with many other issues such as process tracking, or-
ganizational agility, team communication and process
redundancy. Because of the critical relevance of each
of the items, it is difficult to identify the one that
affects organizations the most. We see these pain
points in almost every company that engaged with us
and we believe that the solution involves the system-
atic automation of their processes. In this context,
the adoption of Business Process Automation (BPA)
techniques for building Process-Aware Information
Systems (PAISs), i.e., systems whose requirements
are described using process models such as BPMN,
helps to address natively most of the problems just
mentioned (Dumas et al., 2005).
There are several solutions for BPA, including
open-source and proprietary platforms. These solu-
tions will be briefly described in Section 3. The main
problems and limitations of these solutions are:
1. Vendor Lock-in: One of the main risks of adopting
a proprietary platform is being forced to continue
using its product or service, regardless of quality,
cost or any other reason, because it is not practical
to switch away from that product or service.
2. Limited UI/UX: Despite claiming that the systems
provide features for building dynamic forms, the
forms produced by the BPA platforms are still
quite limited. In this way, the construction of
complex components (such as auto-complete in-
put fields or elements whose validation rule is
more sophisticated) becomes challenging and of-
ten not feasible on some low-code platforms.
3. Limited Integration: Many solutions for BPA pro-
vide extension mechanisms designed to integrate
the platform with existing systems or third-party
solutions. However, implementing such integra-
tions are still costly, not efficient, and sometimes
not feasible.
4. Outdated Technology Stack: Many of the existing
BPA solutions are based on outdated techniques
such as stateful (Dwyer, 2021) and server-side
rendering (Iskandar et al., 2020) applications.
5. Lack of support for non-process features: An-
other limitation of current BPA platforms is that
they focus only on process automation and of-
ten provide limited support for other features that
are usually necessary for process execution. For
example, customized authentication mechanisms,
for domain entities, and import/export
data are typically features hard to develop in BPA
solutions. There is a need for solutions that can
Acronym for Create, Read, Update, and Delete
support the automation of both process and Web-
related features.
To mitigate these problems and limitations, one
approach is to develop a traditional web application
and integrate it with a process engine. This way, the
resulting software does not have the limitations of a
platform focused on BPA and has the benefit of being
controlled by a process engine. The difficult of man-
ually integrating a web application with a process en-
gine is that this integration is not straightforward and
can be very challenging and costly (Samland and Tut-
ing, 2019) (Straube and Horn, 2021) (Shan, 2022).
In this context, our solution fills the gap by pro-
viding an open-source platform to facilitate the devel-
opment of process-aware information systems based
on code generation techniques. The platform is ca-
pable of generating a functional process-aware web
application from a business process model defined
in BPMN. To the best of our knowledge, there is
no other software tool that generates fully functional
process-aware web applications.
The framework was originally derived from an
academic research agenda conducted by the AgileKIP
that focuses on Knowledge Intensive Pro-
cesses. In 2018, we released the first version of the
platform and in 2019 we conducted the first POC
(Proof of Concept) in industry. In 2020, we launched
the second version of the platform that has been used
to automate dozens of processes. The third version
of the platform was just released and, among the new
features are support for dashboards and modulariza-
tion. The platform has been used in academia and in-
dustry for development of several non-profit and com-
mercial process-aware applications. To support the
demonstration of the proposed platform, we present
in this paper a case study from industry encompass-
ing the automation of three business processes in a
process-oriented application.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 presents the background of this re-
search. The related work is briefly described in Sec-
tion 3. The platform overview is presented in Sec-
tion 4. Sections 5 and 6 discuss, respectively, how to
use the platform and how to use a generated process-
aware application. Technical details are discussed in
Section 7 and a case study is presented in Section
8. Section 9 concludes the paper and presents future
AKIP Process Automation Platform: A Framework for the Development of Process-Aware Web Applications