Furthermore, this paper introduced auto-encoder
as a tool for dimensionality reduction. The pre-trained
auto-encoder can compress a large scale matrix into a
two-dimensional matrix. This is of vital importance
when training large sparse matrix with machine
learning algorithms. Our results show good fit on the
training embeddings by retaining as much
information retention of the original data as possible.
In summary, this paper described an effort to use
knowledge representation, natural language
processing and machine learning for compiling a suite
of resources for facilitating automated ACE
identification from free-text data particularly in low-
resource environments (i.e., labelled data is scarce).
In particular, based on the previous ACE terms, this
paper identified extra ontological terms from UMLS
and developed comprehensive mappings to its
narrower concepts. We also proposed practical
approaches to self-supervision by utilising the
concept co-occurrence embeddings. This will enable
us to automatically label the textual data, leading to
minimal manual annotations for training supervised
learning models such as deep learning NLP models.
Furthermore, to create a compact representation of
reusable concept embeddings, we trained an auto-
encoder model to reduce the dimension of the sparse
concept-document matrix. The model can compress
useful information into matrix with much fewer
dimensions, leading to efficient computation for
utilising semantics of concept embeddings. In
addition, this paper identified ACEs from Reddit,
leading to publicly available resources for
This work is very much working in progress.
There are many areas that need further developments
and improvements. Specifically, future steps would
involve 1) further exploration with EHR datasets and
combine the concept embedding from social media
and EHR together; 2) enhancement on the current
concept representation with more attention on the
same concept; and 3) create a public accessible
benchmark on Reddit datasets and other publicly
available datasets (such as tweets) for ACE
identification with gold-standard annotations by
domain experts.
This research is supported by the UK's National
Institute for Health Research (grant number:
NIHR202639) and the UK's Medical Research
Council (grant number: MR/S004149/2).
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