Pertemuan digelar di lantai II Kantor Bupati
Deliserdang yang di ikuti oleh sejumlah pejabat
Pemkab Deliserdang diantaranya Sekretaris Dinas
Pendidikan Deli Serdang
Yusnaldi M.PD, Asisten III Dedi Maswardy, Kepala
Bappeda Ir. Remus Hasiholan Pardede, Kadis
Kominfo Dr. Dra. Hj. Miska Gewasari, MM. dan
Kabag Orta Drs. Syahrul M.Pd, Selasa (29/06/2021).
Dalam paparannya, Sekretaris Dinas Pendidikan
Yusnaldi menjelaskan, tingginya angka putus sekolah
di kawasan pesisir pantai disebabkan faktor ekonomi.
Karena anak bekerja membantu ekonomi orang tua
sebagai nelayan, tukang cuci, sampai bekerja di
kandang ayam, pembantu rumah tangga, dan
beberapa pekerjaan kasar lainnya. Selain faktor
ekonomi juga termasuk anak anak yang terlibat
narkoba di sekolah, Biasanya diberhentikan dari
sekolah, sebagian di rehab di lokasi rehabilitasi
khusus narkoba, tetapi mereka tidak mendapat
layanan pendidikan dan akhirnya putus sekolah. Anak
yang mengalami masalah hukum. Kemudian menjadi
warga binaan tidak mendapatkan layanan pendidikan
dan akhirnya putus sekolah , Sebut Yusnaldi. Adapun
langkah-langkah yang diambil Pemerintah Pemkab
Deliserdang nantinya adalah menyediakan akses
pendidikan inklusif bagi anak yang mengalami
masalah sosial dan marjinal yaitu anak kawasan
pesisir, anak penghuni rehabilitasi dan anak penghuni
In addition, public services in the field of road
infrastructure in Deli Serdang Regency also face a
number of problems. People complain about poor
road infrastructure. Poor road infrastructure in
Namorambe Subdistrict, Percut Sei Tuan.
Based on the online media coverage above, as
well as the results of interviews with several
community leader informants, it can be concluded
that public perception of the Education Sector Service
in Deli Serdang Regency is still bad.
3.2 Fiscal Fund Balancing Fund and PAD
Since the commencement of Fiscal Decentralization
in 2001, the National Balance Fund given to regions
in the form of transfers amounted to Rp. 81.1 trillion.
In 2012, the Balancing Fund of Rp. 411.2 trillion. In
2020, Transfers to Regions and Village Funds
(TKDD) will reach Rp. 856.94 trillion. This TKDD
consists of transfers to the Regions in the amount of
IDR784.94 trillion, and Village Funds in the amount
of IDR72.00 trillion.
Since 2001 Deli Serdang Regency has received
the Balancing Fund. For the last four years (2018,
2019, 2020, 2021) Deli Serdang Regency has
received the Balancing Fund. Balancing Fund
originating from DBH (Profit Sharing Fund) Taxes
and DBH SDA (Natural Resources). Also, DAU
(General Allocation Fund) and Physical DAK
(Special Allocation Fund). TKDD FY 2020 Deli
Serdang Regency received as much as Rp.
2,417,551,946,000 - with details of Rp.
2,105,274,617,000 - for transfers to the Region and
Village Fund of Rp. 312,277,329,000-.
This Balancing Fund is allocated in the Deli
Serdang Regency APBD, both in revenue and
expenditure. Both direct shopping and indirect
shopping. The Deli Serdang Regency 2018 Budget
Draft, amounting to Rp. 3,733,345,654,763, with an
indirect expenditure composition of Rp.
2,077,978,733,759. (55%), and direct spending of Rp.
1,688,379,519,365. (45%). The 2018 FY regional
income is projected to be Rp. 3,733,345,654,763. or
increased by Rp. 234.917.232.730. (6.7%) compared
to the 2017 PAPBD realization of Rp.
912,593,775,000. Regional Revenue for FY 2018,
consists of: PAD of Rp. 1,000,927,060,000. There
was an increase of IDR 88,333,285,000 (9.7%)
compared to the 2017 PAPBD of IDR
912,593,775,000. The balancing fund is projected to
be IDR 2,277,174,628,000, and other legitimate
regional income is projected at IDR 455,243,966,763.
The Deli Serdang Regency Budget for the 2019
fiscal year, amounting to Rp. 4,016,480,823,937,
with the composition of indirect expenditures of Rp.
2,000,496.35,123 (49.8%), and direct expenditures of
Rp. 2,015,984,472,814. (50,2). TA regional income.
2019 is projected to be Rp. 3,986,480,823,937, or an
increase of Rp. 345,900..902,127 (10%) compared to
PAPBD for FY 2018. Regional income for FY 2019,
consists of: PAD of Rp. 1,168,365,751,320 or an
increase of Rp. 242,843. 226,241 (26%). The
balancing fund is projected to be IDR
2,063,665,999,250, and other legitimate regional
income is projected at IDR 754,449,073,367.
FY 2020, the realization of Deli Serdang Regency
Revenue in the Year, amounting to Rp.
3,335,349,826,580.82, consisting of: PAD, Balancing
Fund, and other legitimate income. Regional
Expenditure Realization, amounting to Rp.
2,770,409.994,709.19, consisting of: Operational
Expenditure, Capital Expenditure and Unexpected
Expenditure. Transfer realization, amounting to Rp.
503,751,226,013.00, which consists of Transfer of
Regional Tax Revenue Sharing, and Transfer of
Financial Aid to Villages. Receipt of Rp. 83,358,701.
Financing Income, amounting to Rp. 4,3300,000.00.