take into account what potential opportunities in the
production of aggregate social product and what the
costs in subsequent periods will be.
Considering the specific activity of production, it
is necessary to clearly imagine that its final result will
cover not only the stage of production, but also the
stage of product circulation (its transportation to the
consumer, storage in intermediate warehouses and
bases), as well as the stage of consumption or
operation of products at the consumer (Lemesheva, Z.
et. etc., 2019). Thus, to assess the activities of
enterprises in the energy sector from the perspective
of national economic interests, it is necessary to
consider the costs and results in three interrelated
areas of social production, following one another and
constituting in their totality their national economic
Only a systematic approach to evaluating the
activity of a producing link makes it possible to obtain
accurate data on its contribution to the final national
economic result (Prasanta Kumar Dey et al., 2022). If
these links are artificially severed, then the first
producing link will structure its activity in such a way
as to obtain the maximum benefit for itself. The
interests of the subsequent links, as well as the results
of the activities of all three interconnected links
together, will be ignored by the first link in this
approach to evaluation, which again, is the case in
many cases in practice at present.
For enterprises in the energy sector, the first link
(first stage) is production. It is for this link and it is
necessary to find an objective synthetic evaluation
The next stage is the product circulation stage.
Costs at this stage to a large extent depend on the
transportability of products, on its safety, quality.
The last stage is the stage of product consumption.
It is at this stage to the greatest extent reflect the goal
of previously carried out production and the cost of
achieving it. In other words, at this stage the final
economic result of not only consumption, but also
previous production is manifested.
Thus, at formation of a complex indicator of an
estimation of activity of the enterprise all indicators,
namely: quantity of production, quality of the
received production, terms of reception of
production, all these indicators directly or indirectly,
directly or indirectly should influence the size of an
estimative indicator and, hence, define success or
failure of work of the enterprise of power branch.
The proposed indicator of comprehensive
performance assessment (CPA) focuses the work of
the energy industry enterprise to achieve the best final
results of the national economy. None of the known
to science and practice indicators has such a property.
Thus, an attempt has been made, from the perspective
of a systematic approach to create such a synthetic
indicator, which at the enterprise level would take
into account the supreme interests of the economy.
With the introduction of such an indicator in
economic practice, it will be possible to implement
not in words, but in deeds the most important
principle of improving the economic mechanism:
what is beneficial to the economy as a whole, should
be beneficial to each enterprise.
This paper has been supported by the RUDN
University Strategic Academic Leadership Program.
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Construction of a Comprehensive Assessment Indicator of the Energy Company’s Activities in the Context of Sustainable Development