The Relation of Leadership and Organizational Culture in Medan
City Government
Faisal Arif Nasution
Doctoral Program of Development Studies, Faculty of Social Science and Political Science,
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Prof. Dr. A. Sofyan No. 1 Kampus USU, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: leadership, organizational culture, performance, Medan City Government.
Abstract: The phenomenon of the mayors of Medan which ending up in prison because of corruption cases, as
experienced by Abdillah, Rahudman Harahap and Dzulmi Eldin, seems to have brought obstacles to the
progress of achieving the government of Medan City, it is proven that in the era of Dzulmi Eldin, he received
the title of the Dirtiest City because he was unable to handle waste, floods and illegal levies, this shows a
relationship between corrupt leadership and poor performing organizational culture. Therefore, this study was
designed to determine the relationship between leadership and organizational culture in the Medan City
Government by using descriptive research methods through a qualitative approach. The data collection
technique used is through library research, interviews, and observation. The data were analyzed by
triangulation based on in-depth interview data, observations and literature studies. The results of this study
indicate that there is a close relationship between the leadership of Dzulmi Eldin's tenure through
organizational culture and poor performance, this is evidenced by the poor handling of waste, frequent
flooding, and the occurrence of illegal levies. This situation began to change when the new leader for the city
of Medan, Bobby Nasution, began to improve the performance of the city of Medan, so that with firm
leadership there was a change towards an organizational culture with good performance in the city of Medan
with indications of improved public services.
Leadership and organizational culture are
interdependent phenomena because every aspect of
leadership ultimately forms organizational culture.
For example, every office has their own regulation
that must be followed by the employees. This
situation happened because each leader has their own
way to lead the company. This phenomenon is
obtained such as in employee’s work ethic,
teamwork, attitude, and integrity. All these things
describe the leadership that exists in an agency and
describe the culture that exists in the company. We
will discuss one by one the phenomena because of the
relationship between leadership and corporate culture
Related to the phenomena that has been explained
above, the integrity in the Medan City Government
still needs to be questioned, this is because the
Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) RI
announced the results of the Monitoring Center for
Preventation (MCP) that the Medan City Government
received the Red Zone title (www.
Departing from this statement, it is thus in line with
the cases of public officials involved in corruption
cases. Since the last 15 years, corruption cases have
approached leading officials within the Medan City
Government by attracting attention from these cases
which have been alternated in each period of the
Mayor of Medan. It started with the Mayor of Medan
Mr. Abdillah in 2005-2008, Mayor Rahudman
Harahap for the period 2010-2013 and the last one
was Mayor Dzulmi Eldin for the period 2014-2019.
The phenomenon of "hat-trick corruption" illustrates
a situation where there are still many leadership
problems in the city of Medan, especially the case of
regional heads who are involved in corruption in the
Medan City Government. Within a decade of Medan
City there was a "Young Mayor" named Bobby
Nasution and on the 100th day of his reign Bobby
Nasution received an Unqualified Fair (WTP) for the
Medan City Regional Government Financial Report
(LKPD) for the 2020 Fiscal Year. Thus, this is a good
picture for the future of the Medan City Government
Nasution, F.
The Relation of Leadership and Organizational Culture in Medan City Government.
DOI: 10.5220/0011567800003460
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 2022) - Human Security and Agile Government, pages 346-353
ISBN: 978-989-758-618-7; ISSN: 2975-8300
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
and implementing good governance for
organizational culture.
Organizational culture is one of the factors that
need to be built in government, starting from the
Central Government, Provincial Government and
City and Regency Governments, even in Village
Governments in Indonesia. It is through socialization,
implementation, and determination of organizational
culture that the wheels of government can be
expected to be able to meet the expectations and
demands of the community where the government is
run. implemented well if not communicated properly
and appropriately.
The author tries to present an example of how
organizational culture applies good governance in
accelerating excellent service. As stated by
(Sedarmayanti, 2014) that there is a value of
Transparency and Accountability to realize good
governance, as well as in excellent service there is
responsibility in handling customer complaints
(Rahmayanty, 2013).
Based on this point, the Medan City Government
attaches its vision as a "Clean Field" with the aim of
creating social justice through clean, professional,
accountable, and transparent bureaucratic reform
based on the spirit of serving the community. In line
with that, the actions and reactions taken by the
Mayor of Medan were as expected by the residents of
the City of Medan, such as carrying out sudden
inspections which were often carried out due to
reports from residents. An example of this is the
removal of the East Sidorame Village Head from
Hermanto (
The next problem is the waste management. The
city of Medan was also awarded the title as the dirtiest
city in Indonesia at the end of 2019 by the Ministry of
Environment and Forestry (KLHK) which showed
the failure of the Medan City Government to handle
the waste problem. As much as 2,100 tons of waste is
produced every day and an average of 63,000 tons per
month becomes the root of the problem and develops
into the blockage of many cities drainage channels,
and causes flooding when it rains (Waspada, 2019).
One of the reasons for this waste problem is that
the Falls Final Disposal Site (TPA) still uses an open
dumping system, so that it became one of the triggers
that led the City of Medan to achieve the title of the
dirtiest city, which was immediately addressed by
Bobby Nasution. The number one person in the
Medan City Government wants to change the waste
management system from open dumping to a sanitary
landfill. For this reason, Bobby Nasution has prepared
a Regional TPA in Telun Kenas with the North
Sumatra Provincial Government and Deli Serdang
Regency Government which uses the sanitary landfill
system (
During the leadership of the Mayor of Medan, Mr.
Boby Nasution, this problem became a main step and
an effort to overcome the problem of cleanliness in
the city of Medan. Through the various policies he
has issued, it is proof that there is a commitment to
fixing the hygiene sector. Bobby Nasution's latest
policy in overcoming the problem of cleanliness,
launched the Clean Area program through the Decree
(SK) of the Mayor of Medan No. 658.5/31.
K/VIII/2021, regarding Pilot Locations for Clean
Free Areas in Medan City in 2021. In this case, up to
now there have been six points that have become pilot
areas, namely: First, Kampung Sejahtera. Second,
Medan Petisah, to be precise, in Neighborhoods 1 and
3. Third, Neighborhoods 4 and 5, Tanjung Mulia
Village. Fourth, Medan Deli Sub-district and
Environment 22 and 23 Kelurahan Pekan Labuhan.
Fifth, Medan Labuhan District. Finally, there are 3
markets, namely Lau Cih Main Market, Bhakti
Market and Sentosa Baru Market (
Not only the Decree is serious evidence of the
number one person in Medan City in dealing with
waste problems in Medan City, but the next
formulation is also by issuing Perwal No. 18/2021
concerning Delegation of Partial Waste Management
Authority to Districts. With this delegation, the
handling of waste that was previously handled by the
Medan City Sanitation and Park Service is now
handed over to the sub-district. In addition to being
faster, Bobby Nasution also assessed that the sub-
districts have a better understanding and control over
the waste problem in their respective areas.
The program intends that the clean area program
can be a trigger for other sub-districts to be more
concerned about the cleanliness of their respective
areas. This is also proven by the increasingly routine
sub-districts doing cooperation and the community is
also starting to become aware of taking part in
maintaining the cleanliness of the living environment.
The clean area program has been appreciated by
several parties, including former Indonesian Forum
for the Environment (Walhi) activist Bambang
Antariksa SH MH. He admitted that such a policy was
the one he had been waiting for because it directly
touched the core of environmental issues in the city
of Medan. This strategic policy should be maintained,
then Bambang Antariksa also suggested that the
mayor should evaluate and replace it with a more
cooperative apparatus. It is important to do this
considering the importance of the role of the
apparatus for the success of the program launched
The Relation of Leadership and Organizational Culture in Medan City Government
From the chronology, there are still those who
practice bad organizational culture that is detrimental
to the community. Organizational culture is a
perspective on the tasks, work and activities carried
out (Ndraha, 1999). Culture is a deposit of
knowledge, practices, beliefs, values, attitudes,
meanings, hierarchies, religions, records of time,
roles, certain relationships, universe concepts,
material objects, and thoughts that are recognized by
a group of people which are then passed down from
generation to generation. other. Culture will show the
rules of the game that apply in a group or organization
Liliweri (2014). Organizations with a strong culture
will affect the behavior and effectiveness of
performance. Organizational performance will run in
accordance with the culture it adheres to in the
organization. In addition, the application of culture in
an organization will also shape the character of each
member by itself in carrying out their duties and
achieving the goals of the organization.
The reality faced by society today is that the
government has not been optimal in providing
services to the community. Many officers who serve
as spearheads in providing services to the community
do not understand the philosophy, strategies and
techniques of providing services to the community.
One of the reasons is because the government is
monopoly in providing services to the community, so
there is no competition, this causes a lack of attention
to the competence of the officers who provide
services. Based on the research on organizational
culture, the researcher is interested in raising the
theme of analyzing the organizational culture of the
Medan City Government.
2.1 Leadership
Kartono (2016:38) stated that a leader is a person who
has skills and advantages, especially excess skills in
one field, so that he is able to influence other people
to jointly carry out certain activities, for the
achievement of one or more goals. In Joseph's opinion
C. Rost in Safari (2004:3) leadership is a mutually
influencing relationship between leaders and
followers (subordinates) who want real changes that
reflect their common goals. Kartono (2016: 6)
leadership is a matter of relations and influence
between the leader and the led. The leadership
emerges and develops as a result of automatic
interaction between the leader and the individuals
being led (there are interpersonal relationships).
According to Istianto (2009:87)there are some
meanings of leadership is as follows:
a. Leadership is an activity in leading while a leader
is a person who has the ability to influence others so
that other people follow what they want. Therefore,
leaders must be able to organize and influence others
to achieve common goals.
b. Leadership is where a leader must be able to
organize and influence others to achieve common
c. Leadership is a subject in management and
administrative science because leadership is related to
the relationship between superiors and subordinates
in the organization.
d. Leadership is a human-oriented process and can be
measured by its influence on organizational behavior.
e. Government leadership is the attitude, behavior and
activities of government leaders at the central and
regional levels in an effort to achieve the goals of
implementing state government.
Rivai (2003:2) states that the broad definition of
leadership includes the process of influencing in
determining organizational goals, motivating
followers' behavior to achieve goals, influencing to
improve the group and its culture. Thus it can be
concluded that leadership is a process of influencing
and directing individuals and groups who are
members of an organization to carry out all activities
or activities for the achievement of common goals
(individuals, groups, and organizations).
While the leader is a person who holds control
over an organization to influence subordinates or
followers to want to work together effectively and
efficiently in achieving organizational goals. In other
words, a leader is someone who carries out the
leadership process. That way, the leader is an
influence for the people he leads. A leader is required
to fully understand the potential of the organization
under him to be able to understand the problem from
all aspects. In addition, leaders are also required to
have the ability to communicate problems well and
wrap it up so as not to become a concern for the
subordinates they lead.
When we talk about the leadership, it is necessary
to have indicators of leadership. According to
Wahjosumidjo (1991) in general, leadership must be
able to give suggestions in other words, suggestions
are usually referred to as suggestions or suggestions.
In the context of leadership, suggestion is an
influence and so on, which can move the hearts of
others and suggestions have a very important role in
maintaining and fostering self-esteem and a sense of
devotion, participation, and a sense of togetherness
among subordinates. Besides that, it is also able to
ICOSOP 2022 - International Conference on Social and Political Development 4
create a sense of security. Every leader is obliged to
create a sense of security for his subordinates.
Regarding this, it can only be implemented if every
leader is able to maintain positive things, an attitude
of optimism in dealing with all problems, so that in
carrying out their duties, subordinates feel safe, free
from all feelings of anxiety, worry, feel they get
security guarantees from the leadership.
2.2 Organizational Culture
Andrew Pattigrew (in Kusdi, 2011) defines culture as
a system of meanings which are collectively and
openly agreed to apply to a group at a certain time.
This system consists of terms, forms, categories and
images that provide an interpretation of the situation
faced by a person.
According to Edgar Schein (in Kusdi, 2011) is a
pattern of basic assumptions that are created, found or
built by a group in the learning process to overcome
problems of external adaptation and internal
integration and have been proven to work well
enough so that they are considered valid and must be
taught to students. new members as the correct way
of looking, thinking and feeling in relation to these
Subjective circles view organizational culture as a
formation that shapes organizational reality and gives
meaning to its members (Masmuh in Purworini et al,
2014). Organizational culture is often defined as a set
of norms, values, beliefs, customs, ceremonies,
attitudes and concepts held by individuals, groups,
communities or organizations. A broader definition
explains that culture is not only in the form of what
has been believed or attached but also includes the
identification of a certain set of perceptions formed
by the individual or group level.
Organizational culture is the perception of
organizational members regarding key values and
shared concepts that shape their image of the
organization, including a positive climate, negative
influence, quality excellence, growth potential,
organizational elements, small and immature and
active or encouraging organizations (Kriyantono,
2010). Wirawan explained the definition of
organizational culture which contained several key
words that needed to be explained, namely:
a. The content of organizational culture consists of
various types (artifacts, values, norms, assumptions
and organizational philosophy.
b. Socialization, namely organizational culture is
socialized, diffused and taught to every member of a
new organization. The contents of organizational
culture are introduced and taught and applied in
organizational activities. For those who are members
of the organization must understand, feel belonging
and apply in themselves. If members of the
organization violate it, they will be given sanctions.
c. Developed over a long time, explains that
organizational culture was first developed by the
founder of the organization. Norms, values, mindsets,
culture and religion of the founders of the
organization affect the organizational culture
(Wirawan in Setiati, 2012).
Culture can be tested as a variable or as a root
metaphor. When viewed as an external variable, then
culture is something that is brought into the
organization. If limited as an internal variable, the
emphasis is placed on cultural forms (rituals, stories
and so on) that are developed within the organization.
The basic metaphor analysis views organizations as
knowledge structures, shared symbolic patterns and
reflections of unconscious processes (Smircich and
Calas in Pace and Faules, 2010).
The failure of the organizational change process
is largely due to the clash of culture and climate.
Culture refers to the values and traditions that are
rooted in an organization, be it in a company or in
government. Successful change can be found by
reframing the organizational mindset, by adopting a
holistic system, networking and increasing
communication and collaboration. Change and
adaptation must be part of the organizational cultural
values (Sopow, 2007).
Organizational culture can affect the way
employees behave, how they describe their jobs and
how they work with other workers. In every
organization, organizational culture is always
expected to be good, because organizational culture
will relate to the success or failure of the organization
in achieving its goals. Robbins defines organizational
culture as a system of shared meaning held by
members that distinguishes the organization from
others which is a set of main characteristics that are
valued. (Robbins, 1996).
Organizational culture in which there is a strong
organizational culture and a weak organizational
culture. Robbins explained that a strong
organizational culture will increase behavioral
consistency. A strong culture shows high agreement
among members about what the organization stands
for. The agreement fosters organizational cohesion,
loyalty and commitment. A strong culture can act as
a substitute for formality. A strong culture achieves
the same end goal without the need for written
documents. (Robbins, 1996).
Furthermore, to solve the problem of
organizational culture in the Medan City
The Relation of Leadership and Organizational Culture in Medan City Government
Government, organizational culture according to
Victor Tan in Wibowo (2006) is as a Control
(supervision). As well as the existence of a
communication pattern (communication pattern) That
is a level where organizational communication is
limited to the authority of a formal hierarchy.
In other words, based on the description of the
experts above, organizational culture is related to the
norms of individual behavior in the organization
which means individual initiative, tolerance for risk,
supervision, management support, communication
patterns in work and behavior and how they perform
their duties and functions to achieve the
organization's vision and mission.
2.3 Performance
Performance can also be said to be a result (Output)
of a certain process carried out by each component of
the organization against certain sources used. In his
opinion (Robbins, 2016) suggests that organizational
performance is a result achieved by employees in
their work according to certain criteria that affect the
organization where they work. The work achieved by
an agency in carrying out its duties within a certain
period of time, both related to inputs, outputs,
outcomes, benefits, and impacts with responsibilities
can facilitate the direction of structuring government
Performance is the totality of the work achieved
by an organization. The achievement of
organizational goals means that the performance of an
organization can be seen from the level of the
professionalism of its human resources in doing a job
and can create ideas or ideas that are used to achieve
goals based on goals. previously set. Furthermore, for
performance according to (Sobandi, 2006) said that
productivity should be, the concept of productivity
not only measures the level of efficiency, but also the
effectiveness of services. Productivity is generally
understood as the ratio between inputs and outputs.
In addition, accountability must also show how
much the policies and activities of the organization
are subject to high leadership, the assumption is that
these high leaders, because they are elected, will by
themselves always represent the interests of
This research was designed by using qualitative
descriptive research with in-depth interview. The data
collection was taken by asking five ASN employee as
an informants in the Regional Secretary of the Medan
City Government and five informants in the Medan
Marelan District which the author considers a sub-
district that seems dirty and slum based on the posts
uploaded. in online news media (
In this study, the researchers wanted to know the
relationship between leadership and organizational
culture of the Medan City Government, because in the
era of regional autonomy and with the transition
period of the leadership of the Mayor of Medan, this
is very interesting to discuss because of whether there
are differences in the old culture with the current
culture. increasingly advanced and increasingly
sophisticated technology and leadership is now led by
a young mayor who is 31 years old. In addition, how
culture is developed and innovated to achieve the
organizational goals of the Medan City Government.
The main interview questions were also adopted
from the OCAI (Organizational Culture Assessment
Instrument) developed by Cameron and Quinn, the
purpose of which was to help identify culture. The
data analysis technique in this study used descriptive
qualitative analysis with the Miles and Huberman
model by using data to make it easier to analyze the
results of the interview.
In looking at the measurement of Organizational
Performance, the government has made an
assessment reference that serves to help assess the
Performance of Government Organizations including
the value of the Bureaucratic Reform Index and the
value of SAKIP (PP Article 1 N0.29 of 2014).
Bureaucratic reform is one of the government's
efforts to achieve good governance and carry out
fundamental reforms and changes to the government
administration system, especially regarding
institutional (organizational) aspects, management
and human resources of the apparatus. Through
bureaucratic reform, there is an arrangement for the
government administration system in which money is
not only effective and efficient, but also bureaucratic
reform becomes the backbone in changing the life of
the nation and state
However, when viewed through the Bureaucratic
Reform Index in the Medan City Government,
starting from 2018 it was found that the value was
50.39 in 2019, it was worth 50.62 and finally got a
value of 50.98. If seen since 2018, 2019 and 2020 the
Medan City Government Bureaucratic Reform Index
gets the CC category which means enough.
ICOSOP 2022 - International Conference on Social and Political Development 4
As stated in PP No.29 of 2014 in article 1, about
the Performance Accountability System for
Government Agencies, hereinafter abbreviated as
SAKIP, is a systematic series of various activities,
tools, and procedures designed for the purposes of
determining and measuring, collecting data,
classifying, summarizing, and reporting. performance
in government agencies, in the context of
accountability and performance improvement of
government agencies.
The Performance Accountability System of
Medan City Government Agencies, it can be said that
it is still not good, this is obtained from the
assessment of the Ministry of Administrative Reform
and Bureaucratic Reform which got the CC category
which means enough. Since 2018, 2019 and 2020 the
Medan City Government has been stagnant in the
moderate category. Lastly, the merit and professional
system of the state civil apparatus in the Medan City
Government from 2018-2020 was categorized as bad
and low.
From the illustration above it can be shown that
the achievement of the implementation of tasks in
organization in Medan City is still not good.
The leadership period of the Medan City
Government at that time was giving to Dzulmi Eldin
2014-2019 and at that time there were also many
events that covered issues related to leadership and
organizational culture in the Medan City
Government. At the beginning, it was highlighted that
Dzulmi Eldin was legally proven guilty of
committing a criminal act of corruption which was
carried out jointly and continued in the bribery case
related to projects and positions within the Medan
City government for the 2019 fiscal year along with
the Head of the Public Works Department. Medan
City (Medan District Court).
Another problem is that the City of Medan was
also awarded the title as the dirtiest city in Indonesia
at the end of 2019 by the Ministry of Environment
and Forestry (KLHK) which showed the failure of the
Medan City Government to handle the waste
problem. As much as 2,100 tons of waste is produced
every day and an average of 63,000 tons per month
becomes the root of the problem and develops into the
blockage of many city drainage channels, and causes
flooding when it rains (Waspada, 2019). The
unprofessionalism of the Medan City ASN in
handling waste is of course evidence of the
mismanagement of the Medan City Government. The
last problem that is often encountered is illegal fees.
This finding was revealed when the Mayor made a
surprise inspection (sidak) at the Medan Disdukcapil
Office. The result of the inspection was only a
warning from Dzulmi Eldin (
From these problems, now various efforts are
made to restore the image of Medan City to be even
better, such as one of them being the title of Adipura
City, a waste-free city in the past. This effort is now
mandated through Bobby Nasution through the
election contestation. The 100 working day
movement was deemed worthy of being the leader of
the city of Medan, one of which was marked by a
focus on overcoming waste. The movement has
received praise, one of which is the Regional
Executive Director of the Forum for the Environment
(Walhi) of North Sumatra (Sumut) Doni Latuparisa
who views that Bobby's quick move to resolve the
waste problem is the right step
Furthermore, Bobby Nasution also had another
phenomenal action by giving of 100 working days
also removed the Head of the Health Service and the
Village Head who were deemed not good in carrying
out their duties. As for the Lurah who was removed
for making illegal levies in the East Sidorame area,
Medan Perjuangan District, this happened because of
the complaint service from the community.
From the description above, for the category of good
leadership as stated (Wahjosumidjo, 1991) that the
leader must be able to create a sense of security and
good suggestions for the Medan City government
bureaucracy and also the Medan City community.
The suggestion is characterized by being able to move
the hearts of others and suggestions have a very
important role in maintaining and fostering self-
esteem. That is what Bobby Nasution showed to his
staff that if there is deviant behavior in carrying out
their main duties and functions in each of their fields,
the dismissal will take effect. Apart from that, there
was also a sense of security which was marked by
complaints from the public, Bobby Nasution
immediately went into the field to see and visit the
village head of East Sidorame, District of Medan
In organizational culture, it can be seen from
control or supervision as said by Victor Tan in
Wibowo (2006) that the number of rules and direct
supervision used to observe and supervise work
behavior. That way it was Bobby Nasution's right step
in providing direct supervision to his staff so that and
supervising work behavior, the rest Bobby Nasution
also carried out a Communication pattern
(communication pattern). Medan City to remove the
East Sidorame Village Head, Medan Perjuangan
District. Another solution of the waste problem
shown by Bobby Nasution is to focus on dealing with
The Relation of Leadership and Organizational Culture in Medan City Government
waste problems in Medan City. In order to make
Medan clean from garbage, Bobby made a number of
breakthroughs. Bobby did this by issuing Mayor
Regulation (Perwal) No. 18/2021 concerning
Delegation of Waste Handling.
The waste management in the city of Medan is
assigned to the sub-district, along with honorary staff
and vehicles. The details are 2,550 daily casual
employees (PHL), 251 units of garbage trucks, and
666 units of garbage trucks. Not only that, to solve the
waste problem, the Medan City Sanitation and Parks
Office collaborated with waste experts from
Singapore. Through this collaboration, waste can be
managed using biotechnology methods. The
technology can be used to convert waste into organic
fertilizer, decompose waste, increase waste
processing time efficiency, and make waste not
harmful to skin health (
As seen from a theoretical perspective related to
leadership, Bobby Nasution gives suggestions such as
an influence that is able to move the hearts of others
with the presence of Honorary staff and creates a
sense of security being able to maintain positive
things, an attitude of optimism in dealing with all
problems, so that in carrying out his duties, with
providing garbage trucks of about 251 units to
provide a stimulant to the community so that they can
carry out the tasks that have been previously set.
From the theoretical study of organizational
culture in waste management, Bobby Nasution
provides Control (supervision) The number of rules
and direct supervision used to observe and supervise
work behavior. As well as the existence of a
communication pattern (communication pattern) That
is a level where organizational communication is
limited to the authority of a formal hierarchy.
The regulation is stated in (Perwal) which
concerned about the delegation of waste handling. By
giving the delegation to Assistant of Regional
Secretariats for supervising of the implementation of
the authority delegated to the sub-district head and the
sub-district head is responsible for carrying out tasks
through the application of collaboration within the
sub-district environment.
The copyright form is located on the authors’
reserved area.
The form should be completed and signed by one
author on behalf of all the other authors.
After doing a research related to the relation between
organizational cultural and the leadership of Medan
city government, the researcher found some
conclusion which will be mentioned as follows:
The Bureaucratic Reform Index is still in the
adequate category for the Medan City Government,
but this is a process of improvement marked by
Bobby Nasution's firm attitude as the Mayor of
Medan who oversees his staff, greets the community
and also organizes governance.
• The Merit System is still in the adequate category in
the Medan City Government, but does not close its
eyes that it is slowly getting better marked by a firm
attitude to remove subordinates if there are practices
of corruption, collusion and nepotism which are very
contrary to the merit system in upholding ASN
• The Mayor of the Medan City Government need to
be concerned in dealing with the waste problem in
order to return the Adipura Back award to the City of
Medan by making a Mayor Regulation no. 18/2021
concerning Delegation of Waste Handling.
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