopted in (Gar-
risi and Cristina, 2020) with a heuristic procedure to
generate initial populations. The purpose is to min-
imize train delays with penalties for routes of lower
Multi-objective schemes include (Ghoseiri et al.,
2004) under the ε-constraint formulation to generate
non-inferior solutions considering fuel consumption
and the transit time of trains. Alternatively, (Sun et al.,
2014) produces optimal train schedules also using a
multi-objective genetic algorithm, but considering the
Algorithms for Freight Train Scheduling