PatternRank: Leveraging Pretrained Language Models and Part of
Speech for Unsupervised Keyphrase Extraction
Tim Schopf
, Simon Klimek
and Florian Matthes
Department of Informatics, Technical University of Munich, Boltzmannstrasse 3, Garching, Germany
Natural Language Processing, Keyphrase Extraction, Pretrained Language Models, Part of Speech.
Keyphrase extraction is the process of automatically selecting a small set of most relevant phrases from a
given text. Supervised keyphrase extraction approaches need large amounts of labeled training data and per-
form poorly outside the domain of the training data (Bennani-Smires et al., 2018). In this paper, we present
PatternRank, which leverages pretrained language models and part-of-speech for unsupervised keyphrase ex-
traction from single documents. Our experiments show PatternRank achieves higher precision, recall and
-scores than previous state-of-the-art approaches. In addition, we present the KeyphraseVectorizers
age, which allows easy modification of part-of-speech patterns for candidate keyphrase selection, and hence
adaptation of our approach to any domain.
To quickly get an overview of the content of a text, we
can use keyphrases that concisely reflect its semantic
context. Keyphrases describe the most essential as-
pect of a text. Unlike simple keywords, keyphrases
do not consist solely of single words, but of sev-
eral compound words. Therefore, keyphrases provide
more information about the content of a text com-
pared to simple keywords. Supervised keyphrase ex-
traction approaches usually achieve higher accuracy
than unsupervised ones (Kim et al., 2012; Caragea
et al., 2014; Meng et al., 2017). However, super-
vised approaches require manually labeled training
data, which often causes subjectivity issues as well
as significant investment of time and money (Papa-
giannopoulou and Tsoumakas, 2019). In contrast,
unsupervised keyphrase extraction approaches do not
have these issues and are moreover mostly domain-
Keyphrases and their vector representations are
very versatile and can be used in a variety of dif-
ferent Natural Language Processing (NLP) down-
stream tasks (Braun et al., 2021; Schopf et al., 2022).
For example, they can be used as features or input
for document clustering and classification (Hulth and
Megyesi, 2006; Schopf et al., 2021), they can sup-
port extractive summarization (Zhang et al., 2004), or
they can be used for query expansion (Song et al.,
2006). Keyphrase extraction is particularly relevant
for the scholarly domain as it helps to recommend ar-
ticles, highlight missing citations to authors, identify
potential reviewers for submissions, analyze research
trends over time, and can be used in many different
search scenarios (Augenstein et al., 2017).
In this paper, we present PatternRank, an un-
supervised approach for keyphrase extraction based
on Pretrained Language Models (PLMs) and Part of
Speech (PoS). Since keyphrase extraction is espe-
cially important for the scholarly domain, we evalu-
ate PatternRank on a specific dataset from this area.
Our approach does not rely on labeled data and there-
fore can be easily adapted to a variety of different do-
mains. Moreover, PatternRank does not require the
input document to be part of a larger corpus, allowing
the keyphrase extraction to be applied to individual
short texts such as publication abstracts. Figure 1 il-
lustrates the general keyphrase extraction approach of
Most popular unsupervised keyphrase extraction ap-
proaches can be characterized as either statistics-
Schopf, T., Klimek, S. and Matthes, F.
PatternRank: Leveraging Pretrained Language Models and Part of Speech for Unsupervised Keyphrase Extraction.
DOI: 10.5220/0011546600003335
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2022) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 243-248
ISBN: 978-989-758-614-9; ISSN: 2184-3228
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Candidate Keyphrase
Candidate Selection
Part of Speech (PoS) Pattern Candidate Keyphrases
Pretrained Language Model (PLM)
Ranked Candidate Keyphrases Extracted Keyphrases
Top-N Keyphrases
Text Document
Figure 1: PatternRank approach for unsupervised keyphrase extraction. A single text document is used as input for an
initial filtering step where candidate keyphrases are selected which match a defined PoS pattern. Subsequently, the candidate
keyphrases are ranked by a PLM based on their semantic similarity to the input text document. Finally, the top-N keyphrases
are extracted as a concise reflection of the input text document.
based, graph-based, or embedding-based methods,
while Tf-Idf is a common baseline used for evalua-
tion (Papagiannopoulou and Tsoumakas, 2019).
YAKE uses a set of different statistical metrics in-
cluding word casing, word position, word frequency,
and more to extract keyphrases from text (Campos
et al., 2020). TextRank uses PoS filters to extract noun
phrase candidates that are added to a graph as nodes,
while adding an edge between nodes if the words
co-occur within a defined window (Mihalcea and Ta-
rau, 2004). Finally, PageRank (Page et al., 1999) is
applied to extract keyphrases. SingleRank expands
the TextRank approach by adding weights to edges
based on word co-occurrences (Wan and Xiao, 2008).
RAKE generates a word co-occurrence graph and as-
signs scores based on word frequency, word degree,
or the ratio of degree and frequency for keyphrase
extraction (Rose et al., 2010). Furthermore, Knowl-
edge Graphs can be used to incorporate semantics
for keyphrase extraction (Shi et al., 2017). Em-
bedRank leverages Doc2Vec (Le and Mikolov, 2014)
and Sent2Vec (Pagliardini et al., 2018) sentence em-
beddings to rank candidate keyphrases for extraction
(Bennani-Smires et al., 2018). More recently, a PLM-
based approach was introduced that uses BERT (De-
vlin et al., 2019) for self-labeling of keyphrases and
subsequent use of the generated labels in an LSTM
classifier (Sharma and Li, 2019).
Figure 1 illustrates the general keyphrase extraction
process of our PatternRank approach. The input con-
sists of a single text document which is being word
tokenized. The word tokens are then tagged with PoS
tags. Tokens whose tags match a previously defined
PoS pattern are selected as candidate keyphrases.
Then, the candidate keyphrases are fed into a PLM
to rank them based on their similarity to the input text
document. The PLM embeds the entire text document
as well as all candidate keywords as semantic vector
representations. Subsequently, the cosine similarities
between the document representation and the candi-
date keyphrase representations are computed and the
candidate keyphrases are ranked in descending order
based on the computed similarity scores. Finally, the
top-N ranked keyphrases, which are most representa-
tive of the input document, are extracted.
3.1 Candidate Selection with Part of
In previous work, simple noun phrases consisting of
zero or more adjectives followed by one or more
nouns were used for keyphrase extraction (Mihalcea
and Tarau, 2004; Wan and Xiao, 2008; Bennani-
Smires et al., 2018). However, we define a more com-
plex PoS pattern to extract candidate keyphrases from
the input text document. In our approach, the tags
of the word tokens have to match the following PoS
pattern in order for the tokens to be considered as can-
didate keyphrases:
{.∗}{HY PH}{.∗}
{V BG}|{V BN}
?{ADJ} {NOUN} +
The PoS pattern quantifiers correspond to the reg-
ular expression syntax. Therefore, we can translate
the PoS pattern as arbitrary parts-of-speech sepa-
rated by a hyphen, followed by zero or more nouns
OR zero or one verb (gerund or present or past par-
ticiple), followed by zero or more adjectives, followed
by one or more nouns.
3.2 Candidate Ranking with Pretrained
Language Models
Earlier work used graphs (Mihalcea and Tarau, 2004;
Wan and Xiao, 2008) or paragraph and sentence em-
beddings (Bennani-Smires et al., 2018) to rank candi-
date keyphrases. However, we leverage PLMs based
on current transformer architectures to rank the can-
didate keyphrases that have recently demonstrated
promising results (Grootendorst, 2020). Therefore,
KDIR 2022 - 14th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
we follow the general EmbedRank (Bennani-Smires
et al., 2018) approach for ranking, but use PLMs
instead of Doc2Vec (Le and Mikolov, 2014) and
Sent2Vec (Pagliardini et al., 2018) to create semantic
vector representations of the entire text document as
well as all candidate keyphrases. In our experiments,
we use SBERT (Reimers and Gurevych, 2019) PLMs
since they have been shown to produce state of the art
text representations for semantic similarity tasks. Us-
ing these semantic vector representations, we rank the
candidate keyphrases based on their cosine similarity
to the input text document.
In this section, we compare four different approaches
for unsupervised keyphrase extraction in the scholarly
4.1 Data
In our experiments, we use the Inspec dataset (Hulth,
2003), which consists of 2,000 English computer sci-
ence abstracts collected from scientific journal arti-
cles between 1998 and 2002. Each abstract has as-
signed two different types of keyphrases. First, con-
trolled and manually assigned keyphrases that appear
in the thesaurus of the Inspec dataset but do not nec-
essarily have to appear in the abstract. Second, un-
controlled keyphrases that are freely assigned by pro-
fessional indexers and are not restricted to either the
thesaurus or the abstract. In our experiments, we con-
sider the union of both types of keyphrases as the
ground truth.
4.2 Evaluation
For evaluation, we compare the performances of four
different keyphrase extraction approaches.
YAKE: is a fast and lightweight approach for
unsupervised keyphrase extraction from single doc-
uments based on statistical features (Campos et al.,
SingleRank: applies a ranking algorithm to word
co-occurrence graphs for unsupervised keyphrase
extraction from single documents (Wan and Xiao,
KeyBERT: uses, similar to PatternRank, a PLM
to rank candidate keyphrases (Grootendorst, 2020).
However, KeyBERT uses simple word n-grams as
candidate keyphrases rather than word tokens that
match a certain PoS pattern, as in our PatternRank
approach. For the KeyBERT experiments, we use
the all-mpnet-base-v2
SBERT model for candidate
keyphrase ranking and an n-gram range of [1, 3]
for candidate keyphrase selection. This means that
n-grams consisting of 1, 2 or 3 words are selected as
candidate keyphrases.
PatternRank: To select candidate keyphrases,
we developed the KeyphraseVectorizers
which allows custom PoS patterns to be defined and
returns matching candidate keyphrases. We evaluate
two different versions of the PatternRank approach.
selects simple noun phrases as can-
didate keyphrases and PatternRank
selects word
tokens whose PoS tags match the pattern defined
in section 3.1. In both cases, the all-mpnet-base-v2
SBERT model is used for candidate keyphrase
We evaluate the models based on exact match,
partial match, and the average of exact and partial
match. For each approach, we report Precision@N,
Recall@N, and F
@N scores, using the top-N ex-
tracted keyphrases respectively. The gold keyphrases
always remain the entire set of all manually assigned
keyphrases, regardless of N. Additionally, we low-
ercase the gold keyphrases as well as the extracted
keyphrases and remove duplicates. We follow the
approach of Rousseau and Vazirgiannis (2015) and
calculate Precision@N, Recall@N, and F
@N scores
per document and then use the macro-average at
the collection level for evaluation. The exact match
approach yields true positives only for extracted
keyphrases that have an exact string match to one
of the gold keyphrases. However, this evaluation
approach penalizes keyphrase extraction methods
which predict keyphrases that are syntactically
different from the gold keyphrases but semantically
similar (Rousseau and Vazirgiannis, 2015; Wang
et al., 2015). The partial match approach converts
gold keyphrases as well as extracted keyphrases to
unigrams and yields true positives if the extracted
unigram keyphrases have a string match to one of
the unigram gold keyphrases (Rousseau and Vazir-
giannis, 2015). The drawback of the partial match
evaluation approach, however, is that it rewards
methods which predict keyphrases that occur in the
unigram gold keyphrases but are not appropriate for
the corresponding document (Papagiannopoulou and
PatternRank: Leveraging Pretrained Language Models and Part of Speech for Unsupervised Keyphrase Extraction
Table 1: Evaluation of our approach against state of the art using the Inspec dataset. Precision (P), Recall (R), and F
) for N = 5, 10, and 20 are reported. The evaluation results are based on exact match, partial match, and the average of
exact and partial match. Two variations of PatternRank are presented: PatternRank
selects simple noun phrases as candidate
keyphrases and PatternRank
selects word tokens whose PoS tags match the pattern defined in section 3.1. In both cases, a
SBERT PLM is used for candidate keyphrase ranking.
@5 @10 @20
Exact Match
YAKE 26.16 11.71 15.37 20.88 18.45 18.50 16.45 27.78 19.65
SingleRank 38.11 16.55 21.97 33.29 27.27 28.55 27.24 38.84 30.80
KeyBERT 12.97 6.08 7.82 11.42 10.53 10.30 9.75 17.14 11.76
41.15 18.09 23.92 34.60 28.33 29.66 25.88 36.69 29.19
41.76 18.44 24.35 36.10 29.63 30.99 27.80 39.42 31.37
Partial Match
YAKE 77.45 19.49 29.91 68.20 33.46 42.67 59.69 45.58 48.69
SingleRank 75.54 19.36 29.56 68.63 33.98 43.24 58.82 53.68 53.68
KeyBERT 77.48 20.06 30.55 65.78 32.90 41.67 57.11 45.37 48.34
83.64 21.93 33.29 75.27 37.62 47.69 62.78 56.69 57.03
82.49 21.61 32.79 74.79 37.50 47.48 63.21 57.66 57.71
Avg. Match
YAKE 51.81 15.60 22.64 44.54 25.96 30.59 38.07 36.68 34.13
SingleRank 56.83 17.96 25.77 50.96 30.63 35.90 43.03 46.26 42.24
KeyBERT 45.23 13.07 19.19 38.60 21.72 25.99 33.43 31.23 30.05
62.40 20.01 28.61 54.94 32.98 38.68 44.33 46.69 43.11
62.13 20.03 28.57 55.45 33.57 39.24 45.51 48.54 44.54
Tsoumakas, 2019). For empirical comparison of
keyphrase extraction approaches, we therefore also
report the average of the exact and partial matching
The results of our evaluation are shown in Ta-
ble 1. We can see that our PatternRank approach
outperforms all other approaches across all bench-
marks. In general, both approaches PatternRank
and PatternRank
perform fairly similarly, whereas
produces slightly better results in
most cases. In the exact match evaluation,
consistently achieves the best results
of all approaches. Furthermore, PatternRank
yields best results in the average mach evaluation
for N = 10 and 20. In the partial match evalua-
tion, the PatternRank
approach marginally outper-
forms the PatternRank
approach and yields best re-
sults for N = 5 and 10. However, as we mentioned
earlier the partial match evaluation approach, may
wrongly reward methods which extract keyphrases
that occur in the unigram gold keyphrases but are
not appropriate for the corresponding document.
Since the PatternRank
approach outperforms the
approach in the more important ex-
act match and average match evaluations, we argue
that selecting candidate keyphrases based on the PoS
pattern defined in Section 3.1 instead of simple noun
phrases helps to extract keyphrases predominantly oc-
curring in the scholarly domain. In contrast, skip-
ping the PoS pattern-based candidate keyphrase se-
lection step results in a significant performance de-
cline. KeyBERT uses the same PLM to rank the
candidate keyphrases as PatternRank, but uses sim-
ple n-grams for candidate keyphrase selection in-
stead of PoS patterns or noun phrases. As a result,
the KeyBERT approach consistently performs worst
among all approaches. As expected, YAKE was the
fastest keyphrase extraction approach because it is
a lightweight method based on statistical features.
However, the extracted keyphrases are not very ac-
curate and in comparison to PatternRank, YAKE sig-
nificantly performs worse in all evaluations. SingleR-
ank is the only approach that achieves competitive re-
sults compared to PatternRank. Nevertheless, it con-
sistently performs a few percentage points worse than
PatternRank across all evaluations. We therefore con-
clude that our PatternRank achieves state-of-the-art
keyphrase extraction results, especially in the schol-
arly domain.
We presented the PatternRank approach which lever-
ages PLMs and PoS for unsupervised keyphrase ex-
traction. We evaluated our approach against three dif-
ferent keyphrase extraction methods: one statistics-
based approach, one graph-based approach and one
PLM-based approach. The results show that the
PatternRank approach performs best in terms of pre-
cision, recall and F
-score across all evaluations. Fur-
thermore, we evaluated two different PatternRank
KDIR 2022 - 14th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
versions. PatternRank
selects simple noun phrases
as candidate keyphrases and PatternRank
word tokens whose PoS tags match the pattern defined
in Section 3.1. While PatternRank
produced better
results in the majority of cases, PatternRank
performed very well in all benchmarks. We therefore
conclude that the PatternRank
approach works par-
ticularly well in the evaluated scholarly domain. Fur-
thermore, since the use of noun phrases as candidate
keyphrases is a more general and domain-independent
approach, we propose using PatternRank
as a sim-
ple but effective keyphrase extraction method for ar-
bitrary domains. Future work may investigate how
the PLM and PoS pattern used in this approach can
be adapted to different domains or languages.
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KDIR 2022 - 14th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval