6.1 Conclusion
We aim to design a system which allows the
organizers and the security forces to get a fair
description of one of the crowd behaviors. It is great
for them to conduct crowd analysis and provide
insight to others who wish to implement such
This paper investigates current approaches in
crowd counting and different approaches like
regression, CNN and by-detention with image
recognition technology. It also suggests the
requirements of the to-be system should be efficient
and reliable.
In this work, our system requires the model to
recognize hundreds of items inside an image which it
proves to be difficult. The problem can be improved
by increasing the number of neurons in the system.
However, this comes with a major drawback of
increased resources required and long learning time.
6.2 Future Work
A CNN neural network with a heat map generation
can be done to further improve its accuracy.
Generating a heat map would only require modifying
the output layer to support such application.
The model of the neural network can be replaced
with Capsule Network (CapsNet) (Sabour, Frosst and
Hinton, 2017). CapsNet is currently the most accurate
state of the art image recognition model. However,
due to it being very new, here are very few resources
that can be found online which greatly increase the
development time of this work. We can use the
finding of this paper to develop a recommendation
system for event organizers to recommend the most
appropriate preparation work based on different
situations (Yuen, King and Leung, 2021).
This research was in part supported by grants from
the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong
Special Administrative Region, China (Project No.
UGC/FDS15/E02/20 and UGC/FDS15/E01/21).
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