4.7 Discussion
1. Influence of Incentives on The Performance
of Sales Employees indihome PT. Telkom
Indonesia Pematangsiantar City
The incentive is an encouragement to a person to
work well and can achieve maximum performance
levels so as to revive the passion and motivation of
an employee (Almaududi et al 2021: 98). Based on
the results of the t-Test, shows that there is a partial
and significant influence between incentives (X1) on
employee performance (Y) and a significance level
of 0.042 < 0.05. It can be concluded that incentives
have a significant effect on employee performance.
2. The Influence of Motivation on the
Performance of Sales Employees in Indihome
PT. Telkom Indonesia Pematangsiantar City
Motivation is the process of influencing or
encouraging people to meet their various needs by
directing a person's ability to want to work
productively and actively in working optimally in
accordance with their duties and obligations
(Arianto and Kurniawan 2020: 315). Based on the
results of the t-Test, shows that there is a partial
and significant influence between
motivation (X2) on employee performance (Y) and
a significance level of 0.000 < 0.05. It can be
concluded that incentives have a significant effect
on employee performance.
3. The Effect of Incentives and Motivation on
the Performance of Sales Employees
inDihome PT. Telkom Indonesia
Pematangsiantar City
Employee performance is the achievement of
employee work according to the standards and
objectives of the organization/company (Damara
and Indahingwati 2019). Based on the results of the
research conducted, in the F-Test (Simultaneous
Significant Test), the incentive variable (X1) and the
motivation variable (X2) have a Fghicount value of
34,399 with a Ftabel value of 3.20 which means
Fcount>Ftabel. Meanwhile, the significant level is
0.000, which means it is also lower than 0.05 so it
can be concluded that the incentive variable (X1)
and the motivation variable (X2) together
(simultaneously) have a positive and significant
effect on employee performance (Y) Sales Indihome
PT. Telkom Indonesia Tbk, Pematangsiantar City.
This indicates that on the F-Test Ha is accepted.
And discussion of research findings indicated
various conclusions relating to:
1. Incentives partially have a positive and
significant effect on the performance of Sales
Employees of Indihome PT. Telkom Indonesia
Tbk, Pematangsiantar. With these results, H1 is
accepted. The more incentives are given, the
better employee performance.
2. Motivation partially affects a positive and
significant effect on the performance of Sales
Employees of Indihome PT. Telkom Indonesia
Tbk, Pematangsiantar. With these results, H2 is
accepted. The more motivations are given, the
better the performance of employees.
3. Incentives and motivation simultaneously have
a significant effect on the performance of Sales
Employees of Indihome PT. Telkom Indonesia
Tbk, Pematangsiantar. With these results, H3 is
accepted. The results of the determination
coefficient value indicate that the relationship
formed is quite close, thus incentives and
motivation can make employee performance
1. The Company is expected to consider increasing
the number of incentives given to Sales
Employees of Indihome PT. Telkom Indonesia
Tbk, Pematangsiantar.
2. The sales Marketing Officer is expected to
increase motivation in the company, by
streamlining the role of superiors in providing
additional amounts of incentives, directions,
guidance, instructions, and evaluations related
to the implementation of tasks and work to
realize the sales performance of Indihome PT.
Telkom Indonesia Tbk, Pematangsiantar is
better than before.
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