Therapeutic Communication of Health Workers Against Covid-19
Survivors in Medan City
Dewi Kurniawati
Departement of Communication, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Keywords: Therapeutic Communication, Health Workers, Covid-19 survivors
Abstract: The corona virus has been designated as a global pandemic outbreak by the world health organization (WHO)
thereby increasing the anxiety of people all over the world. Many people have been affected, especially those
who are Covid-19 survivors who need treatment. Good service and communication can motivate patients to
get well soon when they get sick. During the Covid-19 pandemic, many health workers (nakes) were treating
patients who contracted the disease due to the Covid-19 virus. Health workers not only take care of patients
physically but also need to establish good communication with patients so that the mental condition of the
patient can also be motivated to recover from illness. The purpose of this study was to analyze the therapeutic
communication of health workers in the recovery of Covid patients in the city of Medan. To see the inhibiting
factors in the therapeutic communication of health workers in the recovery of Covid-19 patients in Medan. In
this study, the research design used qualitative research methods with in-depth observations and interviews
with informants. The informants in this study were health workers (NAKES) in the city of Medan who would
be selected according to the research criteria. The results showed that the role of health workers in conducting
therapeutic communication with patients was proven to be able to reduce the patient's psychological burden
such as fear and anxiety about the impact of this virus which in turn could accelerate the patient's recovery
period, especially for patients who follow the health advice of the health worker. the inhibiting factor in
healing patients is the large number of negative news that can trigger bad thoughts in patients so that their
health becomes bad again.
In recovering process, good communication is needed
between health workers and patients. This is
necessary so that patients get motivation to be able to
return to health as usual. In early March 2020,
Indonesia began to be affected by the Covid-19
pandemic which made many health workers who
died, either saving patients or those who were indeed
infected with the Covid-19 virus. Patients who
contracted the covid-19 virus were initially marked
with flu and fever, then the virus began to attack the
patient's congenital disease. (Yuliana, 2020) In the
data obtained at the beginning of 2021, patients
confirmed to be COVID-19 rose through 10,000
patients who recovered and the percentage for death
decreased. Until today, patients who are positive for
COVID-19 continue to grow every day and are
always above 50 people who are confirmed positive
or suspected. Patients receiving treatment in medan
alone now number 1301 Covid positive patients and
518 suspected Covid-19 patients.
(Https://, 2020). This attracted
the attention of researchers to conduct research on
therapeutic communication in efforts to recover
Covid-19 patients in the cities of Medan and
Pekanbaru. There is also a formulation of problems in
this study as follows:
1. Therapeutic Communication of health workers
in the Recovery of Covid-19 Patients in Medan?
2. Knowing the supporting factors and inhibitors
of therapeutic communication of health workers in
the recovery of Covid-19 patients?
Previous research that is almost similar was
conducted by Rizky Hardhiyani, Department of
Psychology, Semarang State University in 2013. This
research is backgrounded by the phenomenon of lack
of motivation to heal inpatients in the jasmine room
Kurniawati, D.
Therapeutic Communication of Health Workers Against Covid-19 Survivors in Medan City.
DOI: 10.5220/0011509500003460
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 2022) - Human Security and Agile Government, pages 35-39
ISBN: 978-989-758-618-7; ISSN: 2975-8300
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
of Kalisari Batang Hospital. The causes include the
lack of a theraupeutic relationship between nurses and
patients, causing patients to feel less motivated to
recover from their disease immediately. This study
aims to find out the relationship between nurses'
therapeutic communication and healing motivation in
inpatients. This research is a correlational quantitative
study. The study included 127 patients. The sampling
technique used is accidental sampling. The results
showed that the theraupeutic communication of
nurses was higher as well as the motivation to recover
inpatients as well as the motivation to recover
inpatients. (Hardhiyani, 2013).
Further research, conducted by Andi Hasan Al
Husain Journal of Communication Science in 2020.
This study is titled Doctor and Patient Health
Communication Based on Local Wisdom during the
Pandemic. The pandemic period raised concerns for
medical personnel to contract the Covid-19 virus due
to the unopenedness of patients in extracting
information on the disease suffered. This research
aims to find interperative communication strategies
by using Dramaturgy and Goffman theory and using
the Sipakatau concept in its analysis. The selection
of informants in this study is a health worker who
works as a doctor who does not handle Covid-19
patients, for the determination of researchers using
snowball sampling techniques. As for data collection
techniques by using in-depth interviews through
Whatsapp videocalls, literature studies, internet
searching. The results of this study showed that self-
presentation in the back stage is not too different from
the front stage. Self-presentation highlights the
identity as a doctor should be. This is done to support
the attitude of equality with patients and to support
the success of doctors in digging for information in
anamnesis, doctors use sipakatau communication
strategies. The substance of this study found a new
concept of health communication between doctors
and patients based on sipakatau local wisdom and
gave recommendations to hospitals and doctors to
apply the concept of health communication based on
local wisdom. The thing that distinguishes from the
research that will be carried out is on the object and
location of the research carried out. (Husain, 2020).
According to the results of Azizah Des Derivanti's
research entitled The Role of Therapeutic
Communication in Government Policy and Covid-19
Coverage in the Media Perspective of health
communication, commonly called therapeutic
communication, has principles that are contrary to the
media principle of "bad news is good news".
Therapeutic communication looking at the Covid-19
pandemic, there are three systems, namely
personalistic systems, naturalistic systems and
biomedical systems. In dealing with Covid-19, the
Government refers to at least two regulations, namely
Law No. 4 of 1984 and Pp No.40 of 1991 discussing
the Prevention of Infectious Disease Outbreaks in this
paper is the Covid-19 virus. Media reported the
Covid-19 case in detail as a symbol to make it easier
to describe the chronology and development of
Covid-19 virus cases. On the other hand, the personal
data of patients affected by covid19 is not displayed.
(Derivanti, 2020).
2.1 Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal communication is not just a series of
response stimuli, stimulus-responses but a series of
processes of mutual acceptance and delivery of
responses that have been processed by each party.
Interpersonal communication also plays a role in
changing and developing each other, these changes
through interaction in communication, parties
involved to inspire, encourage and encourage in order
to change thoughts, feelings and attitudes in
accordance with the topic studied together.
Interpersonal communication is the process of
exchanging information and transferring
understanding between two or more people in a small
human group with various effects and feedback. In
conducting communication between individuals there
are also characteristics in conveying the message.
According to Devito in the book there are
characteristics in effective interpersonal
communication, namely; Openness, Empathy;
Supportiveness; Positiveness; Equality (Liliweri,
2.2 Self Disclosure
Effective communication one of them will occur if a
person is able to express his thoughts and feelings
openly, which is called self-disclosure. Self-
disclosure is the way individuals express feelings,
thoughts, aspirations and more about oneself to others
that are beneficial to self-development and effective
communication. Self disclosure is the process of
sharing information that a person does to others in a
communication message. In interpersonal
communication, Joseph Luft emphasizes that
everyone can know and not know about himself, nor
others (Liliweri, 2015). This is described in the Johari
ICOSOP 2022 - International Conference on Social and Political Development 4
Picture 2.1 Johari Window
Known by ourselves
and known by others
Known by others but not
known by ourselves
AREA Known by
ourselves but not
known by others
AREA Not known by
ourselves and not known
by others
Based on this concept, human behavior can be
described schematically as seen in the scheme above.
Field I, namely Open Field (Open Area) shows that
the activities carried out by a person are fully aware
of the person concerned, as well as by others, which
means there is openness, with other words nothing to
hide to others. Field II, the Blind Field describes that
a person's activities are known to others, but he
himself is unaware of what he is doing. Field III,
namely the Hidden Area (Hidden Area) is that the
activities carried out by a person are fully aware of
him, but cannot be known by others. This means that
such a person is secretive. Field IV, is the Unknown
Area. This field illustrates that a person's behavior is
not realized by himself and is unknown to others.
(Liliweri, 2015).
2.3 Health Communication
Health communication is defined as any aspect of
human-to-human communication related to health.
Specifically defined as all types of human
communication whose message is related to health
(Maisyaroh et al., 2020). This explains that health
communication is limited to messages sent or
received, i.e. the variety of messages related to the
world of health and influencing factors. Health
communication is a communication process
involving health, elements or participants of
communication. In health communication various
participants are involved in the health process
between doctors, patients, nurses, health
professionals or others. Health communication can
also be associated with disaster mitigation, disaster
mitigation is a series of efforts to reduce disaster risk,
both through physical development and awareness
and increased ability to face disaster threats
(Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 21 of 2008 concerning The Implementation
of Disaster Management, 2008)
2.4 Therapeutic Communication
Therapeutic communication is a shared experience
between counselors in this case counselors together
with residents who aim to solve resident problems.
The purpose of communication is to influence the
behavior of others. Kalther, et al (Purwoastuti, 2015)
said that therapeutic communication occurs with the
aim of helping residents who are professional by
using a personal approach based on feelings and
emotions. In this therapeutic communication there
must be an element of trust. Therapeutic
communication is not a work that can be ruled out but
must be planned, deliberate and is a professional
action. However, do not let it be too fun to work, then
forget the resident as a human being with a variety of
backgrounds and problems (Suranto, 2005)
Communication skills are critical skills that must be
possessed by a counselor. This communication is
called therapeutic communication is a
communication carried out by a counselor at the time
of intervention so as to provide therapeutic properties
for the resident healing process. Therapeutic
communication is an adjective associated with the art
of healing the healing process.
Communication in the field of nursing is a basis
and key of a nurse in carrying out her duties.
Communication is a process of creating relationships
between nurses and clients as well as with other
health workers. Without communication a person will
feel alienated and without communication also a
nursing action to meet the needs of the client will
experience very significant difficulties.
In health sciences there are therapeutic
communication objectives (Damaiyanti, 2010) are as
1. Helping residents to clarify also reduces the
burden of feelings and thoughts and can take action
to change the situation if the resident believes in what
is needed.
2. Reduce doubts, help in terms of taking effective
3. Affects others, the physical environment and
himself. Establishing a relationship with the resident
requires communication because communication is
the relationship itself, without such communication
the relationship is impossible. Good relationship
between counselor and resident so that residents are
satisfied with the services provided.
Therapeutic Communication of Health Workers Against Covid-19 Survivors in Medan City
The approach taken in this study is to use a qualitative
approach. Qualitative research approach states
research that uses a natural background, with the
intention of interpreting phenomena that occur and
are carried out in a way involving existing methods.
Qualitative research is based on efforts to build their
researched views that are detailed, shaped, with
words, holistic images, and complex (Moleong,
Qualitative research referred to in this study is
trying to dig deep information without trying to
interfere with or influence the thoughts of informants.
The method used in this study is a qualitative
approach to the paradigm of positivism. (Sugiyono,
2011) Researchers not only want to describe how
therapeutic communication of NAKES (health
workers) in covid-19 patients.
This research conducted will run for approximately
six (6) months starting with observation of the
research location and location survey conducted to
see the condition of the location to be studied, then
after doing this the researcher conducts the
management of research permits so that they can
immediately conduct research and plunge
spaciousness. Furthermore, researchers make the
preparation of questions that will be asked to
informants in the field. After the question is
considered to meet the methodology requirements to
be given to informants in the field, namely Nakes
(Power Of Validity) who became an informant in this
The research on The Latest Communication
conducted in the Medan city region of North Sumatra
is quite interesting and becomes its own challenge for
the research team in the midst of the Covid-19
pandemic that still exists in almost all regions of
Indonesia, even the city of Medan including from
several major cities outside the island of Java and Bali
that entered the red zone and still implemented PPKM
(lockdown) to level 4 even though until the end of
August 2021 when researchers made this research
report the number of exposed and deaths due to the
Covid-19 virus have decreased and those who
recovered have increased. This study in the field
found that the importance of good communication
between patients and people who treat them in
recovery after being infected with covid. This was
supported by therapeutic communication research on
patients and families of Covid 19 patients researched
by Tri Agus Yuarsa. In the study there are the same
results as the findings of the study conducted, namely,
families with patients who are treated in intensive
rooms will feel anxiety because they are confused
with the patient's condition, worried about financing
problems, less stable conditions with actions that are
not certain of the results until there is a shadow of
death. With therapeutic communication will create a
trusting relationship between the nurse and the
patient's family so that the nurse is able to explain the
patient's condition and the family can understand it.
This will help the family to be able to take the best
decision and will certainly provide satisfaction for
patients and families so that the anxiety will go down
by itself. (Tri Agus Yuarsa, 2022)
The health workers who become research informants
are those who have enough experience as health
workers because they have worked for more than 5
years. Informants already have deep work experience,
hopefully researchers can provide more information
about the latest communication they make to patients,
especially in dealing with patients exposed to Covid
19 or Covid19 survivors. After conducting interviews
with Nakes that have been data, there are various
kinds of information obtained from nakes about the
latest communication made by nakes to patients who
have contracted the Covid19 virus.
According to the Journal clinical nursing, good
communication techniques are needed to patients so
that they can understand and help patients in the
healing process. A new therapeutic communication
model "TAGEET" to help nurses engage
therapeutically with patients suspected or confirmed
with COVID-19. This new therapeutic
communication model will provide support for nurses
by managing themselves in order to care for others in
the COVID-19 environment (McCarthy et al, 2021).
These health workers in carrying out their
activities to assist patients exposed to covid 19 apply
communicative and persuasive services to patients.
Officers have an effective communication approach
to fostering COVID 19 patients' trust in nurses, as
some patients believe that stressors can worsen the
condition of COVID 19 patients. When nurse Nakes
provides psychological support with communication
can provide a sense of calm and confidence and foster
the patient's confidence to heal, so as to provide
opportunities for patients to communicate their sense
ICOSOP 2022 - International Conference on Social and Political Development 4
of heart makes patients more relaxed and comfortable
so as to increase immunity and speed up the healing
process of COVID 19 patients.
The conclusions obtained from this study are:
1. Therapeutic Communication of health
workers in the Recovery of Covid-19 Patients in
Medan is to provide more understanding and attention
to the community who are recovering health after
being exposed to the Covid-19 virus. The approach
can help residents to reduce the burden of feelings and
thoughts and can take action to change the situation
experienced by the patient.
2. In the results of the study, it can be seen that
what factors can hinder and support in the
Therapeutic Communication of health workers in the
Recovery of Covid-19 Patients, one of which is the
supporting factor of patient recovery is positive
communication from the patient's family that can help
arouse the spirit of post-recovery patients. While the
inhibiting factor of communication in patients
affected by Covid-19 is the number of negative news
spread that can trigger bad thoughts in patients so that
their health becomes bad again.
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Therapeutic Communication of Health Workers Against Covid-19 Survivors in Medan City