where k(T) is the absolute dependence of the MO
growth rate on temperature, h-1; Dt is the final OD of
cells; D0 is the initial OD of cells; tp is the duration
of the logarithmic stage of growth, h.
The optimal temperature limits for growth for
many coryneform bacteria are 20–30 degrees Celsius,
so only these limits were considered in this work.
Since the most detailed morphological studies and
related calculations were carried out at 30 °C, it is
necessary to ensure that the value of the parameter k
at a value of T = 30 °C is equal to one. To do this, we
introduced a correction factor a (it has a unique
numerical value for each microorganism), which will
allow us to correct the model parameters taking into
account the available experimental data, and obtained
a computational design for calculating another
parameter - the relative dependence of the growth rate
of microorganisms on temperature - r(T) (formula
() (),rT a kT=×
is the relative dependence of the MO
growth rate on temperature,
; a is the correction
is an indicator of the absolute
dependence of the
MO growth rate on temperature,
Calculation of Appropriate Models for
Morphogenesis. Based on the experimental data
obtained from the study of cells of bacterial strains,
graphs were plotted, where the cultivation time was
plotted on the abscissa axis, and the optical density
was plotted on the ordinate axis, and growth curves
were obtained (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Globiformis growth curve at 30 °C.
In order to assess the contribution of cells of
various shapes to the optical density, i.e., to calculate
the partial optical density
d, it was necessary to
perform some intermediate calculations, namely:
based on data on cell sizes, determine the volumes
occupied by cells
V (according to formulas (2) - (4)),
volume fractions
(according to formula (9)).
Having obtained the values of cell volumes
V and
then their volume fractions
, and having known
percentages of various cell shapes
, it is possible
to determine the coefficient
by formula (10), and
subsequently, according to formula (11), the partial
optical density
for strain A (globiformis).
Similarly, the corresponding values of the partial
optical density
were calculated for strain G.
(alkanivorans K9).
At the next stage, the obtained data were used to
plot graphs that reflect the patterns of changes in cell
morphology in the morphogenetic cycle of
development of the studied bacterial strains, taking
into account their contribution to the readings of
optical density (Figures 3-4).
Figure 3: Dynamics of changes in partial optical density
coccoid cell forms for A (globiformis, at 30°C).
Figure 4: Dynamics of changes in partial optical density
coccoid cell forms for G (alkanivorans, at 30°C).
For the convenience of work, the obtained graphs
of the curve of the dynamics of changes in the partial
optical density
for each culture, in turn, were
divided into several time intervals (Perni, 2005). In
addition to convenience, this was done to avoid
overcomplicating features. And, based on their
belonging to a certain type of charts, with the help of
Microsoft Excel, a trend line and the corresponding
approximating function were selected. In this case,
the zero values of the functions were taken out of the
graph, taking into account separately. The reliability
coefficients for the approximation of
have been brought to values as close as possible to
unity in order to most accurately reflect the dynamics