Ontology-driven Self-supervision for Adverse Childhood Experiences
Identification using Social Media Datasets
Jinge Wu
, Rowena Smith
and Honghan Wu
Institute of Health Informatics, University College London, London, U.K.
Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, U.K.
Keywords: Ontology, Self-supervision, Natural Language Processing, Information Extraction, Name Entity Recognition,
Adverse Events, Mental Health, Adverse Events, Mental Health.
Abstract: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are defined as a collection of highly stressful, and potentially
traumatic, events or circumstances that occur throughout childhood and/or adolescence. They have been
shown to be associated with increased risks of mental health diseases or other abnormal behaviours in later
lives. However, the identification of ACEs from textual data with Natural Language Processing (NLP) is
challenging because (a) there are no NLP ready ACE ontologies; (b) there are few resources available for
machine learning, necessitating the data annotation from clinical experts; (c) costly annotations by domain
experts and large number of documents for supporting large machine learning models. In this paper, we
present an ontology-driven self-supervised approach (derive concept embeddings using an auto-encoder from
baseline NLP results) for producing a publicly available resource that would support large-scale machine
learning (e.g., training transformer based large language models) on social media corpus. This resource as
well as the proposed approach are aimed to facilitate the community in training transferable NLP models for
effectively surfacing ACEs in low-resource scenarios like NLP on clinical notes within Electronic Health
Records. The resource including a list of ACE ontology terms, ACE concept embeddings and the NLP
annotated corpus is available at https://github.com/knowlab/ACE-NLP.
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) encompass a
broad variety of early traumas that occur in
childhood, including both direct (e.g., abuse and
neglect) and indirect (e.g., family mental illness and
domestic violence) types (Hughes et al., 2017; Felitti
et al., 1998). Numerous studies have found that ACEs
are consistently and positively associated with high
rates of severe adverse events, such as serious mental
disorders (suicide attempts, major depression,
substance abuse, adult victimization, etc.) (Liu et al.,
2021). Moreover, the lifetime frequency of ACEs is
significantly greater in homeless individuals than in
the general population, indicating ACE exposure may
be related to an increased risk of mental illness, drug
addiction, and victimization (Liu et al., 2021). Policy
actions and evidence-based interventions are urgently
required to prevent ACE and to address the
unfavourable consequences linked with this group of
In order to promote the surveillance and study of
adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), Brenas et al.
standardized the ACE ontology and has been made
publicly available as a formal reusable resource that
can be utilised by the mental health research
(Nagowah et al., 2021; Brenas et al., 2019). The state-
of-the-art ACEs Ontology (ACESO) has been
available to the mental health community as well as
the general public through BioPortal. Further in 2021,
Ammar et al. unveiled Semantic Platform for Adverse
Childhood Experiences Surveillance (SPACES), a
novel and explainable multimodal AI platform to
assist ACEs surveillance, diagnosis of associated
health issues, and subsequent therapies (Ammar et al.,
2021). Through the product, they generate
suggestions and insights for better resource allocation
and care management.
However, existing ontologies are not directly
Natural Language Processing (NLP) applicable.
There are at least two issues. First, ACE ontologies
cover both high-level concepts (e.g., Disease or
Findings) for grouping concepts and more specific
Wu, J., Smith, R. and Wu, H.
Ontology-driven Self-supervision for Adverse Childhood Experiences Identification using Social Media Datasets.
DOI: 10.5220/0011531100003523
In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Scarce Data in Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare (SDAIH 2022), pages 5-10
ISBN: 978-989-758-629-3
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ACE concepts like child abuse. Unfortunately,
existing ontologies do not provide information on
which concepts are ACEs specifically, making it
impossible to use the ontologies directly for NLP.
Second, only a subset of ACE ontology concepts are
mapped to NLP-friendly terminologies like
SNOMED-CT. For those concepts introduced in
these ontologies specifically there are no definitions
of synonyms. This makes them less useful for NLP
tasks like named entity recognition. Aiming to close
these gaps, this study aims to make an improvement
on the previous ACE ontologies by refining ACE
concepts and their corresponding mappings to
Unified Medical Language System (UMLS), which is
much more NLP friendly and has been widely used in
clinical NLP community.
Another challenge for ACE identification with
NLP is the lack of annotated data. Annotating a
variety of clinical notes from scratch requires specific
domain expertise and also research access to a large
corpus (to have enough cases). Both of these are
costly, in many cases not feasible, when dealing with
sensible electronic health records (EHRs), impeding
the development of effective automated approaches
for ACE identification from EHRs. This study
proposes a practical and effective approach
leveraging ontologies and self-supervision to
alleviate the burden of annotation.
To address the above-mentioned two challenges,
this paper proposes a refined ACE terminology with
an off-the-shelf NLP tool to conduct a preliminary
study on one open accessible corpus (Reddit) for
identifying ACEs. Specifically, we choose SemEHR,
an open-source toolkit for identifying mentions of
UMLS concepts from textual data. Then, we propose
a self-supervision approach on document-concept
matrix to derive concept embeddings for facilitating
document classification (i.e., identify types of ACE
documents). Our experiments show that without any
supervision, our approach can achieve reasonable
performances both on named entity recognition and
document classification. This preliminary study will
provide valuable experiences, providing reusable
resources for the community and identifying future
research directions for our follow-up studies, aiming
for developing efficient tools and resources for
supporting the automated extraction of ACEs from
clinical notes within EHRs.
2.1 Data Collection from Reddit
Instead of clinical notes, this paper considers publicly
available social media corpus since it is easier to
access and potentially large scale for training large
models. We obtain dataset from Reddit (Low et al.,
2020), containing 32439 posts and text features
between 2018 and 2020 on the topic of mental health.
2.2 ACE-defined Terms
The public ACE ontology, which is ACESO, covers
a wide range of ACEs containing 297 classes, 93
object properties, and 3 data properties with external
links to SNOMED-CT and other ontology sources.
However, there remain problems with ontology
mappings, which lack consistent external links to
standard clinical terminology systems. To solve this
problem, we propose an approach by linking the ACE
concepts to the widely used Unified Medical
Language System (UMLS). Finding the leaf nodes
from the ontology is an efficient way to obtain
narrower ACE concepts. Therefore, we extract the
leaf nodes from the ACESO and further construct
one-to-one mapping to UMLS concepts. Moreover,
given that the dataset utilised in this paper is from
social media, it is less likely to identify sufficient
childhood adverse events. As a result, we extend our
concepts to broader adverse events in mental health.
To be more specific, all concepts of mental disorders
(including all descendants) and their adverse events
are included.
2.3 Identifying ACEs on Reddit using
NLP Tools
This paper applied SemEHR to find ACE mentions in
text files with the terms/concepts mentioned above
(Wu et al., 2018). It first conducted Named entity
recognition (NER) of all UMLS concepts (with their
UMLS CUIs) from the texts and filtered ACE
mentions based on the concept lists mentioned above.
After that, some Information extraction (IE) rules are
applied to filter unwanted mentions. It also associated
semantic types of annotations and their clinical
contexts with dedicated extraction rules, allowing for
improved IE capabilities like generating structured
vital sign data from observation notes.
SDAIH 2022 - Scarce Data in Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare
Figure 1: This is the flowchart of our work. To specify, we will combine ACESO and extra terms/concepts by finding the leaf
nodes from ACESO and getting all the descendants of both term lists. SemEHR will look for relative mentions from Reddit
based on these mapped concepts from UMLS. Self-supervision with graph links will be designed based on the outputs from
SemEHR. This will automatically provide labels for the dataset.
2.4 Self-supervision by Concept
This paper then considers a self-supervision-based
approach to help improve the performance of ACE
identification. We developed a so-called "concept
embeddings", which is a concept graph with the co-
occurrence of all individual terms and their co-
occurrence appear in each sample (document). To be
more specific, the concept graph is constructed by
two matrices: concept-level matrix and document-
level matrix. The concept-level matrix is an 𝑚𝑚
square matrix (𝑚 is the number of unique terms found
in all documents), describing the co-occurrence of
each concept. The document-level matrix is in the
size of 𝑛𝑚, where 𝑛 indicates the number of
documents. This matrix measures how terms are co-
related in each document. The aim for concept
embeddings is to take the contextual information into
consideration. Then cosine similarity is calculated for
the two matrices at concept level and document level.
We selected various thresholds to automatically label
the mentions and calculated the precision and recall.
2.5 Auto-encoder for Dimensionality
One issue remaining is that the concept embeddings
we obtained are sparse matrices (i.e., matrices that are
comprised of mostly zero values). This will lead to
low efficiency when running large-scale models. To
solve this, this paper considers the auto-encoder as a
tool for dimensionality reduction. Auto-encoder is an
unsupervised Artificial Neural Network that attempts
to encode the data by compressing it into the lower
dimensions and then decoding the data to reconstruct
the original input. In this case, it is feasible to train an
auto-encoder and compress the concept/document
vector to a lower dimension for computing the cosine
To begin with, we designed a list of 1715 concepts in
total, including leaf nodes from ACESO and mental
disorders with all descendant concepts. After that, the
NLP tool, SemEHR is applied with Named entity
recognition (NER) task on these 1715 concepts. As a
result, 322 out of 1715 unique concepts are found
from datasets. Due to the limitations of manual
annotation, a random choice of 50 samples is selected
for annotation by domain experts. We considered
SemEHR as the baseline model of this classification
task. It achieved 85.3 of precision, 70.7 of recall and
77.3 of F1-score. The score of precision is slightly
higher than recall, indicating that it operates well on
positive samples.
We then developed self-supervision with concept
embeddings using the 322 terms and trained auto-
encoder on concept embeddings to reduce the
dimension size from 322 to 50. Figure 2 shows the
Ontology-driven Self-supervision for Adverse Childhood Experiences Identification using Social Media Datasets
precision-recall area under curve (AUC) for different
thresholds with and without using auto-encoder. In
general, the precision-recall AUC illustrates the
trade-off between precision and recall, where high
recall relates to a low false negative rate, and high
precision relates to a low false positive rate.
Figure 2: Precision-recall area under curve (AUC) for
different thresholds with and without auto-encoder. For the
auto-encoder, we compressed the 322 concepts vector into
a 50-dimension vector.
As can be seen from Figure 2, the precision-recall
AUC seems to be in the same pattern for those with
auto-encoder and without auto-encoder. This
indicates our pretrained auto-encoder retains almost
all useful information from the original vectors.
We also consider the performance for each
concept. There are 26 concepts identified from the 50
Reddit annotated datasets and the recall, precision
and F1-score are calculated for each concept. Figure
3 shows the most frequent 5 concepts and an average
performance of all other mentioned mental disorders.
In general, the model gives high score on both
precision and recall.
Figure 3: Performance of individual concepts. It is
noticeable that the term "suicide" gives a high score in
precision but low in recall. The reason for this could be that
the true positives for this term is low compared with the
ground truth. In other words, there are many terms to
express suicidal thoughts, for example, "end my life",
however, the model failed to identify this.
To start with, this paper contributed to an enhanced
ACE ontology for natural language processing, with
more comprehensive concepts and consistent
mappings to UMLS. Our results have shown that the
advanced ACE concepts make significant
improvements in identifying ACE mentions from the
social media corpus. However, we noticed that the
dataset used in this paper is from social media, which
might have different language, structure and even
biased samples compared to EHR datasets. For
example, when people express suicidal thoughts, they
are more likely to use "kill myself" instead of the
exact word from UMLS. To solve this, we try to
include as many similar terms as possible to fix it.
And the extra terms are mapped to their top concepts
so that they can be learned with relations. Moreover,
we consider the concept embeddings trained from
EHR data as the next step for a further
In addition, this paper proposed self-supervision
with the technology of concept embeddings by
representing the co-occurrence of concepts. This
approach has its strength in finding contextual
information for classification and automatic labelling.
Another point is that, based on the annotation results,
it is noticeable that one word can be treated
differently in different scenarios. For instance, there
might be situations where 1 of the 5 "anxiety"
mentions is a false positive based on its contextual
environment. In this case, it is not likely to be
identified by self-supervision using the current
graphs. To improve its performance, future work
could be done by distributing weighted frequency on
the same concepts in each document.
SDAIH 2022 - Scarce Data in Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare
Furthermore, this paper introduced auto-encoder
as a tool for dimensionality reduction. The pre-trained
auto-encoder can compress a large scale matrix into a
two-dimensional matrix. This is of vital importance
when training large sparse matrix with machine
learning algorithms. Our results show good fit on the
training embeddings by retaining as much
information retention of the original data as possible.
In summary, this paper described an effort to use
knowledge representation, natural language
processing and machine learning for compiling a suite
of resources for facilitating automated ACE
identification from free-text data particularly in low-
resource environments (i.e., labelled data is scarce).
In particular, based on the previous ACE terms, this
paper identified extra ontological terms from UMLS
and developed comprehensive mappings to its
narrower concepts. We also proposed practical
approaches to self-supervision by utilising the
concept co-occurrence embeddings. This will enable
us to automatically label the textual data, leading to
minimal manual annotations for training supervised
learning models such as deep learning NLP models.
Furthermore, to create a compact representation of
reusable concept embeddings, we trained an auto-
encoder model to reduce the dimension of the sparse
concept-document matrix. The model can compress
useful information into matrix with much fewer
dimensions, leading to efficient computation for
utilising semantics of concept embeddings. In
addition, this paper identified ACEs from Reddit,
leading to publicly available resources for
This work is very much working in progress.
There are many areas that need further developments
and improvements. Specifically, future steps would
involve 1) further exploration with EHR datasets and
combine the concept embedding from social media
and EHR together; 2) enhancement on the current
concept representation with more attention on the
same concept; and 3) create a public accessible
benchmark on Reddit datasets and other publicly
available datasets (such as tweets) for ACE
identification with gold-standard annotations by
domain experts.
This research is supported by the UK's National
Institute for Health Research (grant number:
NIHR202639) and the UK's Medical Research
Council (grant number: MR/S004149/2).
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Active Surveillance, Diagnosis, and Management of
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). In 2021 IEEE
International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) (pp.
5843-5847). IEEE.
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knowledge representation and semantic web
techniques. JMIR mental health, 6(5), e13498.
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Relationship of childhood abuse and household
dysfunction to many of the leading causes of death in
adults: The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE)
Study. American journal of preventive medicine, 14(4),
Hughes, K., Bellis, M. A., Hardcastle, K. A., Sethi, D.,
Butchart, A., Mikton, C., ... & Dunne, M. P. (2017). The
effect of multiple adverse childhood experiences on
health: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The
Lancet Public Health, 2(8), e356-e366.
Liu, M., Luong, L., Lachaud, J., Edalati, H., Reeves, A., &
Hwang, S. W. (2021). Adverse childhood experiences
and related outcomes among adults experiencing
homelessness: a systematic review and meta-
analysis. The Lancet Public Health, 6(11), e836-e847.
Low, D. M., Rumker, L., Talkar, T., Torous, J., Cecchi, G.,
& Ghosh, S. S. (2020). Natural language processing
reveals vulnerable mental health support groups and
heightened health anxiety on reddit during covid-19:
Observational study. Journal of medical Internet
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Nagowah, S. D., Ben Sta, H., & Gobin-Rahimbux, B.
(2021). A systematic literature review on semantic
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semantic data from clinical notes for tailored care, trial
recruitment, and clinical research. Journal of the
American Medical Informatics Association, 25(5), 530-
Ontology-driven Self-supervision for Adverse Childhood Experiences Identification using Social Media Datasets
Figure 4: This is an example of annotations. The words
highlighted in blue are those truly identified by NLP (i.e.
true positive). The words in green are manually annotated
as either "Not_ACEs" or "Manual_ACEs". "Not_ACEs"
refers to those false terms identified by NLP (i.e. false
positive). "Manual_ACEs" refers to those true terms not
identified by NLP (i.e. false negative).
Figure 5: This is the scatter plot of original vector vs
encoded vector. As can be seen, it shows patterns of linear
relations among them, indicating the encoded vector has
retained the majority information of the original vector.
Equation 1 shows cosine similarity mathematically. If
we consider A and B as two vectors, the cosine
similarity is defined as the cosine of the angle
between them.
The cosine similarity is scaled within the interval
[-1,1]. The value is close to 1 means the cosine of the
angle is small, which means that two vectors are
similar. The value is 0 indicating orthogonality. The
value is close to -1 meaning approximate the
SDAIH 2022 - Scarce Data in Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare