Comparative Analysis of Recurrent Neural Network Architectures for
Arabic Word Sense Disambiguation
Rakia Saidi
1 a
, Fethi Jarray
2 b
and Mohammed Alsuhaibani
3 c
LIMTIC Laboratory, UTM University, Tunis, Tunisia
Higher Institute of Computer Science of Medenine, Gabes University, Medenine, Tunisia
Department of Computer Science, College of Computer, Qassim University, Buraydah, Saudi Arabia
Word Sense Disambiguation, Arabic text, Supervised Approach, Recurrent Neural Network.
Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) refers to the process of discovering the correct sense of an ambiguous
word occurring in a given context. In this paper, we address the problem of Word Sense Disambiguation of
low-resource languages such as Arabic language. We model the problem as a supervised sequence-to-sequence
learning where the input is a stream of tokens and the output is the sequence of senses for the ambiguous words.
We propose four recurrent neural network (RNN) architectures including Vanilla RNN, LSTM, BiLSTM and
GRU. We achieve, respectively, 85.22%, 88.54%, 90.77% and 92.83% accuracy with Vanilla RNN, LSTM,
BiLSTM and GRU. The obtained results demonstrate superiority of GRU based deep learning Model for WSD
over the existing RNN models.
Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) is a natural lan-
guage processing (NLP) subfield. It is the process of
figuring out what a word means in context. Because
natural language is intrinsically ambiguous, a single
word may have multiple interpretations, making the
process challenging. WSD is used in a variety of ap-
plications in real life, including semantic interpreta-
tion, web intelligence and semantic web, knowledge
extraction, sentiment analysis. Due to the consider-
able semantic ambiguity, WSD is regarded as one of
the most difficult challenges in natural language pro-
Various machine learning approaches have been
proposed to automatically detect the intended mean-
ing of a polysemous word. Deep neural networks
(DNN) have recently demonstrated extraordinary ca-
pabilities and have revolutionized artificial intelli-
gence for the majority of tasks. DNN outperforms
classical learning approaches in the field of NLP in
Our contribution in this paper is to propose
four recurrent neural network architectures for Ara-
bic word sense disambiguation. More specifi-
cally, we adapt Vanilla RNN, Long-short-term mem-
ory(LSTM), BiLSTM and Gated recurrent units
(GRU) for WSD. We conduct experimental results on
the publicly available Arabic WordNet (AWN) corpus
The rest of the paper is organized as the following:
Section 2 presents the state of the art. Our RNN-based
system model for Arabic WSD is explained in Section
3. The results and discussions are presented in Sec-
tion 4. We conclude this paper with a summary of our
contribution, and we mention some future extensions.
Arabic WSD (AWSD) approaches can be classified
into three categories: supervised methods, semi-
supervised methods (Merhbene et al., 2013b) and un-
supervised methods(Pinto et al., 2007). More than the
intrinsic difficulty of WSD itself, in the Arabic case,
we face the challenge of scarcity of resources.
The supervised methods use manually sense-
annotated corpora to train for WSD. These ap-
proaches rely on many manually sense-tagged cor-
Saidi, R., Jarray, F. and Alsuhaibani, M.
Comparative Analysis of Recurrent Neural Network Architectures for Arabic Word Sense Disambiguation.
DOI: 10.5220/0011527600003318
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2022), pages 272-277
ISBN: 978-989-758-613-2; ISSN: 2184-3252
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
pora, which is a time-consuming and labor-intensive
task. We can divide the supervised methods into
five subcategories: Machine Learning (ML) based
approaches (Elmougy et al., 2008; El-Gamml et al.,
2011; Merhbene et al., 2013a; Laatar et al., 2018; Eid
et al., 2010; El-Gedawy, 2013; Alkhatlan et al., 2018;
Bakhouche et al., 2015), Deep Learning (DL) based
approaches(El-Razzaz et al., 2021; Saidi and Jarray,
2022; Al-Hajj and Jarrar, 2021), knowledge based ap-
proaches(Zouaghi et al., 2011; Zouaghi et al., 2012),
information retrieval (IR) based approaches(Bouhriz
et al., 2016; Alian et al., 2016; Abood and Tiun,
2017; Abderrahim and Abderrahim, 2018; Bounhas
et al., 2011; Al-Maghasbeh and Bin Hamzah, 2015;
Soudani et al., 2014), and metaheuristic based ap-
proach (Menai, 2014; Menai and Alsaeedan, 2012).
In this manuscript, we are mainly interested in the DL
based approach for WSD.
Most of the recent work in AWSD has been ex-
perimented with word embedding techniques such as
word2vec (Mikolov et al., 2013a) or Glove (Penning-
ton et al., 2014). Alkhatlan et al. (Alkhatlan et al.,
2018) showed that word representation Skip-Gram
method achieved higher accuracy of 82.17% com-
pared to Glove with 71.73%. Laatar et al. (Laatar
et al., 2018) used the skip-gram and CBOW mod-
els to analyze word representations to choose the op-
timal architecture to generate a better word embed-
ding model for Arabic Word Sense Disambiguation.
They used the Historical Arabic Dictionary Corpus,
which they supplemented with 200 texts collected
from Arabic Wiki Source. Skip-gram outperforms the
CBOW by 51.52% accuracy where the CBOW rep-
resents 50.25%. El-Razzaz et al. (El-Razzaz et al.,
2021) and (Al-Hajj and Jarrar, 2021) presented a
WSD approach based on Arabic gloss which they in-
troduced context-gloss benchmark. The authors (El-
Razzaz et al., 2021) built two models that can effi-
ciently conduct Arabic WSD using the Bidirectional
Encoder Representation from Transformers (BERT).
This model earns an F1-score of 89% when Al-Hajj
and Jarrar (Al-Hajj and Jarrar, 2021) obtained 84% in
terms of accuracy by fine-tuning three pretrained Ara-
bic BERT models. Saidi and Jarray (Saidi and Jarray,
2022) combined the part of speech tagging POS and
the BERT model for the AWSD.
There are many issues in the DL approaches de-
voted to Arabic WSD. For example, (El-Razzaz et al.,
2021) presented a very small dataset with many re-
dundant entries. Similarly, the dataset proposed by
(Al-Hajj and Jarrar, 2021) is not publicly available.
Therefore, in this paper, our sole focus is on the Ara-
bic WordNet dataset (AWN).
Our contribution falls into centralized DL tech-
niques, contrary to federated learning (Boughorbel
et al., 2019). More precisely, we will study different
variants of recurrent neural networks (RNNs), such as
LSTM, bi-LSTM, and GRU.
Deep neural networks are an emerging approach and
widely used in several domains such as computer
vision, automatic processing of natural languages,
transfer learning, text classification, etc. Usually, neu-
ral networks contain two or more hidden layers. The
term ”deep” refers to the number of hidden layers of
the network that can reach 150 neurons in this type of
In this paper, we propose a recurrent neural net-
work (RNN) model for Arabic word sense disam-
biguation (AWSD). More precisely, the AWSD is
simulated using architectures including simple or
vanilla RNN, bidirectional long-short-term memory
(bi-LSTM), gated recurrent unit (GRU) and long-
short-term memory (LSTM). All models are coded in
python software programming language and are avail-
able at GitHub upon request.
Figure 1: RNN architecture for AWSD.
Figure 1 depicts the common architecture of the
different models. First, the input sentence is to-
kenized into tokens using Farasa (Abdelali et al.,
2016). Tokenization is another challenge of Arabic
texts since Arabic has a complicated morphology, and
the used tool, Farasa, is handling such challenges
well. Second, each token is fed into the embedding
layer that produces the word embeddings and models
the input sentence as a stream of vector embedding.
In our implementation, we used skip-gram(Mikolov
et al., 2013b) as a word embedding model. Third, the
Comparative Analysis of Recurrent Neural Network Architectures for Arabic Word Sense Disambiguation
output of the embedding layer is fed into the RNN
layer to get a hidden representation that takes into ac-
count the order of words in the sentence. Fourth, the
hidden representations are fed into a fully dense layer
and a fully-connected layer to get a more compact
representation. The details of each model are shown
in Figure 2.
3.1 Vanilla RNN Model for AWSD
We started by using the Vanilla RNN network. This
RNN model is a sequence-to-sequence learning ap-
proach in which the input sequence represents words
and the output sequence represents meaning. The
studies were carried out using Arabic embedding that
had been pre-trained.
3.2 Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
The LSTM is a recurrent extension of the neural net-
work. This sort of neural network was created to solve
the problem of long-term dependence. It is capable of
retaining knowledge for a long time. This form of
network can determine what to keep in the long-term
state, what to delete, and what to read. The long-term
state path goes through a forget gate, which removes
some information, then new ones are added, which
are selected by an input gate, and the result is given
without further modification. The long-term state is
copied and then sent to the tanh function before being
filtered by the output gate after this addition opera-
3.3 Bidirectional Long Short-Term
Memory (Bi-LSTM)
Bidirectional LSTM is a variant of standard LSTM
that can help increase model performance when
dealing with sequence classification problems.
The Bi-LSTM blends two LSTMs when the entire
sequence is accessible. One is based on the input
sequence, while the other is based on a reverse replica
of the input sequence.
3.4 Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU)
The GRU cell is a simpler variant of the LSTM cell
that is becoming increasingly popular as a result of its
superior performance.
We will compare different RNN architectures for Ara-
bic word sense disambiguation. So different experi-
ments are made while fixing each time a hyperparam-
eter. As a performance metric, we used accuracy as a
percentage of correctly predicted word senses.
4.1 Dataset
In this paper, we use the publicly available AWN
AWN is a lexical resource for modern standard Ara-
bic. It was constructed according to the linguistic re-
sources of Princeton WordNet. It is structured around
elements called Synsets, which are a list of synonyms
and pointers linking it to other synsets. Currently, this
corpus has 23.481 words grouped into 11.269 synsets.
One or more synsets may contain a common word.
The senses of a word are related by the synsets in the
AWN to which it belongs. We suppose that the dataset
set is clean, as opposite to noisy dataset (Boughorbel
et al., 2018)
4.2 Hyperparameters Setting
We have several parameters to set for the model. Stan-
dard parameters are the word embedding size, the
number of epochs during training, and the batch size.
In the testing process, we randomly select 80% of the
dataset as a training set, 10% as a test set and the re-
maining 10% as a validation set. In all conducted ex-
periments, the ratio remains the same. And for the
record, all the results are obtained on the test set. run
while changing the size of the hyperparameters (batch
size and epochs number).
The batch size is the number of training samples
for mini-batches. It is one of the most critical hyper-
parameters to tune in neural network learning. Table1
presents the effects of batch size on WSD perfor-
mance. A smaller batch size necessitates more calcu-
lations and model weight updates, which takes longer.
Larger batch sizes require less effort and are faster to
execute. However, according to Table1, the large and
small batch sizes lead to poor generalization. In the
following, we set the batch size to 64.
Table 2 displays the effect of the number of epochs
on the generalization ability of different RNN archi-
tectures. We note that generalization and the number
of epochs are not monotonically related. For a few
epochs, such as 100, we get low accuracy because the
models may underfit the data. Similarly, when we in-
crease the number of epochs too much, the accuracy
WEBIST 2022 - 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 2: The general structure of recurrent neural network models. (a) Simple RNN, (b) LSTM, (c) GRU, and (d) Bi-LSTM
models (Apaydin et al., 2020)
Table 1: Effect of batch size. Number of epochs to 50.
Method batch-size Predicting accuracy
28 77.3%
Vanilla RNN 32 80.5%
64 83.08%
128 81.2%
28 81.26%
LSTM 32 83.5%
64 86.87%
128 84.2%
28 82.78%
BiLSTM 32 84.4%
64 88.95%
128 86.16%
28 83.9%
GRU 32 86.5%
64 91.02%
128 87.94%
does not increase because the models could overfit the
training data. In the following, we fix the number of
epochs to 100.
According to Tables 1 and 2, we fixed the batch size
at 64 and the number of epochs to 100. Table 3 sum-
marizes the results obtained with a Skip-Gram word
embedding of dimension 300 and Adam for optimizer
and compares it with the most recent methods based
Table 2: Effect of number of epochs. Batch size=64.
Method Epochs Predicting accuracy
50 83.08%
Vanilla RNN 100 85.22%
150 85.22%
200 85.22%
50 86.87%
LSTM 100 88.54%
150 88.54%
200 88.54%
50 88.95%
BiLSTM 100 90.77%
150 90.15%
200 90.15%
50 91.02%
GRU 100 92.83%
150 92.83%
200 92.83%
on AWN dataset.
For our approach and to compare the RNN mod-
els for ASWD, Table 3 shows that the best is the
GRU-based model, which beats even the LSTM-
based model. This could be because GRU utilizes
less memory and trains faster than LSTMs and BiL-
STM models because it reduces the number of gates
and has fewer training parameters. The obtained re-
sults illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed GRU
based model.
Finally, it is worth noting the difficulty of making
a fair comparison between DL models devoted to Ara-
Comparative Analysis of Recurrent Neural Network Architectures for Arabic Word Sense Disambiguation
Table 3: Accuracy of RNN models for AWSD.
Model Accuracy
GRU 92.83%
BiLSTM 90.77 %
LSTM 88.54%
Vanilla RNN 85.22 %
Glove (Alkhatlan et al., 2018) 71.73%
Skip-Gram(Alkhatlan et al., 2018) 82.17%
IR (Bouhriz et al., 2016) 74%
bic language because different datasets are employed.
For example, (El-Razzaz et al., 2021) and (Al-Hajj
and Jarrar, 2021), as already noted, used a Gloss-type
dataset. This variety in models and datasets encour-
ages us to combine our GRU method with the BERT
model in a future contribution (Chouikhi et al., 2021).
In this paper, we propose a recurrent neural network-
based architecture for Arabic text to solve the prob-
lem of word-sense disambiguation. We validate our
approach through the Arabic WordNet dataset. We
show that that GRU model outperforms the other
RNN models and achieves about a 93 percent of pre-
diction accuracy. As a future work, we plan to use
the more advanced word embedding such as BERT
for the embedding step and combine it with the RNN
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Comparative Analysis of Recurrent Neural Network Architectures for Arabic Word Sense Disambiguation