Strategy of the Investment and Licensing Services in Increasing
Investment in North Sumatra Province During the Covid-19
Siswati Saragi
and Nina Angelia
Program Study of Public Administrastion, Universitas Dharmawangsa,
Jl. Kol. Yos Sudarso No 224, Glugur Kota, Medan, Indonesia
Program Study of Public Administrastion, Universitas Medan Area, Jl. Setiabudi no 79, Tj Rejo, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Strategy, Investment, Investment and Licensing Service, Covid-19 Pandemic
Abstract: This research aim is because of investments sectors that could be used as one of the mainstays of indigenous
income, along with the Covid-19 pandemic, which has significantly affected the activities of life that affect
both the company and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), including One-Stop Integrated
Investment and Licensing Service Office. The study aims to identify strategies used by One-Stop Integrated
Investment and Licensing Service Office to increase investment in North Sumatra during the covid19
pandemic. The method of research used in this study is a descriptive qualitative study. Where data collection
techniques were used, were observation, interviews, and documentation. As for data sources, used in the study
are the primary and secondary data of the investment service. The result of this study is a strategy or effort
made by the united One-Stop Integrated Investment and Licensing Service Office of North Sumatra Province.
In One-Stop Integrated Investment and Licensing Service Office, the north Sumatran province's investment
in north Sumatra is by improving investment quality, implementing North Sumatra Invest (NSI), improving
investment quality by performing public service innovation, and improving the effectiveness of investment
The world economy can be said to have experienced
globalization a few years ago. Where it is proven by
the free market has been carried out by several
countries in recent years. The implementation of
market freedom certainly has positive and negative
impacts. From the negative side, it can see as a
business activity that will experience a decline and
even suffer losses because the scale of competition
that occurs is no longer some party or parties from
that country, but from outside the country participates
as well. The entry of foreign capital into the
Indonesian economy is a demand from both the
economic and political conditions of Indonesia.
However, the state cannot also take advantage of
foreign capital or withdraw funds continuously
because international loans also have the interest to
be paid. Investment is known to have an important
role in the development of a region. This is due to
investment having become one of the reliable sectors
in improving Regional Original Income. The
investment will participate shape the daily activities
of the economy. Investment development in an area
is one indicator of the progress of economic growth
in the area. Investment is needed by the government
because all the needs of a country cannot always be
met only by relying on the government budget alone.
So it is very necessary private sector and external
parties to assist to meet the needs of the country.
Investment is a policy that has a fairly broad
economic impact, namely, it can create an increase in
the number of goods and services, value-added, new
business creation, use of labor and other economic
resources, increase in income of households and local
sources of income in the form of taxes and retribution.
Investment can also be said as one of the benchmarks
of a country to have a good, or low level of economic
growth, even bad. Each investment rate influences the
level of welfare of a country because the investment
will encourage the country to produce and fulfill the
need for state welfare.
Saragi, S. and Angelia, N.
Strategy of the Investment and Licensing Services in Increasing Investment in North Sumatra Province During the Covid-19 Pandemic.
DOI: 10.5220/0011560400003460
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 2022) - Human Security and Agile Government, pages 138-143
ISBN: 978-989-758-618-7; ISSN: 2975-8300
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
However, in 2020 the world was hit by a disease
outbreak, namely the COVID-19 pandemic, which
could paralyze all aspects of the world economy. The
condition of the world that is being hit by the COVID-
19 pandemic is what is behind the research to see
from the economic side, precisely regarding the
investment that has taken place in North Sumatra
Province. As one of the large and well-known
provinces in Indonesia, North Sumatra's investment
climate remains conducive and attractive to domestic
and foreign investors even during the pandemic. This
is certainly inseparable from the government's role in
realizing investment policies and regulations,
providing services, and also facilitating business.
One-Stop Integrated Investment and Licensing
Service Office of North Sumatra Province in this case
has many tasks and functions related to investment
activities or policies. The main activities of the One-
Stop Integrated Investment and Licensing Service
Office are the activities of administering affairs in the
investment sector and administering licensing and
non-licensing in an integrated manner under one
door. Meanwhile, the supporting activities are
administrative, providing service facilities and
infrastructure as well as providing support for
equipment and personnel. All activities are carried
out both in the form of main activities and activities
that are included in several programs that will later
support the policies that have been set by the
2.1 Strategy
According to Glueck and Jauch (1989), strategy is a
combined, broad, and integrated plan that links the
company's strategic advantages with environmental
challenges, designed to ensure that the main
objectives of the company can be achieved through
proper implementation by the organization.
According to Thomson (in Oliver, 2007: 2)
strategy is a way to achieve a result. The final result
in this case concerns the goals and objectives of the
organization. There is a broad strategy for the whole
organization and a competitive strategy for each
According to Assauri, the function of strategy is
basically to make the strategies that are prepared can
be implemented effectively (2016). For this reason,
six functions must be carried out simultaneously,
namely: a. Communicating a purpose (vision) to be
achieved to others. b. Connecting or associating an
organization's strengths or advantages with
opportunities from its environment. c. Take
advantage of or exploit current successes and
successes, as well as investigate new opportunities.
Generate and generate more resources than currently
used. e. Coordinate and direct the activities or
activities of the organization going forward. f.
Responding and reacting to new situations
encountered all the time.
Types of strategies according to Hari Suminto
(2002:20) a) Price penetration strategies b) product
development strategy c) market development strategy
d) integration strategy e) diversification strategy
2.1.1 Pricing Goals
The purpose of pricing is as follows (Machfoedz,
2010: 67):
a. Achieving Maximum Profit
b. Promoting
c. Increasing Sells
d. Reaching the return on investment target
e. Increase competitiveness
f. Stability Price
g. Maintaining market share
h. Prestige
2.2 Investment
The investment comes from Latin, namely investire
(to wear). In the scope of its use, the term investment
is often used in business sector activities, while the
term investment is more widely used in legislation.
Based on Law No. 25 of 2007 concerning investment,
it is defined as all forms of investment activities, both
by Domestic Investors and Foreign Investors to
conduct business in the territory of the Republic of
According to Kamaruddin Ahmad (Furthermore,
Manan, 2012:152-153), there are three reasons why
many people invest, namely
a. live a better life in the future.
b. Reducing inflationary pressures Inflation is a
condition that causes prices of goods and services to
rise due to the instability of a country's economy.
c. Encouragement for various countries' tax
2.3 Fundamental of Investment
The strategic objectives of the One-Stop Integrated
Investment and Licensing Service Office are in line
with the strategy and direction of regional policies,
namely: sustainable inclusive economic growth
Strategy of the Investment and Licensing Services in Increasing Investment in North Sumatra Province During the Covid-19 Pandemic
through the development of agricultural management,
tourism, services and trade industries through
increasing the competitiveness of value-added
industrial products by doing, among other things: a)
Improve quality in investment planning b) Increase
investment that creates high added value, reduces
dependence on imports, and increases export c)
Improving the harmonization and synchronization of
policies and laws and regulations in the field of
investment and licensing d) Improving the efficiency
and effectiveness of investment promotion by
prioritizing regional competitiveness e) Increasing
investment cooperation by prioritizing national
interests f) Improving investment services and
licensing based on information technology
formulating and recommending facility policies and
intensive investment incentives g) Formulate and
recommend investment facilities and incentives
policies h) Improve coordination between the center
and the provinces, cities, provinces and districts, and
between sectoral agencies i) Increase the realization
of the investment.
2.4 One Stop Service
This integrated service system is essential to simplify
the service mechanism so that its benefits are truly felt
by the community. This means that this system is held
not only because of statutory regulations that require
it, but rather how far the integrated service system
produces services that are easier, cheaper, simpler,
faster, cheaper, and orderly in service administration.
The integrated service system is a unified service
management process for several types of services that
are carried out in an integrated manner in one place
both physically and virtually by service standards
(Hadi, 2019).
This research is a type of descriptive qualitative
research. This study also uses field notes in the form
of observation notes and other sources. So it can be
concluded that descriptive qualitative research is a
research method that describes a phenomenon
through descriptions in the form of sentences and
language using a natural method. The location of this
research was carried out at the One-Stop Integrated
Investment and Licensing Service Office of North
Sumatra Province. The data collection techniques
carried out by the researchers were observation,
interviews, and documentation. The informants in
this research included key informants, main
informants, and additional informants. The analytical
method used is an interactive data analysis method
where qualitative research allows data analysis to be
carried out after the researcher is in place or returns
from a new field to be analyzed.
The Office of the One-Stop Integrated Investment and
Licensing Service of North Sumatra Province was
established based on the Regional Regulation of the
Province of North Sumatra No. 6 of 2016 concerning
the Establishment and Composition of Regional
Apparatuses of the Province of North Sumatra. The
North Sumatra Province One-Stop Integrated
Investment and Licensing Service is a merger of 2
(two) SKPD, namely the Investment and Promotion
Board (BPMP) of North Sumatra Province which was
established in 2008, and the Integrated Licensing
Service Agency (BPPT) of North Sumatra Province
which was established in 2010. Merger 2 (two) these
bodies are the mandate of PP number 18 of 2016
concerning regional apparatus.
4.1 Duties and Functions of One-Stop
Integrated Investment and
Licensing Service
One-Stop Integrated Investment and Licensing
Service, carries out the following functions:
a. Formulation of climate development policy,
promotion, service, implementation control,
investment data and information,
implementation of one-stop licensing by the
scope of work;
b. Implementation of climate development
n control, investment data and information,
implementation of one-stop licensing
following the scope of their duties;
c. Implementation of climate development
on control, investment data and information,
implementation of one-stop licensing by the
scope of work;
d. Implementation of climate development
administration, promotion, service,
implementation control, investment data and
information, implementation of one-stop
licensing by the scope of duties;
ICOSOP 2022 - International Conference on Social and Political Development 4
e. Implementation of other tasks assigned by
the Governor related to its duties and
4.2 Strategy of One-Stop Integrated
Investment and Licensing Service
Province of North Sumatra in
Increasing Investment in North
Sumatra Province During the
Covid-19 Pandemic
The following are the forms of strategies or efforts
carried out by the One-Stop Integrated Investment
and Licensing Service Office Province North
Sumatra to increase investment in North Sumatra
Province based on the indicators:
1. Improving the quality of investment planning.
The strategy carried out by the One-Stop
Integrated Investment and Licensing Service
Province of North Sumatra to improve the quality of
investment planning in North Sumatra Province is to
carry out activities to promote investment potential
and opportunities in North Sumatra Province. The
investment promotion strategy carried out by the
One-Stop Integrated Investment and Licensing
Service Office North Sumatra Province to increase
investment is to carry out promotional activities as
a. Create a digital business designing competition
b. Provide facilities for visits to leading investment
projects in North Sumatra Province with
Prospective Investors and Business Actors.
c. Conducting Business Gatherings and Business
Trips with Consuls of friendly countries and
Business Actors.
d. Updating the Investment and Investment
Potential and Opportunity Information System.
e. Conducting Public Consultation RUPM
DISPMMPTSP North Sumatra Province in
f. Improving Facilities for the Realization of
Strategic Cooperation Between Large
Businesses and SMEs
g. Formulate Investment Policy for Infrastructure
Facility Development.
h. Conducting a Seminar on Cooperation and
Partnership between PMA and PMDN with
MSMEs throughout North Sumatra.
i. Conducting Business Meetings to Accelerate
Promotion of Regional Investment Potential.
j. Performing the Presentation and Utilization of
Licensing and Non-Licensing Data and
Information based on the Electronically
Integrated Business Licensing Service System.
2. Improving the Quality of Investment
The strategy carried out by the One-Stop
Integrated Investment and Licensing Service North
Sumatra Province to improve the quality of
investment cooperation is to implement the North
Sumatra Invest Cooperation (NSI). Through the
North Sumatra Invest (NSI) collaboration platform,
the North Sumatra Provincial Government held a
Dedicated Team Meeting (DTM) together with the
Bank Indonesia Representative Office (BI) of North
Sumatra Province to promote investment projects in
North Sumatra. A dedicated Team Meeting (DTM) is
a routine meeting held by the relevant OPD who are
members of North Sumatra Invest. This activity is a
forum for communication and collaboration across
agencies and sectors to find formulations and
strategies that are right on target to attract investors to
invest, as well as a facility to accelerate the
development of priority facilities and infrastructure in
the North Sumatra Province so that it can absorb labor
and improve the economics of North Sumatra
North Sumatra Invest (NSI) is a cross-agency
work team at the Provincial and Regency/City levels
in North Sumatra Province which has the aim of
increasing investment realization through
promotional activities in the context of improving the
economics of North Sumatra which was formed based
on the Decree of the Governor of Sumatra Number
188.44/167/ KPTS/2020 on North Sumatra
The existence of a cooperation forum between the
Regional Government and Bank Indonesia is very
important to encourage the increased realization of
investment in the regions, in this case especially the
Province of North Sumatra. North Sumatra Invest
(NSI) will also participate in business matching
activities held virtually by Bank Indonesia in
collaboration with the Indonesian Embassy in Paris
and Relecom Partner Paris. Currently, North Sumatra
Invest (NSI) offers 7 investment projects in North
Sumatra Province, which are as follows:
a. SEI Mangkei SEZ,
b. Kuala Tanjung Industrial Estate,
c. Toba Lake,
d. sports center,
Strategy of the Investment and Licensing Services in Increasing Investment in North Sumatra Province During the Covid-19 Pandemic
e. Integrated Flats,
f. LRT Mebidang, and
g. Siantar-Parapat Railway
3. Improving the Quality of Investment Services.
The strategy carried out by the One-Stop
Integrated Investment and Licensing Service
Province Sumatra Utara to improve the quality of
investment services is to implement Public Service
Innovations. One-Stop Integrated Investment and
Licensing Service North Sumatra Province has
innovated by launching an online licensing
management system or better known as Online Single
Submission (OSS). In addition, the One-Stop
Integrated Investment and Licensing Service Office
North Sumatra Province has also launched an online
public service system from the One-Stop Integrated
Investment and Licensing Service official website
through an online licensing management system or
better known as SIAPLAYANI.
Previously, licensing services were managed
through a manual process, but now it is in line with
the conditions being hit by the COVID19 pandemic
and supported by information technology so that the
speed, accuracy, and also the capacity to complete all
permits are better and easier than before. This is by
Government Regulation no. 24 of 2018 concerning
Electronically Integrated Business Licensing
Services. The One-Stop Integrated Investment and
Licensing Service Office North Sumatra Province has
also innovated in providing licensing and investment
services on an online basis.
4. Increasing the Effectiveness of Investment
The strategy carried out by the One-Stop
Integrated Investment and Licensing Service
Province North Sumatra to increase the effectiveness
of investment promotion in North Sumatra is to carry
out various promotional activities. Promotional
activities play an important role in providing
information about potential and investment
opportunities for investors or business actors.
Investors or business actors will not be able to find
out about the potential and investment opportunities
that exist without a publication or promotion process
that can provide information. The promotions carried
out by the One-Stop Integrated Investment and
Licensing Service are through the following methods:
a. Online Promotion
b. Appoint Promotional Agents Abroad.
c. Creating Promotional Materials through
various promotional media in Indonesian,
English, and Chinese.
d. Conducting SMS-based Investment
e. Publication of Investment Promotion in
North Sumatra Province through Electronic
f. Building a Regency/City Investment
Promotion Database Application in North
g. Promoting North Sumatra Investments at
AudioVisual Airport Facilities,
International Airports, and other strategic
h. Conducting Online Investment Promotion
based on Mobile Applications
These strategies and efforts are specifically
carried out by the One-Stop Integrated Investment
and Licensing Service Province North SUMATRA
to increase investment in North Sumatra Province as
stated in the 2021 Rencana Kerja (RENJA) of the
Investment and Service Office North Sumatra
Province. It is hoped that in the future, the
implementation of these strategies or activities can
have an impact on increasing investment in North
Sumatra Province.
The strategy of One-Stop Integrated Investment
and Licensing Service Province of North Sumatra to
increase investment in the Province of North Sumatra
has carried out several strategies. The first strategy is
to improve the quality of investment planning such as
making a digital business design competition,
providing facilities for visits to superior investment
projects in North Sumatra Province, conducting
Business Gatherings and Business Forums abroad;
conducting Business Gatherings and Business Forum
with consuls of friendly countries and business actors;
Improve the quality of investment planning such
as making a digital business design competition,
providing facilities for visits to superior investment
projects in North Sumatra Province, conducting
Business Gatherings and Business Forums abroad;
conducting Business Gatherings and Business Forum
with consuls of friendly countries and business actors;
And the fourth strategy carried out by the One-
Stop Integrated Investment and Licensing Service of
North Sumatra Province is to increase the
effectiveness of investment promotions such as
ICOSOP 2022 - International Conference on Social and Political Development 4
conducting online promotions, appointing
promotional agents abroad, creating investment
promotion forums between regions, conducting SMS-
based investment promotions, conducting investment
promotions through electronic media. Build an
investment promotion database per regency/city in
North Sumatra Province, conduct investment
promotion in North Sumatra
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Data on the Realization of Investment Realization in North
Sumatra Province from 2018 to 2020.
Peraturan Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal No. 02
Tahun 2020 Tentang Rencana Strategis Investasi
Tahun 2020-2024.
Rencana Kerja (RENJA) Tahun 2021 One-Stop Integrated
Investment and Licensing Service North Sumatra
Peraturan Gubernur Sumatera Utara Nomor 66 Tahun
2017 Tentang Pelimpahan Kewenangan Pelayanan
Perizinan Dan Non Perizinan Kepada Dinas
Penanaman Modal Dan Pelayanan Perizinan Terpadu
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Strategy of the Investment and Licensing Services in Increasing Investment in North Sumatra Province During the Covid-19 Pandemic