TerrorMine: Automatically Identifying the Group behind
a Terrorist Attack
Alan Falzon and Joel Azzopardi
Department of Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of ICT, University of Malta, Msida, Malta
Terrorism, Data-mining, GTD, Machine Learning, Prediction, Clustering, Forecasting.
Terrorism is a problem that provokes fear and causes death internationally. The Global Terrorism Database
(GTD) contains a large number of terrorist attack records which can be used for data mining to help counter
or mitigate future terror attacks. TerrorMine employs AI techniques to identify perpetrators responsible for
terrorist attacks. Moreover, the effect of clustering beforehand is investigated, while also attempting to identify
new (unknown) terrorist organisations, and predicting future activity of terror groups. Several experiments are
performed. The Random Forest model obtains the highest Weighted F1-score when identifying responsible
perpetrators. Furthermore, upon clustering the data using Hierarchical Density-Based Spatial Clustering of
Applications with Noise (HDBScan) before classification, training time is reduced by more than 50%. Various
techniques are used for the unsupervised identification of whether a terrorist attack was carried out by an
unknown terrorist group. Nearest Neighbours gives the highest Macro F1-score when cross-validated. When
forecasting the future impact of the different terrorist groups, Prophet achieved an F1-score higher than that of
Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA).
Terrorism refers to violent threats and acts aiming
to spread fear among targets, and impose ideas onto
a particular population (Jackson, 2018). It affects
tourism and in turn the national general economy. For
this reason, terrorism is one of the toughest challenges
faced worldwide (Tolan and Soliman, 2015).
One of the most notable attacks of all time is the
September 11 attack, more commonly known as ‘9/11
attacks’, committed by the Al Qaeda group in the
US in 2001. It caused almost 3000 deaths, spread-
ing tremendous terror
. While the average frequency
of terrorist attacks has slowly declined over time, the
impact of terrorist activity has increased mostly due to
mass media which reports terrorist activity and their
widespread condescending behaviour in a dramatised
fashion (Pfeiffer, 2012).
Data driven approaches can help counter-
terrorism efforts whereby data about past terrorist
attacks and related intelligence can be mined for
knowledge that can help prevent future attacks. The
story?id=79606569 [Last Accessed: April 5th, 2022]
Global Terrorism Database (GTD)
is an excellent
source of such data and can be used to help train
models that automatically identify perpetrators
behind an attack or predict future terrorist activities.
Perpetrator identification is one of the initial
counter-terrorism steps which lead to the prevention
of future attacks (Talreja et al., 2017). Tradition-
ally, the organisation responsible for a terrorist act
either claims responsibility or is discovered through
intelligence gathering activities such as email track-
ing, phone tracing or social network analysis (Talreja
et al., 2017). Such methods are cumbersome, require
specialised skill and dedicated hardware, and poten-
tially infringe on privacy rights. This reveals the need
for AI approaches to help in counter-terrorism work.
This paper aims to mine the GTD in order to dis-
cover knowledge that can help in counter-terrorism.
Other than perpetrator identification, this work aims
to potentially fill certain gaps such as the detection of
a newly formed terrorist group. The ability to tackle
such a problem would ultimately be useful to raise
warnings about threats by terrorist organisations.
The overall aim of this work is to contribute to the
efforts of counter-terrorism using a data-driven ap-
https://www.start.umd.edu/gtd/ [Last Accessed: June,
Falzon, A. and Azzopardi, J.
TerrorMine: Automatically Identifying the Group behind a Terrorist Attack.
DOI: 10.5220/0011540300003335
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2022) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 221-228
ISBN: 978-989-758-614-9; ISSN: 2184-3228
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
proach. The aim was achieved through the following
Automatically identifying the terrorist organisa-
tion responsible for a terrorist attack
Investigating the effect of clustering on the terror-
ist group identification
Automatically discovering new terrorist groups
responsible for recent attacks
Predicting the future activity of terrorist groups
This section consists of an overview of the various
research carried out in relation to the objectives spec-
ified in Section 1. Section 2.1 provides an overview of
the Global Terrorism Database (GTD) while Sections
2.2, 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 provide a review of literature re-
lated to each of the four objectives, respectively.
2.1 The Global Terrorism Database
The GTD, maintained by the National Consortium of
the START, is an open-source database that, at the
time of writing, contains data describing over 200,000
terrorist attacks that happened from 1970 until 2019.
For each terrorist incident, there are up to 120 vari-
ables including the date, location, information about
the target and weapons used, the number of casual-
ties, and the responsible group if identified (National
Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses
to Terrorism (START), 2019).
Data from the GTD needs to be prepared by se-
lecting the subset of features considered to be im-
portant, handling missing data, scaling and encoding
data (Pag
an, 2010), (Laite et al., 2019). Feature se-
lection involves reducing the number of attributes to
be used by classification models, as done by Pan us-
ing Extremely Randomised Trees (Pan, 2021). Var-
ious techniques are explored when it comes to han-
dling missing data, including Listwise Deletion and
Mode, Mean, Median, KNN and Multivariate Impu-
tation (Pag
an, 2010).
2.2 Objective 1: Automatically
Identifying the Perpetrator
This section provides a review of the literature related
to the automated identification of the terrorist organ-
isation responsible for an attack. It tackles the vari-
ous encountered missing data techniques, feature se-
lection methods and classification models.
Missing Data
The most frequently used technique to handle missing
GTD data is Listwise Deletion (Tolan and Soliman,
2015), (Pag
an, 2010), (Khorshid et al., 2015b), (Laite
et al., 2019). (Tolan and Soliman, 2015) compare
the performance of the Listwise Deletion technique
to that of Mode Imputation, arriving to the conclu-
sion that the former method performs better overall.
an, 2010) compares Listwise Deletion to Mean
Imputation, Median Imputation and KNN Imputation
and reports that the best results were obtained using
the latter method.
Feature Selection
In order to perform classification of the data found
in GTD, the features to be fed to the classification
pipeline are most frequently hand-picked manually
an, 2010), (Laite et al., 2019), (Khorshid et al.,
2015b). (Pan, 2021), (Peng, 2018) and (Talreja et al.,
2017) use automated approaches involving Extremely
Randomised Trees, a feature correlation matrix and
Factor Analysis of Mixed Data, respectively.
The most frequent ML classifiers used on terrorist at-
tack data from GTD encountered in the performed
research include Decision Tree, Logistic Regression,
KNN, Naive Bayes and SVM. (Talreja et al., 2017),
(Mohammed and Karabatak, 2018), (Tolan and Soli-
man, 2015) and (Khorshid et al., 2015a) all imple-
ment and compare both the Decision Tree and SVM
classifiers. (Talreja et al., 2017) report that upon eval-
uating their different implemented models trained on
GTD data ranging from 1990 until 2014 and tested on
attacks that happened during 2015 where the location
is India, SVM resulted in the highest accuracy. (Peng,
2018) and (Diab, 2019) also implement the Decision
Tree and SVM ML models, respectively.
(Peng, 2018), (Tolan and Soliman, 2015) and
(Khorshid et al., 2015a) perform classification using
KNN and Naive Bayes, with the former classifica-
tion technique also being utilised by (Pag
an, 2010)
and (Mohammed and Karabatak, 2018). (Tolan and
Soliman, 2015) report that the KNN classifier resulted
in the highest accuracy score. (Diab, 2019) applies
the Logistic Regression, SVM and Perceptron clas-
sifiers for classification and they use them to com-
pare the performance of Gradient Descent (GD) and
Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) on the classifica-
tion of terrorist attacks with respect to the type of at-
tack based on textual data. They report that the best
KDIR 2022 - 14th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
result was obtained when using the Perceptron classi-
2.3 Objective 2: Exploring the Effect of
As observed in the undertaken research, clustering is
used in various ways to improve the classification pro-
cess. These include: the removal of outliers detected
through clustering, as done by (Meng et al., 2017); fit-
ting a classifier on each cluster during the classifica-
tion phase, as performed by (Mathivanan et al., 2018);
and performing clustering to generate the cluster ID
of each record as an additional feature to be fed to
the classifier, as implemented by (Alapati and Sindhu,
(Meng et al., 2017) use clustering as an unsuper-
vised approach to detect outliers in GDT data. The
first approach is to consider all instances of a cluster
which is smaller than a specific threshold as outliers.
The second approach is to consider those instances
whose distance to their respective centroid is above a
threshold as outliers. The latter approach resulted in
a better classification performance.
Focusing on the e-commerce domain, (Math-
ivanan et al., 2018) compare K-Means and Hierar-
chical clustering as means to improve classification.
They report that while classification performance was
not improved, the classification process takes much
less time when preceded by Hierarchical clustering.
(Alapati and Sindhu, 2016) investigate the same two
clustering methods where the cluster ID resulting
from the pre-process is input to the ANN classifier as
an additional field. As opposed to the experiments
performed by (Mathivanan et al., 2018), their re-
sulting classification accuracy is improved when pre-
ceded by clustering, with the highest increase result-
ing from hierarchical clustering before classification
through ANN (Alapati and Sindhu, 2016).
2.4 Objective 3: Automatically
Discovering New Perpetrators
Novelty detection is commonly treated as an outlier
detection problem where outliers are considered to
be only present in new data (Pedregosa et al., 2011).
To date, we have not encountered systems that apply
these techiques to the terrorism domain.
The most frequently encountered novelty and out-
lier detection techniques include One-Class Support
Vector Machine (OCSVM), which is implemented by
(Spinosa and Carvalho, 2005); Autoencoder, which is
used by (Curia, 2020); Generative Adversarial Net-
work (GAN), as utilised by (Zenati et al., 2018) and
(Carrara et al., 2021); and Local Outlier Factor (LOF)
– used by (Alsawadi and Bilal, 2021).
(Spinosa and Carvalho, 2005) use OCSVM to per-
form novelty detection on medical data, where a data
point which falls outside the space enclosed by the hy-
perplane is considered to belong to an unseen class.
(Curia, 2020) performs outlier detection on terrorist
attacks from GTD as a means to predict whether an at-
tack is successful or not using a hybrid approach con-
sisting of an Autoencoder model and K-Modes clus-
tering. Autoencoder is a specific type of ANN which
encodes an input instance and decodes it back to its
original form. If the loss between the two instances is
greater than a threshold specified for each cluster of
data resulting from K-Modes clustering, then the in-
stance is considered an outlier, thus a successful ter-
rorist attack (Curia, 2020).
(Zenati et al., 2018) and (Carrara et al., 2021)
combine an Autoencoder with a GAN to perform
anomaly detection. GANs are specialised types of
ANNs made up of a Generator and a Discriminator.
The Generator is responsible of generating fake data,
while the Discriminator is responsible of determining
whether data is real or generated when fed both types
of data. When the GAN is used as an outlier detector,
the Generator component is an Autoencoder whose
input instance is considered an outlier if the Discrim-
inator tags the output as having been generated.
LOF is an unsupervised technique applicable to
outlier and novelty detection. (Alsawadi and Bilal,
2021) utilise LOF for safer navigation of autonomous
vehicles by enabling it to detect new potentially dan-
gerous situations during autonomous driving. The
LOF method considers any data points as outliers if
they are located in low-density areas in relation to
their neighbours (Alsawadi and Bilal, 2021).
2.5 Objective 4: Predicting the Future
Activity of Terrorist Groups
When it comes to the forecasting of future terrorist
activity, the most frequently encountered technique is
the ARIMA forecasting model, which is used by both
(Sahin, 2018) and (Li et al., 2017). While not specif-
ically used in the counter-terrorism field, Prophet,
open sourced by Facebook in 2017, has also been
gaining traction when it comes to forecasting (Taylor
and Letham, 2017). Prophet is essentially an additive
regression model which relies on the growth, season-
ality, effect of any specified holidays and any custom
white noise error.
(Sahin, 2018) proposes a system used to fore-
cast the frequency of terrorist attacks taking place in
different countries for a given month, utilising data
TerrorMine: Automatically Identifying the Group behind a Terrorist Attack
from the GTD. They compare the performance of the
ARIMA and the Dynamic Regression models. The
ARIMA method solely uses a linear combination of
past terrorist attacks. On the other hand, the Dynamic
Regression Model not only depends on past values
of the variable being predicted, but also on other
factors, such as the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
(Sahin, 2018). The Dynamic Regression model did
perform better than ARIMA in certain cases, how-
ever the ARIMA model performed better overall. (Li
et al., 2017) also make use of the ARIMA model
based on GTD data to predict future terrorist activity
occurring in different countries, aiming to predict the
conditional probability of bombing tactics in different
countries. (Li et al., 2017).
(Battineni et al., 2020) use Prophet to perform 60-
day forecasting of the total number of COVID-19 in-
fections in the USA, Brazil, India and Russia, using
a logistic growth model. On the other hand, (Jha and
Pande, 2021) compare the ARIMA and Prophet mod-
els by forecasting Supermarket sales data, ultimately
concluding that Prophet performs better, resulting in
a better fit, more accurate predictions and a smaller
error rate.
The methodology of TerrorMine consists of the con-
duction of various experiments to identify the terror-
ists behind an attack, explore the effect of cluster-
ing on the identification, detect the emergence of new
groups and forecast terrorist group activity. The ex-
periments, performed in line with the objectives, are
respectively described in Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and
3.1 Objective 1: Automatically
Identifying the Perpetrator
For the automated identification of the responsible
terrorist groups, the initial step is to select the most
salient features. This is done through extremely ran-
domised trees using the ExtraTreesClassifier model
provided by SKLearn
. During the fitting of the clas-
sifier, the feature importance is computed for each
of the tables based on the impurity score for the
splitting of data based on the features. After fit-
ting, these impurity scores for all the input features
are extracted from the trained model. All features
with an impurity score higher than average are then
https://scikit-learn.org/ [Last Accessed: May 13th,
selected. The selected features are iyear, imonth,
country, region, provstate, city, latitude, longitude,
targsubtype1, corp1, target1, natlty1 and weapsub-
The classifiers implemented for this objective are
Decision Tree, Random Forest, KNN, Logistic Re-
gression, SVM (also trained using SGD) and Feed-
forward Neural Network (FNN), which are some of
the best encountered performing classification tech-
niques in this domain. For the Decision Tree and Ran-
dom Forest classifiers, the categorical features are or-
dinal encoded and the continuous features are left as
is, since high non-standardised values do not impact
tree-based classifications. On the other hand, for the
remaining classification techniques, categorical fea-
tures are one-hot encoded and continuous features are
standardised. All classifiers, excluding ANNs, are
fine-tuned through a grid search using a wide variety
of parameters.
After selecting the optimal classification model,
two additional experiments are carried out in attempt
to enhance the performance of the model which in-
clude handling of missing data and the use of textual
features. For the former, Listwise Deletion, Mode Im-
putation and Multivariate Imputation are performed
before classification. For the inclusion of textual data
we compute the structured TF-IDF features of the at-
tack summary field in GTD. Such improvements are
implemented based on their positive impact in the ex-
periments encountered in the reviewed literature.
3.2 Objective 2: Exploring the Effect of
Two different approaches are taken to explore the
effect of clustering on classification. The first ap-
proach is to use the assigned cluster label as an ad-
ditional feature to the classification pipeline. The sec-
ond approach is to cluster the data and then fit a sepa-
rate classification model on each cluster. The second
approach involves performing hyper-parameter tun-
ing on each model so that each model is optimised
to classify instances belonging to its respective clus-
ter. Clustering experiments are carried out using K-
Means, K-Modes and HDBScan.
K-Means operates using Euclidean distance, thus
continuous features are standardised and categorical
features are one-hot encoded. Since K-Means does
not perform well with high dimensional data, possi-
bly resulting in meaningless clusters, the four textual
features that mostly contribute to data sparsity are ex-
cluded, namely: provstate, city, corp1, target1. The
K-Means and HDBScan techniques both operate on
the same feature subset. K is set to 6 for K-Means,
KDIR 2022 - 14th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
determined through the Elbow method using Distor-
tion score. HDBScan, on the other hand, automati-
cally infers the number of clusters due to its density-
based mechanism. K-Modes is set up to only operate
on the categorical feature subset since it is a technique
used for clustering categorical attributes. A K of 11
is determined by considering the least cost, which is
the sum of dissimilarities between all of the resulting
3.3 Objective 3: Automatically
Discovering New Perpetrators
The problem of detecting new perpetrators is treated
as an outlier detection problem where outliers are
only assumed to be present in unseen data. The ex-
periments for this objective use unsupervised Nearest
Neighbours, LOF, OCSVM, Autoencoder and GAN
for outlier detection, which were found to be some of
the most effective techniques in the related work. The
same feature subset described in Section 3.1 is con-
sidered, except for the Autoencoder and GAN, which
exclude the highly dimensional attributes that cause
the DNN model training to exceed the available hard-
ware’s capacity. The Nearest Neighbours, LOF and
OCSVM models are fine-tuned using Grid Search.
For the implementation of Nearest Neighbours,
the model is fitted on the training data and for any new
unseen instance, its Euclidean distance to the closest
K neighbours is calculated. If the mean distance is
greater than a specified threshold determined through
Grid Search, then the instance is considered an out-
lier. When using Autoencoder, the decoded output of
an instance is compared to the input using Mean Ab-
solute Error (MAE). If the loss is larger than the stan-
dard deviation of the list of (MAE) values of the train-
ing data subtracted by their mean, then the instance
is considered an outlier, as done by (Rajan, 2021).
When it comes to the GAN technique, the Genera-
tor is replaced by an Autoencoder and once the Dis-
criminator is trained, the network is fed the unseen
data. Any instances which the Discriminator labels as
”fake” are considered to be outliers, thus assumed to
be attacks performed by unseen terrorist groups.
3.4 Objective 4: Predicting the Future
Activity of Terrorists Groups
The impact of each terrorist group for a specific year
and month is predicted using ARIMA and Prophet,
where, according to the review literature, the former
technique has been shown to perform well in this field
and the latter has been proven to even surpass ARIMA
in other fields. The impact is predicted by forecasting
the number of civilian fatalities (nkill - nkillter), the
number of those wounded (nwound - nwoundte) and
then summing them up, as performed by (Singer and
Golan, 2019). The impact is then categorised through
quantile-based discretisation. As an additional exper-
iment, the attack frequency is also forecast.
In order to find the optimal ARIMA model for
each required measure for each terrorist group, the
auto arima behaviour of the arima class developed by
(Smith et al., 2017) is used; a tool intended to dis-
cover the optimal parameters of this forecasting tech-
nique. This enables the discovery of the optimal value
for the order of the first-differencing, auto-regressive
and moving-average models. It then proceeds to fine-
tune the values of the order of the auto-regressive and
moving-average components of the seasonal model,
and seasonal differencing. When evaluating how
well a set of parameters results in forecasting, Mean
Squared Error (MSE) is used. Similarly, the optimal
Prophet model is estimated in terms of growth, upper-
bound and seasonality pattern. For Prophet, in order
to evaluate the performance of each set of parameters,
the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) is used.
This section presents the achieved results for each ob-
jective. For the first three objectives, data was or-
dered by date and eventid and split into 80% train-
ing and 20% testing sets. The training set is used to
fine-tune and select the optimal model through time-
independent cross-validation. The test set is used
to test the selected model on unseen time-dependent
data. For the fourth objective, data ranging from Jan-
uary 2010 until May 2016 is used as training data and
data from June 2016 until December 2017 for valida-
tion data in order to fine-tune the forecasting models.
The models are then tested on the unseen data which
ranges from January 2018 until December 2019.
4.1 Objective 1: Automatically
Identifying the Perpetrator
This section includes the results for perpetrator iden-
tification involving the Decision Tree, KNN, Logistic
Regression, SVM and FNN classifiers, in addition to
missing data handling techniques and the use of un-
structured textual data. Table 1 shows that, based on
the Weighted F1-score of 0.818, the optimal model
for the automated identification of the perpetrator is
the Random Forest model operating on both struc-
tured data and unstructured textual data from the sum-
mary field of terrorist attack records. Furthermore, it
TerrorMine: Automatically Identifying the Group behind a Terrorist Attack
also shows that handling missing data using Listwise
Deletion, Mode Imputation and Multivariate Imputa-
tion does not improve the results.
The scores decreased when tested on the unseen
test data, resulting in an F1-score of 0.800. This is
expected since the model is fine-tuned on the training
data. The decrease is slight however, which implies
that the model is not over-fit on the training data. The
table also shows that our model performs substan-
tially better than a weighted random (naive) model.
The model is also trained on GTD data ranging from
1990 until 2014 and tested on data for 2015 and 2016,
to compare it with the classification results obtained
by (Peng, 2018). The table shows that our model per-
formed better, achieving an accuracy of 0.693.
Table 1: Table showing the perpetrator identification Ac-
curacy and Weighted Precision, Recall and F1-score for
the different models: Decision Tree (DT), KNN, Logistic
Regression (LR), SVM, SVM using SGD (SVM-S), FNN,
Random Forest (RF), Random Forest in addition to Listwise
Deletion (RF-LD), Mode Imputation (RF-MI) and Mul-
tivariate Imputation (RF-MVI), Random Forest operating
only on text features (RF-T) and Random Forest operating
on both structured and text features (RF-ST).
Accuracy Precision Recall F1
Cross Validation Data (2015 - 2018)
DT 0.718 0.795 0.718 0.737
KNN 0.797 0.771 0.797 0.777
LR 0.827 0.810 0.827 0.811
SVM 0.801 0.814 0.801 0.797
SVM-S 0.829 0.807 0.829 0.808
FNN 0.620 0.718 0.620 0.625
RF 0.830 0.811 0.830 0.813
RF-LD 0.808 0.791 0.808 0.788
RF-MI 0.829 0.813 0.829 0.812
RF-MVI 0.829 0.811 0.829 0.812
RF-T 0.696 0.651 0.696 0.663
RF-ST 0.828 0.828 0.828 0.818
Test Data (2018 - 2019)
Random 0.075 0.101 0.075 0.082
RF-ST 0.817 0.817 0.817 0.800
Test Data (2015 - 2016)
Random 0.072 - - -
RF-ST 0.693 - - -
0.583 - - -
4.2 Objective 2: Exploring the Effect of
This section includes the clustering performance re-
sults for the K-Means, K-Modes and HDBScan tech-
niques. Table 2 shows that the hybrid approach in-
volving the fine-tuning and fitting of a Random For-
est model on each cluster produced by the HDBScan
technique, resulted in the best Weighted F1-score of
0.830 during cross-validation, surpassing the stan-
dard Random Forest model. When tested on unseen
data however, the standard Random Forest model pro-
duced a slightly higher F1-score. The most proba-
ble reason for this is the fact that cross-validation was
done on data which is clustered beforehand, offering
an unfair advantage. The time taken to evaluate the
hybrid pipeline using cross-validation takes less than
half the time to train the standard one, which is highly
Table 2: Table providing the Accuracy and Weighted Preci-
sion, Recall and F1-score for classification when preceded
by the different clustering techniques. The entries for K-
Means, K-Modes and HDBScan refer to the traditional clas-
sification model which also utilises the cluster label as an
additional feature. K-Means*, K-Modes* and HDBScan*
refer to the hybrid approach where a separate classification
model is fit on each of the clusters.
Clustering Acc. Prec. Rec. F1
Cross Validation Data (2015 - 2018)
None 0.828 0.828 0.828 0.818
K-Means 0.824 0.827 0.824 0.814
K-Modes 0.829 0.828 0.829 0.819
HDBScan 0.822 0.827 0.822 0.814
K-Means* 0.849 0.823 0.849 0.821
K-Modes* 0.841 0.819 0.841 0.822
HDBScan* 0.848 0.826 0.848 0.830
Test Data (2018 - 2019)
None 0.828 0.828 0.828 0.818
HDBScan 0.804 0.793 0.804 0.783
4.3 Objective 3: Automatically
Discovering New Perpetrators
This section includes the new perpetrator detection
results for the LOF, OCSVM, Nearest Neighbours,
Autoencoder and GAN techniques. Table 3 shows
that the unsupervised Nearest Neighbours model re-
sulted in the highest Macro F1-score during cross-
validation when it comes to detecting new terrorist
groups. This model is then tested on the unseen test
set and compared to a constant model which classifies
all attacks as not having been carried out by unseen
groups. While the obtained result is not outstanding,
our model performs better than this constant, imply-
ing that it manages to detect some of the attacks as
having been carried out by new groups.
KDIR 2022 - 14th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 3: Table showing the novel class detection Accu-
racy and Macro Precision, Recall and F1-score for the LOF,
OCSVM, Nearest Neighbours (NN), Autoencoder (AE) and
GAN results.
Accuracy Precision Recall F1
Cross Validation Data (2015 - 2018)
LOF 0.941 0.516 0.517 0.516
OCSVM 0.951 0.568 0.564 0.564
NN 0.930 0.571 0.605 0.579
AE 0.759 0.500 0.380 0.428
GAN 0.782 0.500 0.391 0.400
Test Data (2018 - 2019)
Constant 0.976 0.488 0.500 0.494
NN 0.911 0.537 0.616 0.547
4.4 Objective 4: Predicting the Future
Activity of Terrorists Groups
This section includes the new terrorist group forecast-
ing results for the ARIMA and Prophet techniques.
When predicting the future impact of the twenty most
impacting terrorist groups, Table 4 shows that the
Prophet model has the edge, resulting in slightly bet-
ter Accuracy and Weighted Recall and F1-score.
Table 4: Table showing the Accuracy and Weighted Preci-
sion, Recall and F1-score for the Impact classification car-
ried out using both Prophet and ARIMA.
Accuracy Precision Recall F1
ARIMA 0.535 0.668 0.535 0.581
Prophet 0.602 0.653 0.602 0.620
TerrorMine is a system which builds upon existing
research focusing on counter-terrorism using data-
driven methods. The first objective was to identify
the groups responsible for terrorist attacks. The per-
formed experiments show that the Random Forest
seems to be the optimal classifier for this objective.
While classification is not improved when handling
missing data using specialised techniques, it seems to
slightly improve when including textual data from the
summary of attacks. The second objective involved
exploring the effect of clustering on the perpetrator
identification. Clustering the data before classifica-
tion seems to have a negative impact on the result
metrics when tested on unseen data, however model
training and fine-tuning is made faster. The third ob-
jective involved the detection of attacks which were
carried out by new groups. The results produced
for this objective are not outstanding, however the
Nearest Neighbours technique shows potential. The
fourth objective was to forecast the terrorist activity of
the different groups, with the performance of Prophet
surpassing that of ARIMA in terms of weighted F1-
This work contributes to current research by com-
paring an extensive range of ML techniques on global
and more recent GTD data to automatically identify
terrorist groups. We also compare the sole utilisation
of structured data, text data and ultimately a combi-
nation of both for classification. Additionally, we ex-
plore the niche of possibly detecting whether terrorist
attacks were carried out by an unobserved group, by
employing diverse techniques. To our knowledge, this
has never been tackled before in this domain. Fur-
thermore, we provide terrorist activity forecasts us-
ing Prophet, a tool which was not encountered in this
5.1 Future Work
A possible future improvement is to use the Gower
distance instead of Euclidean where plausible since it
considers both categorical and continuous data. The
challenge with this approach is that the computation
of a Gower matrix is computationally expensive. Fur-
thermore, when it comes to clustering data to im-
prove classification, the K parameter could alterna-
tively be determined by varying it according to the
classification results. Additionally, the clustering pro-
cess could be used for outlier detection and removal,
which could improve the results of all the objectives.
Oversampling records related to minority terrorist or-
ganisations could also improve the results of the first
two objectives. Another improvement is to use the
terrorist organisation identification pipeline produced
for the first objective to identify the terrorist organisa-
tions which are actually unknown, resulting in a more
complete dataset which could improve the results of
the remaining objectives. Furthermore, the terrorist
groups which are determined to be inactive during the
period of the unseen test data through the fourth ob-
jective could also be eliminated from the training data
used for the identification of terrorist groups in the
first objective.
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KDIR 2022 - 14th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval