identify the phenomena represented by the collected
data and any problems, we performed exploratory
data analysis (EDA) and data pre-processing. In order
to calculate the certified emission reduction for a
specific GHG emission reduction technology, it is
first necessary to determine the amount of energy
produced or reduced by this technology. In our study,
we proposed a direct assessment of energy production
and reduction in accordance with the application of
greenhouse gas emission reduction technology. The
results were used as input data for the evaluation
database. Solar energy refers to a method of
generating electricity that directly converts solar
energy into electrical energy using the photovoltaic
effect. The annual electricity production from solar
energy can be calculated using the capacity, the
number of installed systems, the electricity utilization
rate and the operation time factors (Peng, 2013).
Solar thermal energy systems harvest solar energy
to heat or preheat water and are often used as the
energy source for water heating. The annual amount
of energy produced by solar thermal collectors can be
calculated by taking into account the installed area of
collectors, the number of households with collectors,
the total reduction from the energy source and the
number of working days. Geothermal energy refers to
the energy of the earth, including hot water and rocks
located deep underground. It is used as an energy
source for cooling and heating buildings. Calculation
of energy production for solar energy, solar thermal
energy and geothermal energy was made by applying
the operating time and electricity utilization factor to
the installed capacity of these sources. Equipment
efficiency among daily storage application rate
calculations was calculated using the statistical
estimates provided in the Greenhouse Gas Emission
Reduction Plan Implementation Guide of the
Ministry of Environment and Renewable Energy of
the National Administrative Urban Construction
Agency. When energy production from GHG
emission reduction technology is not monitored, the
daily storage application factor was calculated taking
into account the load factor, average daily operation
time and geothermal efficiency factor (GFC). When
electricity is used as an energy source for heating and
cooling energy of a building, the geothermal
efficiency factor (GFC) is calculated taking into
account the load factor, the average daily operation
time and the geothermal heating efficiency factor, and
a unit conversion factor of 860 (Mcal/MWh) was
applied (Porfiriev, 2010). The cooling energy GFC
was calculated taking into account the geothermal
heating efficiency factor and the geothermal cooling
efficiency factor. For SFC, the daily amount of solar
heat storage, it was calculated by applying daily solar
radiation, heat collector efficiency and the same unit
conversion factor as GFC.
In order to evaluate high-efficiency equipment in
projects certified by ETS as emission reduction for
government agencies, we separated external
greenhouse gas emission reduction projects that used
high-efficiency equipment, high-efficiency lighting,
LED street lighting installation, and green roofs
(Nikoláeva, 2018). For high-efficiency equipment
such as green rooftops, high-efficiency lighting, LED
street lighting, electric vehicles and natural gas
vehicles, the amount of energy saved was calculated
by comparing the energy consumption before and
after the project. The energy consumption of high-
efficiency lighting and LED street lamps was
calculated using electricity consumption, the number
of luminaires installed and the time the lights were
turned off. Based on the report on the supply and use
of lighting equipment prepared by the Ministry of
Commerce, Industry and Energy and the Korea
Energy Agency, high-efficiency lighting is 5.3 hours,
and the installation of LED street lighting is 10 hours
without light (Porfiriev, 2010). The GHG emission
reductions were calculated by applying the GHG
emission factors for each energy source to the energy
production results and reductions. In order to
establish a standard environmental assessment
database for greenhouse gas emission reduction
projects, in our study, the amount of energy produced
and reduced by greenhouse gas emission reduction
technology was converted to greenhouse gas
emission reduction when developing the assessment
database with greenhouse gas emissions as base unit.
After studying 1199 technology projects to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions, a method was proposed for
estimating the amount of energy reduced and
produced, and a certified greenhouse gas emission
reduction (KOC) method was proposed. Using 1199
GHG technology projects, SAM was created, which
is a GHG technology assessment database. To
consider energy consumption patterns and
environmental conditions in a building, SAM was
created to evaluate the effect of reducing greenhouse
gas emissions across different uses and energy
sources. These include heating, cooling, lighting,
ventilation and water heating, as well as energy
sources such as electricity, city gas and heat. Based
on the original SAM data, machine learning methods
(GBRT, SVM and DNN) were used to develop
Machine Learning Decision Support Model for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Technology Application