They increase their grasp of the learning objectives
and success criteria by providing comments to peers.
Because they are forced to integrate the learning
objectives and success criteria in the context of
someone else's work, which is less emotionally
charged than one's own, the person giving feedback
benefits just as much as the person getting input
(Wiliam, 2006). Peer assessment in a collaborative
learning environment is grounded in some questions
that frame the assessment process of a learner: Who
would be my peer now? Where to go next? What is
my peer's next target? The recommendation is the
answer to these questions, as it allows monitoring
learners’ behavior while performing assessment
activities. Recommender Systems make use of
different sources of information to provide users with
predictions and recommendations of items. The
recommendation process has to meet the learners’
progressions, levels, and preferences. Therefore, how
can we recommend learning and assessment
resources adapted to the profile and context of each
learner? How to find the most appropriate peer for a
learner to receive feedback from, and to give
feedback to? How to collect and manage traces of
assessment activities to use them as a first layer of the
recommendation process? How can we ensure the
exchange and interoperability of assessment
resources between different tools and learning
environments? Learner characteristics such as
knowledge, affective activity statement, pre-test
achievement, and previous assessment result are
considered as a basis for providing recommendations.
Our system should be able to gather and thus save
learners' traces recorded during assessment activities
so that they can be reused. Furthermore, the proposed
system should be capable of managing such pieces of
data in the best possible way in the interest of
learners. Indeed, the learner's performance in
assessment activities can be collected as useful data
for assessment and as evidence or proof of the
learner's mastery of a certain skill. All this data will
be stored in what we call an "ePortfolio". In this
paper, we propose an assessment ePortfolio that
should allow us to structure the content of the
assessment traces to use them as evidence for the
learner’s competencies (Amira Ghedir, Lilia Cheniti-
Belcadhi, Bilal Said, Ghada El Khayat, 2018). To
model our proposed ePortfolio, we used semantic
web technologies and ontologies. The suggested
model's primary problems include interoperability,
information sharing, scalability, and dynamic
integration of different pieces of data. To overcome
this issue, we are based on e-learning standards: in
particular, we proposed the CMI5, the IMS/QTI, and
the IEEE PAPI Learner specifications. Our
assessment ePortfolio is the fundamental layer for our
Recommender System. This latter is split into two
recommendations: On the one hand, the next
assessment activity to perform, and on the other hand,
the most suitable peer to receive feedback from, and
give feedback to.
The remaining sections of the paper are structured
as follows. First, we present the use and application
of a Recommender System. After that, we present our
contribution, in the form of a general architecture
design for the proposed Recommender System and an
ontological model for the assessment ePortfolio.
Finally, concluding notes and future research actions
related to thematics are explored.
Users of eLearning are frequently met with an
innumerable number of products and eLearning
materials. Therefore, customization is required to
provide an exceptional user experience. This type of
recommender tool is essential in numerous Web
domains, including eLearning sites (Dhavale, 2020).
2.1 Recommender System (RS)
RSs are systems that are designed to provide
recommendations and suggestions for users based on
many different factors. They are useful for
recommending things that users have already selected
(Lilia Cheniti Belcadhi and Serge Garlatti, 2015).
There are some initiatives in the field of RS to offer
new and better recommendations to improve
performance. The recommendations are aimed to aid
users in making various decisions, such as what to
buy, what music to listen to, or what news to read.
RSs have proven to be an effective way for online
users to manage information overload, and they have
become one of the most efficient and widely used
tools in e-commerce. They produce meaningful
recommendations to a user for items or products
based on their preferences. Recommendations of
books on Amazon, movies on Netflix, or songs on
Spotify is the real-world example of RSs (Sushma
Malik, Mamta Bansal, 2019). The RS has
traditionally been used in a business context, but this
has shifted over time to include other sectors such as
health, education, and government. In (Herlocker,
Jonathan L. and Konstan, Joseph A. and Riedl, John,
2000), RS was presented as predicting a person's