Implementation of E-Government Based Public Services in Medan
City Government
Julia Ivanna, Subhilhar, Humaizi
and Heri Kusmanto
Doctoral Program of Development Studies, Faculty of Social Science and Political Science,
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Prof. Dr. A. Sofyan No. 1 Kampus USU, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Public Services, e-Government, Medan City Government.
Abstract: The development of e-Government requires sufficient study in order to provide guidelines for the government
on the use of e-Government initiatives. The government must also know the issues that can help to understand
the requirements in the implementation of e-Government to run successfully. This happened because several
e- Government initiatives failed, especially in developing countries. Therefore, it is necessary to study
appropriate and mature before implementing e-Government initiatives. The purpose of this study is to
investigate the application of e-Government as well as the factors obstacle in the development of e-
Government initiatives in Medan Government. The study was also conducted using a qualitative method,
collecting qualitative data through observations and in-depth interviews. The research findings indicate that
e-Government implementation has not been working properly. There are various inhibiting factors that
influencing the development of e-Government initiatives in Medan Government. The factors of These
obstacles include: services are still sporadic, not yet developed information and services between sectors,
partially developed by the respective work units, some services are only limited to the publication stage on
the official government website and other technical problems. These conditions indicate that Medan
Government is considered less consistent in providing e-Government services. The cause of this obstacle is
because the Medan City Government does not yet have an adequate budget. Infrastructure, human resources
who are ready to respond to changes in this digital era. Remembering every area in the city of Medan have
unique geographical conditions, characters and local wisdom that different from other regions, the Medan
Government should have e-Government-based public services that are friendly to the people of Medan City.
An important initiative is to be done for Medan Government so that e-Government can succeed are increasing
employee competence, budget allocation. Like any other business, e-Government needs to be promoted
among citizens to introduce the service. The government should also start with pilot projects adapted to the
right context. Starting small and spreading widely will help minimize errors and major losses.
Referring to the strategic issues of the Medan City
Government based on the Group Discussion Forum
(Medan Diskominfo Document, 2018) it can be
concluded that the main problem of SPBE in the
Medan City Government is the lack of coordination
between OPD and related parties, as well as the need
for application development in various sectors.
Currently the development of information technology
in the city of Medan is very fast. To overcome
obstacles in the development of public services,
technical guidance (bimtek) and learning are needed
to improve human resources. In contrast to the
Ministry of Communication and Informatics, the
problem at Bappeda and the Integrated Licensing and
Investment Agency is that the obstacles experienced
in developing SPBE are related to infrastructure
facilities. All servers spread across several OPDs
have been unified at the Department of
Communication and Information of the Medan City
Government. However, after unifying the server at
the Medan City Government Kominfo, only a few
problems were found, such as the server was down,
Ivanna, J., Subhilhar, ., Humaizi, . and Kusmanto, H.
Implementation of E-Government Based Public Services in Medan City Government.
DOI: 10.5220/0011565300003460
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 2022) - Human Security and Agile Government, pages 255-262
ISBN: 978-989-758-618-7; ISSN: 2975-8300
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
so the application could not be accessed. Likewise
with the One Stop Service Investment Office (DPM-
PTSP), the current obstacle is the network to
access/use these devices. The lack of
community/business actors in utilizing the
application is also an important issue that must be
found a way out.
In responding to this problem, the Medan City
Government needs to start a transformation program
by redesigning services and focusing on public needs,
service performance, and cost efficiency to meet
public expectations. To be on par with other regions
in Indonesia, the Medan City Government must have
the right planning and strategy to be able to provide
good public services. For example, the Surabaya City
Government which has been recognized nationally as
a pioneer of the electronic-based government system
in Indonesia. In fact, the SPBE in the City of Surabaya
has been built since 2002. Broadly speaking, the
SPBE of the Surabaya City government is divided
into several parts, including the regional financial
management system, e-HR, e-Monitoring, e-
Education, e-Office, Disaster Preparedness System.
112, Online Tax, e-Permit, e-Health, Simprolamas
(public service program information system), e-
Dishub and Media Center. In the application there are
hundreds of permits that can serve residents.
Besides Surabaya, DKI Jakarta City also has the
SPBE application which is a mainstay for the
Provincial Government to accommodate the
aspirations of the community. These include e-
Procurement, e-Budgeting, e-Musrenbang, Qlue,
Jakarta Smart City, and e-Kinerja. One thing that is
familiar to Jakarta residents is the Qlue application,
where people can report complaints about traffic,
infrastructure and other problems in Jakarta.
The Medan City Government has also developed
applications such as E-Planning, but the Medan City
Government does not yet have a Regional Regulation
on the application (Suhendra and Ginting, 2018: 192).
In addition to the E-Planning application, there is the
Medan Rumah Kita (MRK) application which aims to
obtain complaints from the public but has not had a
positive impact on the development of the city of
Medan or in realizing the concept of good
governance. This is due to the low level of
community participation in its utilization, due to the
lack of socialization by the Medan City Government
to the community. The low level of public
participation can be seen from the small number of
application uploads on the Playstore and App Stores,
which is around 5000 (five thousand) uploaders,
compared to the large number of people in Medan
City, which is around 2,279 894 people based on data
from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). In this
case, it proves the lack of people who know about the
MRK application.
The factor causing these problems is because the
Medan City Government does not yet have the right
strategic management. Therefore, it is necessary to
evaluate the SPBE policy. Referring to William
Dunn's opinion regarding strategic management
(Subarsono, 2011: 126), currently in the Medan City
Government there is no compatibility between
RENSTRA and SPBE implementation. The benefits
of SPBE have not yet been felt by all the people of
Medan City because people do not know about the
services offered. Another reason is that there is no
integration of SPBE services and the low capacity of
human resources so that the mandate of PERPRES
No. 95 of 2018 has not yet been realized. Policy
evaluation is very important in order to be able to
develop new strategic management so that the Medan
City Government can build institutional capacity
through an electronic-based service system.
In order for e-Government to be successfully
implemented, the Medan City Government must be
responsive in listening to community complaints,
suggestions and aspirations. Transparency in
conveying information related to public services,
eliminating sectoral egos, and carrying out a cultural
revolution that serves and protects citizens. In
addition, policy makers must also be serious and have
a commitment to aligning government policies
through the vision and mission in every electronic-
based service program to the community.
Furthermore, policy makers must commit to
allocating a budget for the needs of implementation,
socialization, and preparing competent personnel in
the implementation of SPBE. These things still need
to be studied more deeply, considering the strategy
and commitment of the policy makers are very
important to show the aspects that must be addressed
when adopting the SPBE.
In line with the problems above, the
implementation of SPBE in the Medan City
Government is still in its early stages and has not run
optimally. This unpreparedness is due to the habitual
patterns of governance and public services that still
do not consider the role of SPBE in improving the
quality of public services.
Observing each of the problems above requires a
systematic approach designed to adapt to the needs of
electronic-based public services. Therefore, it is
necessary to conduct research on the Strategic
Management Model for achieving PERPRES No. 95
of 2019 concerning SPBE in the Medan City
Government in order to obtain a holistic study in the
ICOSOP 2022 - International Conference on Social and Political Development 4
development of an electronic-based government
system initiative.
The location of this research will be carried out in the
Medan City Government, especially in the Regional
Secretariat (Sekda) of the Medan City Government
and the Medan City Government Communication and
Information Office (Diskominfo).
This study uses a qualitative method with a
descriptive type of research which emphasizes more
on efforts to find the right e-Government-based
public service model so that it is expected to improve
the quality of public service delivery. The use of the
descriptive type is intended as a problem-solving
procedure by describing the Government to Citizens
(G to C) relationship in the Medan City Government.
G to C aims to bring the government closer to the
community through various access channels so that it
is easier for people to get services from the
3.1 History of Public Service in Medan
City Government
The 1998 reforms became a milestone in Indonesia's
history which succeeded in encouraging changes in
governance in Indonesia. Reform demands changes in
various fields of life, whether social, economic,
political, legal, including in the context of
government. The 1998 reforms also brought
consequences for reforming the bureaucracy. This
cannot be separated from the condition of the
government bureaucracy which is KKN.
The various disappointments with the
administration of the government eventually gave
birth to guidelines for restoring the ideal government
functions. During the transitional period of regional
autonomy, the welfare of the community must still be
used as a guide in the formulation of the roles and
tasks of the government. In reforming the government
system, it is a part of the formulation of the duties and
roles of the government. With the formulation of the
duties and roles of the government, government
functions can be selected in terms of providing public
services. In this modernization era, public services
provided by the government to the community are a
form of government commitment to the welfare of the
community. The paradigm or view of shifting the
government system that was once centralized has now
turned into decentralization. The decentralized
system makes it easy to establish an ideal work
environment, expands the scope of public services
and participation, increases responsibility and can be
monitored intensively by the government.
The Medan City Government has great authority
to encourage the policy process to be more
participatory, responsive and accountable because the
control of the policy process and budget allocation is
entirely in the hands of the government. In the
implementation of public services, policies regarding
the scale, scope and quality of public services are
fully in the hands of the government and DPRD.
Therefore, how far the implementation of public
services fulfills the principle of good governance is
entirely dependent on the concern of the government
and DPRD. The higher the government's and DPRD's
concern for good governance, the better the quality of
public service performance will be.
Public services in the Medan City Government are
currently experiencing ups and downs in the quality
of their services to the community. Several public
service problems in the Medan City Government such
as rampant acts of corruption, collusion and nepotism
(KKN), slow and convoluted bureaucracy.
Furthermore, government employees are not friendly,
information is closed to the public, budget wastage on
things that do not support people's welfare, lack of
freedom to express opinions, criticism and
suggestions. Another problem that occurs is service
discrimination which often looks at ethnicity,
religion, position, social status of the community and
family relationships.
In addition, the quality of public services in the
Medan City Government during the Covid-19
pandemic has decreased. Various problems often
arise in public services in the Medan City
Government such as still using manual forms, lack of
information submitted, individuals who delay
completion time, uncertainty in providing
information to solving protracted problems must be a
concern to be addressed immediately (Ombudsman,
2021). The above problems have caused people's
disappointment and loss of trust in the government.
Facing this problem, the Medan City Government
seeks to improve the image of public services by
trying to realize the principles of good governance.
Implementation of E-Government Based Public Services in Medan City Government
Public services in the Medan City Gvovernment have
begun to be designed and implemented with a
digitalization system. The Medan City Government
implements public services through the use of
information and communication technology so that
with the information and communication technology
in development it can provide quality public services.
In addition, digitalization also encourages the
active role and participation of the community in
managing the city so that there is a dynamic and close
interaction between the public and public service
providers. The public can provide reports/complaints
if there are deviations in the service process. It is
hoped that the public will get adequate public service
infrastructure, competent human resources, and
innovation in service.
In addition, digitalization also encourages the
active role and participation of the community in
managing the city so that there is a dynamic and close
interaction between the public and public service
providers. The public can provide reports/complaints
if there are deviations in the service process. It is
hoped that the public will get adequate public service
infrastructure, competent human resources, and
innovation in service.
The Medan City Government consists of 21 sub-
districts, currently the Medan City Government has
carried out bureaucratic reform. In 2018 the Medan
City Government received an Award from the North
Sumatra Provincial Government for the e-
Government-based Public Service Innovation. So far,
the Medan City Government has contributed a lot as
an extension of the North Sumatra Provincial
Government where the Medan City Government is
considered successful in managing e-Government
such as the application of licensing service
applications, complaint services, e-planning, e-
budgeting, e-Sapras and so on. (,
Electronic-based public services in the Medan
City Government have only been running for 3 years.
The vision and mission of e-Government is stated in
the form of Medan Mayor Regulation Number 28 of
2018 concerning Smart City. Subsequently, the
Mayor of Medan issued Regulation no. 39 of 2020
concerning Electronic-Based Government Systems in
Government Administration. With the issuance of
these regulations, accompanied by high government
commitment, in 2021 the Medan City Government
won the Smart City award in the Smart Governance
category from the Ministry of Communication and
Information. The award was given because the
Medan City Government was considered successful
in implementing the population administration
service program and the achievement of master plan
preparation and implementation of the Smart City
program (Medan City Government, 2021).
3.2 Types of Public Services in Medan
City Government
Public services as stated in the Decree of the Minister
for Administrative Reform Number
63/KEP/M.PAN/7/2003 are all forms of public
service activities carried out by government agencies
at the Center, in the Regions and within BUMN/
BUMD in the form of goods and or services, both in
the context of efforts to meet the needs of the
community as well as in the context of implementing
the provisions of laws and regulations.
In connection with this, according to the Ministry
of Empowerment of State Apparatuses (2002) public
services can be grouped into several types based on
the characteristics and nature of the activities in the
service process and the resulting service products.
The types of services are: Types of Administrative
services, namely the types of services provided by the
service unit in the form of research activities, decision
making, documentation and other administrative
activities which as a whole produce a final product in
the form of documents.
Types of goods services, namely the types of
services provided by the service unit in the form of
providing and or managing physical tangible
materials including distribution and delivery to
consumers directly as units or as individuals in one
system. Types of services, namely the types of
services provided by the service unit in the form of
providing facilities and infrastructure and their
supports. Its operation is based on a certain and
definite operating system, the final product is a
service that benefits the recipient directly and is used
up within a certain period of time.
The public services provided by the Medan City
Government to the community can be described as
1. Administrative services in the form of
documents such as certificates, permits,
recommendations, other written information.
Examples of this type of service are land certificate
services, IMB services, population administration
services (KTP, Marriage divorce divorce Rujuk
(NTCR) Birth / Death certificates), Motorized
Vehicle Number Certificates (STNKB), and so on.
2. Service of goods, Overall these activities
produce a final product in the form of an object
(physical form) or which is considered an object that
provides added value directly to the recipient. In the
ICOSOP 2022 - International Conference on Social and Political Development 4
Medan City Government, these types of services are
electricity services, clean water services, telephone
services, road and bridge construction, and so on.
3. Services, Examples of this type of service are
education, health, transportation, postal, banking, and
so on.
3.3 Electronic Government
(e- Government) in Public Services
in Medan City Government
The Medan City Government is currently trying to
realize e-Government-based public services. In this
effort, the Medan City Government utilizes advances
in information technology to process, manage,
distribute and distribute information and public
services. This is in line with the central government's
program which demands to improve the quality of
public services. Therefore, efforts to realize the
priority agenda targets in building transparency and
accountability of government performance are good
governance and improving the quality of public
Electronic-based public services in the Medan
City Government have only been running for 3 years.
The vision and mission of e-Government is stated in
the form of Medan Mayor Regulation Number 28 of
2018 concerning Smart City. Subsequently, the
Mayor of Medan issued Regulation no. 39 of 2020
concerning Electronic-Based Government Systems in
Government Administration. To develop e-
Government-based public services, commitment and
completion steps are needed which also serve as
prerequisites for the successful application of ICT in
the Medan City Government.
Figure 1: Medan City Government SPBE Index Value
( PAN RB, 2019).
Medan City Government is committed to increasing
the implementation of e-Government. This
commitment can be seen in the regulations, policies,
and programs that have been and are being
implemented by each regional organization (OPD).
Medan City Government to build applications as a
form of service to the community.
Figure 2: Medan City Government Service Application
( City Government, 2021).
Service applications in the Medan City
Government include:
1. Licensing service, which is a
population administration service application
2. Medan Rumah Kita (MRK) complaint service
which is integrated with the National Public Service
Complaint Management System (SP4N) Report
3. Online library, managed by the Medan City
Government Library and Archives Service. This
online library makes it easy for the people of Medan
City to download e-books and journals online.
4. Simp4d is an official website that makes it
easier for the people of Medan City to register a
taxpayer number (NPWP)
5. Personnel Management Information System,
serves to view data on ASN in the Medan City
Government. This official website is managed
directly by the Regional Personnel and Human
Resources Development Agency of the Medan City
Government, and various other public service
applications (Figure 2).
The Medan City Government has implemented an
e-government service system to the community by
providing 25 application services including: licensing
services, birth certificate registration, library,
webmail, Medan city geographic information system,
electronic procurement services, IMB calculation and
retribution, Area traffic control system,
Documentation Information Management Officer, e-
planning, personnel information system, archive
management information system, food security
system, e-budgeting, regional catalos, administrative
Implementation of E-Government Based Public Services in Medan City Government
system facilities, correspondence, agenda and
archives, information system for sports facilities and
infrastructure, information documentation network
law, reporting, complaint services, metrology
information system calibration, SMS center,
SIMPAD, SIRUP and information services for
Family Planning.
For the process of updating the e-government
application in the city of Medan, an analytical
evaluation of 25 applications on the Medan City
government website is carried out by assessing
Transparency, Service, Efficiency, Economy,
Aspiration, Appearance, and Updates every year.
3.4 Public Services in Open
Government (Open Government)
to Realize Transparency,
Participation and Collaboration
Open Government Indonesia (OGI) is a joint
movement between the government and the
community to realize the openness of the Indonesian
government and accelerate the improvement of public
services in Indonesia as mandated by Law no. 14 of
2008 concerning Public Information Disclosure
(KIP) and Law no. 25 of 2009 concerning Public
Services. The OGI movement was launched by Vice
President Boediono at the Vice President's Palace in
January 2012. Through OGI, the government and
non-governmental institutions can sit together to
determine the right steps to encourage broad access to
information on activities of State-funded Public
Agencies and public services provided cheap, easy
and good quality. The steps that have been mutually
agreed upon are then set forth in the OGI Action Plan.
OGI is committed to implementing programs based
on 3 pillars: transparency, participation, and
Febrianingsih (Heny and Nurdin, 2018:4) defines
open government as transparent, open, and
participatory governance, in the entire process of
managing public resources from the decision-making
process, implementation, and evaluation. The concept
of open government has three components, namely
transparency, participation, and collaboration.
Transparency means that everything the government
does, from budget planning to implementation, is
publicly known. However, open data does not mean
open government. This is because open government
must involve participation and collaboration.
Furthermore, according to Global Integrity, Open
government includes three things, namely
information transparency, public involvement and
accountability (Heny and Nurdin, 2018: 4). Through
transparency, people understand how government
works. With public involvement, the public can
influence the way government works by being
involved in government policy processes and service
delivery programs. Accountability means that the
community can hold the government accountable for
the performance of its policies and services.
These three elements explain that open
government initiatives, programs and interventions
are often referred to as “Open Government”. The
most important point here, however, is that none of
the initiatives or interventions of open government
can stand alone. When combined with one another,
the potential for open government will truly be seen
in its strongest and most holistic form.
To implement commitments to open government in
Indonesia is driven by the Open Government
Indonesia (OGI) initiative which has 3 main pillars,
namely transparency, innovation, and participation.
OGI is managed by emphasizing that OGI is a
government program. This approach leads to change
paradigm. In the beginning, OGI was only owned by
the government, now it is a common property, the
government which was originally conservative in
problem solving is now more innovative and the
people who were initially sceptical have become
enthusiastic. Not only that is a number of private
companies, institutions and the academic community
synergize to accelerate the implementation of OGI.
The application of e-Government at all levels of
government is essentially a means to create good
governance. E-Government in the governance system
at various levels is basically a solution to government
problems such as lags in public services, poor policy
quality, information management that is only vertical,
corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN) which are
high due to weakness.
So that Public services in the Medan City
Government are currently experiencing ups and
downs in the quality of their services to the
community. Several public service problems in the
Medan City Government such as rampant acts of
corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN), slow and
convoluted bureaucracy. Furthermore, unfriendly
government employees, closed information to the
public, waste of budget for things that do not support
the welfare of the people, are not free to express
opinions, criticisms and suggestions. Another
problem that occurs is service discrimination, which
often looks at ethnicity, religion, position, social
ICOSOP 2022 - International Conference on Social and Political Development 4
status and family relationships. Therefore, the
government's efforts to overcome the above
problems, the government has created an electronic-
based public service within the Medan City
Government which has only been running for 3 years.
The vision and mission of e-Government is stated in
the form of Medan Mayor Regulation Number 28 of
2018 concerning Smart City. For e-government
applications in the city of Medan, an analytical
evaluation of 25 applications on the Medan City
government website is carried out by assessing
Transparency, Service, Efficiency, Economy,
Aspirations, Appearance, and Updates every year.
Electronic-based public services in the Medan
City Government have only been running for 3 years.
The vision and mission of e-Government is stated in
the form of Medan Mayor Regulation Number 28 of
2018 concerning Smart City. For e-government
applications in the city of Medan, an analytical
evaluation of 25 applications on the Medan City
government website is carried out by assessing
Transparency, Service, Efficiency, Economy,
Aspirations, Appearance, and Updates every year.
If viewed from the results of the FGD, it can be
judged that so far e-government services have not
been running optimally, even more factors hinder e-
government services. In general, if the Medan city
government can focus its budget expenditure on e-
government services, then in its development the
progress of e-government services will be felt more
quickly by many parties.
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