the procedural and metacognitive dimension of the
Designerly way of thinking, implementing a
pedagogical methodology that makes clear the
knowledge of the Design process (Oxman, 1999).
People today need to analyse information that is
interconnected with society and the environment and
that is continuously transmitted, remixed, and shared
(Manovich, 2005). The visual translation of data into
information makes use of a language that possesses a
specific grammar of signs and channels (Horn, 1998;
Bertin, 1967/2011). However, reading images is far
from intuitive in that understanding the message can
only occur if one is aware of the codes–such as "the
use of type; the iconographic choices and the
employment of colour [as well as] the arrangement of
the pieces of a table" (Falcinelli, 2014, p.145)
"distilled over millennia of figurative and scriptural
conventions" (Falcinelli, 2014 p.16). If proper
encoding and decoding (Cairo, 2020; Wilmot, 1999)
does not occur, communication fails (Meirelles,
2013). The issue thus described, fits into the
international debate that has developed in recent years
on the centrality of policy investment in digital
literacy and digital skills to provide citizens with
adequate cognitive tools to decode and encode
information from data (Carretero, Vuorikari and
Punie, 2017; Ferrari and Punie, 2013). The
difficulties are due – first – to a low level of what
Balchin and Coleman (1966) define as Graphicacy
and which plays a key role in the cognitive learning
process (Danos, 2018) and particularly in Data
Literacy (Jones, 2020; Cairo, 2017).
In summary, the paper – starting from the
evidence in the literature – focused on the issue of
usability and the accessibility of information when
represented through Information Design languages.
In particular, the results obtained, and the correlations
made, may confirm the trends found in the literature
on the need for visual literacy for proper decoding and
perception of displayed information. In general,
almost all the infographics under study did not meet
the minimum threshold of usability, thus opening the
reflection to two questions, in terms of competence
and design. The data lead us to hypothesize that
Graphicacy – tending to be more developed in Group
B of Designers assisted by the Designerly component
– is instrumental of achieving higher, though not
excellent, levels of usability of communicative–
infographic artifacts. This points to the need for
democratization of such skills not from a
professionalizing perspective but from a culture and
access perspective. Finally, the low level of usability
achieved by communicative–infographic artifacts
raise questions in terms of design and the proper use
of high levels of iconicity of data representation.
The scientific evidence of the low level of
acquisition of the competence of coding and decoding
visual artifacts is to be found, moreover, in the
general side-lining of the teaching of the same,
relegating it, on the one hand, to disorganized
activities detectable in educational curricula around
the world (Danos, 2018), and on the other hand, its
presence in different educational frameworks. Thus
emerges the need for a systemic design of
competence in order to offer a structured pedagogical
model of competence, and an updating of it through a
transfer of the cognitive thinking of the Designer: the
Designerly way of thinking.
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