Implementation of Digital Inbound Marketing as an Integrated
Marketing Communication Strategy in Maintaining Customer
Loyalty during the Covid-19 Pandemic at Rumah Sehat Walet Puti
Maulia Rahmah Triani and Onan Marakali Siregar
Faculty of Social and Politic, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan City, Sumatera Utara, 20222, Indonesia
Keywords: Digital Inbound Marketing, Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy, Loyalty
Abstract: The main goal in doing business is to create and maintain the loyalty of its customers. This case shows the
traditional medical service business actors, namely Rumah Sehat Walet Puti Medan. Tighter competition,
changes in technological developments, and the entry of the Covid-19 pandemic have required Rumah Sehat
Walet Puti Medan to update the marketing strategy used. The purpose of the research is to describe the
application of digital inbound as a marketing communication strategy in maintaining customer loyalty
during the Covid-19 Pandemic at Rumah Sehat Walet Puti Medan. This research will also see whether the
strategy adopted by Rumah Sehat Walet Puti in Medan is the right one. The form of research is descriptive
research with a qualitative approach. Research data were obtained from interviews and documentation. The
theory used to support the digital inbound marketing method is an integrated communication marketing
strategy using the mixing elements of marketing. The result shows the application of digital inbound
marketing methods as an integrated marketing communication strategy in maintaining customer loyalty
during the Covid-19 pandemic. Rumah Sehat Walet Puti attracts elements (attracting attention) by giving
discounts to customers who review on Instagram. No fees are charged for the customer consults. At the
stage of the engaging element, hold a live chat via Instagram and communicate intensively through
Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram direct messages. The last stage is the element of delight
(Giving Experience) by providing customer testimonials on the treatment of Rumah Sehat Walet Puti
Medan through Instagram, Facebook, and Blogs.
Medical treatment is one type of treatment that uses
tools, methods, and materials that are modern and
made from chemicals that are included in the
standard of modern medical treatment. While
traditional medicine is a healing effort that comes
from tradition and uses natural ingredients where the
treatment system is very different from the system of
medicine in the field of medical science.
Each group of people who believe in medical and
traditional medicine has a different view of the two.
In reality, at this time, the development of modern
medicine (medical) both held by government and
private institutions is always followed by the
development of traditional medicine practices. This
is shown by the existence of traditional medicine
that is still alive and becomes a model of alternative
medicine in society in Indonesia, especially in North
Sumatra by 4.8% (Bps, 2021).
Traditional medicine practices themselves also
have various healing methods such as massage,
fractures, reflexology, acupuncture, cupping or
cupping, apitherapy, courage, acupressure, blood
acupressure, and others. With so many traditional
medicine practices, the competition for traditional
medicine service business actors in it is getting
Loyal customers are the most valuable asset and
must be owned by business actors for the services
and products offered. Khairunnisa et al., (2021:120)
in their research explain that without a good
relationship and a strong sense of trust by customers
in a business or company, it is certain that the
relationship is short-term and does not include loyal
Triani, M. and Siregar, O.
Implementation of Digital Inbound Marketing as an Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy in Maintaining Customer Loyalty During the Covid-19 Pandemic at Rumah Sehat Walet Puti
DOI: 10.5220/0011558500003460
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 2022) - Human Security and Agile Government, pages 134-137
ISBN: 978-989-758-618-7; ISSN: 2975-8300
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
The main purpose of doing business is to create
and maintain the loyalty of its customers. This goal
can be realized through methods that can attract
potential customers. During the Covid-19 pandemic,
this can be done by maximizing digital marketing
using the digital inbound marketing method.
Saifuddin (2021:122) in his research found that
marketing techniques using relevant and solution-
based content and interactions can make a business
easy to find by customers who want to consume
products or services. This means that when
customers want to find information on goods or
services on internet media such as Google, it will
automatically appear according to what the customer
This also has something to do with integrated
marketing communications, which means it is a
marketing communication plan that becomes the
strategy of business people when carrying out
effective communication about products or services
to their customers. The integrated marketing
communication strategy itself has the aim of
building strong and long-term brand relationships by
using elements of the marketing mix to generate
sales profits for business actors and to survive in line
with the increasing number of competitors.
One of the business actors of traditional
medicine services in the city of Medan, North
Sumatra, namely Rumah Sehat Walet Puti Medan,
which has been established in June 2009 as
alternative medicine applying it using the blood
smear method. Initially, the marketing carried out by
Rumah Sehat Walet Puti Medan was by using word
of mouth from customers who had already come.
Before the Covid-19 pandemic in 2019, the
number of customers who came to Rumah Sehat
Walet Puti Medan was still stable at 1,440 people.
Since the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, the President
of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, issued an order, namely
the existence of Large-Scale Social Restrictions
(PSBB). The contents of the Large-Scale Social
Restriction Order (PSBB) are to recommend that all
activities be carried out from home, be it work or
study. The existence of this PSBB resulted in the
Rumah Sehat Walet Puti Medan experiencing a
significant decrease in the number of customers,
which was quite significant, namely 576 people due
to the activities of the Rumah Sehat Walet Puti
Medan which had stopped for several months and
the people who followed the advice to carry out
activities at home.
The implementation of Community Activity
Restrictions (PPKM) in 2021 still has regulations
regarding the operational time limit for business
businesses but this does not have much effect
because the Rumah Sehat Walet Puti Medan has
updated its strategy from the previous year. By
utilizing online marketing, the number of customers
who come has increased by 173 people from 2020.
The form of this research is descriptive research
with a qualitative approach. Researchers conducted
direct interviews by asking questions to key
informants, main informants, and additional
informants as primary data. Then secondary data
from the documentation. Data collection in this
study was conducted through interviews and
3.1 Application of Digital Inbound
Marketing as an Integrated
Marketing Communication
Strategy During the Covid-19
Pandemic at Rumah Sehat Walet
Puti Medan
The application of digital inbound marketing
which is supported by the theory of an integrated
marketing communication strategy that uses
elements of the marketing mix during the Covid-19
pandemic at Rumah Sehat Walet Puti Medan is still
not optimal. This is due to the limitations of Rumah
Sehat Walet Puti Medan in maximizing the use of
the internet through digital media which only uses
Google, Whatsapp, Instagram, and Facebook during
the Covid-19 pandemic as well as the social media
admin of Rumah Sehat Walet Puti Medan who is
still in the process of further learning about the
world of digital media.
Although it has not been optimal in utilizing
digital media, Rumah Sehat Walet Puti Medan has a
positive influence in the form of an increase in the
number of customers who come during the 2021
Covid-19 pandemic. Attract (attracting attention)
what Rumah Sehat Walet Puti Medan does is by
conveying content through Google, Instagram, and
The content submitted on Google is in the form
of opening and closing times, telephone numbers,
and also the location of Rumah Sehat Walet Puti
Medan, while the content submitted on Instagram
Implementation of Digital Inbound Marketing as an Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy in Maintaining Customer Loyalty
During the Covid-19 Pandemic at Rumah Sehat Walet Puti Medan
and Facebook is in the form of photos and videos of
customer testimonials that have been proven to be
healed and healthy and invite Medan bloggers to
participate they create content in the form of
writings that review the experiences of those who
have tried directly the treatment at Rumah Sehat
Swallow Puti Medan through their blogs as well as a
way for Rumah Sehat Walet Puti Medan to attract
the attention of customers during the Covid-19
pandemic (Salmiah et al., 2020:195). Elements of
the marketing mix, namely sales promotions carried
out by Rumah Sehat Walet Puti Medan in the form
of giving discounts to customers who make reviews
on Instagram and also no fees are charged when
customers consult with Rumah Sehat Walet Puti
Medan during the Covid-19 pandemic. 19.
The engagement (bond) carried out by Rumah
Sehat Walet puti Medan uses elements of the
marketing mix, namely interactive marketing by
doing live via Instagram. The contents of the live
Instagram are in the form of a question and answer
session between Rumah Sehat Walet Puti Medan
and the audience present and also give a glimpse of
an example of the treatment being carried out at the
Rumah Sehat Walet Puti Medan. Elements of the
marketing mix, namely personal selling by
conducting intensive communication through
Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram
direct messages (Widyastuti, 2017: 135).
Delight (providing an experience) at Rumah
Sehat Walet Puti Medan is that customers will give
their testimonials about the treatment at Rumah
Sehat Walet Puti Medan through Instagram,
Facebook, and Blogs. In addition, promotions also
spur customers to get discounts if they provide a
review of their personal experience in digital media
(Salmiah et al., 2020:196).
3.2 Application of Digital Inbound
Marketing in Maintaining
Customer Loyalty During the
Covid-19 Pandemic at Rumah
Sehat Walet Puti Medan
The implementation of digital inbound
marketing makes customer loyalty at Rumah Sehat
Walet Puti Medan during the COVID-19 pandemic
in 2021, having customers whose loyalty is getting
better than in 2020 because customers are more
willing to follow the conditions set by Rumah Sehat
Walet Puti Medan and also customers accept
weaknesses. which can still be forgiven because of
the solutions provided.
Contractual loyalty (based on certain
agreements) carried out by Rumah Sehat Walet Puti
Medan is to determine how many times the customer
will come back for treatment at Rumah Sehat Walet
Puti Medan. Transactional loyalty (based on
repeated transactions) carried out by Rumah Sehat
Walet Puti Medan is to provide prices that are quite
comparable to the results that customers receive
(Priansa, 2017:496).
Functional loyalty (based on the function
owned) can be seen that Rumah Sehat Walet Puti
Medan has several differentiating factors from its
competitors. The method of treatment as well as the
tools and also the full-blooded oil used by Rumah
Sehat Walet Puti Medan are one of the
distinguishing factors from its competitors.
Emotional loyalty (based on emotional ties) at
Rumah Sehat Walet Puti Medan can be seen that
there are weaknesses from Rumah Sehat Walet Puti
such as the mattress that is used is less comfortable,
lack of parking space for customers, less active
Instagram Rumah Sehat Walet Puti Medan in
uploading on Instagram feed and lack of room
lighting perceived by customers. Despite all the
weaknesses, customers can still accept everything.
Because that weakness is not something fatal not to
be forgiven.
Rumah Walet Puti Medan is expected to further
develop opportunities through other digital media
such as Youtube, Tiktok, online advertising such as
FB ads and Google Ads, email marketing, and others
in expanding the reach of market share and
increasing knowledge about this traditional blood-
blood clotting treatment in more detail. in reviewing
the disease problems faced in each generation line,
being more consistent with the posting schedule,
collecting more testimonials, and promoting them as
natural as possible so that there is no overclaim in
digital media. In increasing customer loyalty at
Rumah Sehat Walet Puti Medan to get better, the
next step that should be done is to improve the
weaknesses of the facilities and infrastructure during
the treatment process. So far, the mattress used is
less comfortable, so that customers feel comfortable,
they replace the mattress used with a softer one.
Then the lack of parking space for customers, so by
providing additional parking space, customers will
have no difficulty parking their vehicles. The lack of
active Instagram of Rumah Sehat Walet Puti Medan
in uploading to the Instagram feed, so by making a
ICOSOP 2022 - International Conference on Social and Political Development 4
routine schedule for uploading on the Instagram
feed, you can provide the latest information to
customers. And by adding lighting to the Swallow
Puti Medan Healthy House.
Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) (2020, Agustus 5). Persentase
Penduduk yang Berobat Jalan Sebulan Terakhir
Menurut Provinsi, dan Tempat/Cara Berobat. Diakses
pada tanggal 13 Desember 2021, from
Khairunnisa, A., Fourqoniah, F., & Hairunnisa. (2021).
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Balikpapan Dalam Mempertahankan Loyalitas
Pelanggan. Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 9(2), 119–128.
Priansa, Donni Juni. 2017. Komunikasi Pemasaran
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Salmiah, Fajrillah, Sudirman, A., Siregar, M. N. H., &
Simarmata, J. (2020). Online Marketing (Issue April).
Kita Menulis
Saifuddin, M. (2021). Digital Marketing: Strategi Yang
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Widyastuti, S. (2017). Manajemen Komunikasi
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Implementation of Digital Inbound Marketing as an Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy in Maintaining Customer Loyalty
During the Covid-19 Pandemic at Rumah Sehat Walet Puti Medan