methods and the opportunities arising from the
digitalization of administrative processes are paving
the way for a different type of project organization.
The trend is now moving away from a pattern of pure
responsibility thinking towards the usage of
interdisciplinary teams. From the identified
challenges from the 2018 survey, it could already
deduced that the agile approach can be a suitable
method to improve project work (Looks et al., 2019).
The results of the survey conducted in 2021 show an
increase in the awareness of agile methods, but a
comparison of the survey results does not show any
distinction in terms of the challenges faced by public
administration project staff with regard to the
implementation of e-government and digitization
projects. In both surveys, respondents cited
“insufficient human resources” and “insufficient
communication” as the main reasons for project
failures. Based on the analysis of the identified
challenges during the implementation of e-
government and digitization projects in public
administration from the survey in 2018 and an
allocation of these challenges to defined dimensions
of agility, it has already been shown that agility can
contribute to overcoming these challenges (Looks et
al., 2019). However, the exclusive application of agile
methods did not lead to the desired results, as there
was still in 2021 no discernible change in values
within public administration and the same challenges
continue to be identified within the projects.
In further research projects, the questionnaire used
will be optimized in a first step in light of the findings
from the previous surveys. One future aim is to use the
questionnaire in different countries in order to be able
to derive Europe-wide comparisons with regard to the
challenges of project work in public administrations.
The next studies will be conducted in Spain and
Poland. Based on the identified challenges, an already
defined prototypical process model used for
supporting agile transformation in public
administrations (Fangmann et al., 2020; Looks et al.,
2021) will be optimized in the future. This will be
done in order to achieve both a targeted use of agile
methods in public administrations as well as a change
in values so the agile transformation can progress. It
will also be assessed whether the application of agile
methods leads to a higher project success rate.
This publication is part of the Project PID2019-
105455GB-C31, founded by MCIN/
AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and by the “European
Union” and by the project P20_00644, founded by
Junta de Andalucía.
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