- maintaining the composition of air in the
atmosphere (oxygen production, absorption of
excess CO
- climate-forming function;
- water protection and water-regulating
functions (water regulation of lakes, rivers and
other water bodies, ensuring protection of river
banks, hydrologic behavior of watersheds,
- protection of soils from water, wind erosion
and other types of degradation;
- recreational functions;
- sanitary and hygienic functions;
- aesthetic functions;
- preservation of unique natural complexes
(Kiryushin, 2021).
Some of these functions can be used as ecosystem
services, provided an adequate market is created.
According to this condition, the following 4
categories of ecosystem services are defined as the
most promising:
- regulation of water resources, air quality,
climate, erosion prevention;
- biodiversity conservation services
(preservation of unique ecosystems, plant and
animal species, genetic diversity);
- preservation and use of the values of the
aesthetic and cultural view of landscapes;
- carbon sequestration.
The latest ecosystem service has a solid global
The functions of natural forests are more or less
inherent in forest plantations, especially large tracts
of restored and planted forests, although to a lesser
extent this concerns biodiversity. In cities, towns,
recreation areas, the influence of forest plantations on
reducing the level of air pollution with dust and gases,
reducing noise levels, wind speed is particularly
increasing, the sanitary role of phytocenoses is
actively manifested here. The problem of
afforestation is becoming more widespread,
especially in Western Europe, while in Africa the
problem of reducing tropical forests does not lose its
The report of the UN Conference on Environment
and Development in 1992 focused on the need to
expand the area of forest cover through reforestation
and artificial planting of trees and forests on
unproductive lands affected by degradation and
deforestation. In recent years, this task has been
motivated by the need to reduce CO
in the
atmosphere and curb global warming. To this end, it
is planned to double the forest area of Ukraine,
Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany and France
through forest plantations on treeless lands.
In this regard, the danger of afforestation of the
preserved virgin areas of the steppe gives cause for
concern. Many environmentalists rightly insist on
excluding them from afforestation plans. As for mass
afforestation in the steppe zone, especially in the dry
steppe, its possibilities are limited by forest-growing
conditions characterized by additional surface or
ground moisture. These are sections of the
hydrological network, ravine-beam complex, etc
(Kiryushin, 2021). On upland lands, the creation of
forests is an extremely complex and difficult task
associated with the contradictions of the aborigine
and the newcomer. The fall of sod grasses forms
steppe mat, which contributes to the wet deposition,
which is used by them more effectively than by wood
ones. As a result, woody vegetation on watershed
areas covered with steppe turf falls out quickly. This
is the difference between steppe ecosystems and
ravine and floodplain forests, confined to moistened
and shaded relief depressions and river valleys.
Steppe cereals cannot exist for a long time under the
closed canopy of a deciduous forest. In the forest
plantations of the steppe zone, trees are in sharply
unfavorable environmental conditions, so they are
almost always weakened and are characterized by
increased vulnerability to pests and diseases. Because
of these reasons, the canopy does not form or quickly
falls apart. There is a gradual return of sod cereals,
followed by rapid degradation of forest plantations
and, eventually, the restoration of the steppe
ecosystem (Vasilyuk, 2002).
Forest management and its sustainability today
represent a rather acute and controversial problem.
The definition of the sustainability of forest
management was given in 1995 in the draft
declaration of the Ministerial Conference on the
Protection of Forests held in Helsinki, which is the
management of forests and their areas, as well as their
use, contributing to their biological diversity,
productivity, the ability to renew, as well as the ability
in the present and in the future to perform various
functions of social, environmental, economic nature
without negative impact on other ecosystems at
different levels (local, national and global).
In the Russian Federation, according to various
estimates, the forest cover of the land reaches from
about 48% to 51%, which is significantly higher than
the global average of 27%, which was 70% in pre-
agricultural time. Today, the use of the potential of
Russian forests is characterized by low efficiency. In
Russia, with its approximately 1/4 of all world forest
resources, world forest products account for only
about 3%, less than 25% in general, the size
MMTGE 2022 - I International Conference "Methods, models, technologies for sustainable development: agroclimatic projects and carbon
neutrality", Kadyrov Chechen State University Chechen Republic, Grozny, st. Sher