is to collect community efforts and strength of people
from various streams and integrate it with information
technology to provide benefits to the rural
community. According to Mahatma Gandhi’s
philosophy and thoughts smart village project
provides, “Global means to the local needs.” SMART
village defines as Social, skilled and simple; Moral,
methodical and modern; Aware, adaptive and
adjusting; Responsive and ready; and Techno savvy
and transparent (Somwanshi et al, 2016). The
description initiated by Somwanshi et al is very
suitable to be applied to the development of the
Munduk tourist village. The Munduk Tourism
Village community has strong social ties with a
simple and open lifestyle, cares for others and the
environment based on local wisdom Tri Hita Karana,
responsive, ready to move forward and adapt to
technological advances and developments. However,
to develop smart village, it needs to train and coach
people to be smart in all aspect, such as: Smart
Farming (smart irrigation, smart live-stock tracking,
smart dairy, smart agriculture waste management);
Smart Social (Education, surveillance and security,
governance, infotainment); Smart home and utilities
(smart village home/hut, smart healthcare, smart
energy, smart water and waste management) (Degada
et al, 2021).
In the MODESTA design process, the Munduk
Smart Village Tourism Model was also accompanied
by the implementation of education, training and
coaching related to strengthening the entrepreneurial
ecosystem, knowledge related to communication and
information technology, digital branding and
marketing. This training and assistance is carried out
so that the community is ready to operate, maintain
and develop the MODESTA that has been designed
so that its sustainability is maintained. It is similar
with the research done by Suryani and Sudarso (2021)
about how does community engage and learn to
initiate a Smart Village development. It is stated that
to build the smart village, it needs collaborative and
collective education that strengthened and
empowered community to learn together how to
develop a smart village. From the user test, it shows
that after joined the education, training, and coaching,
the community especially the young generation
succeeded in operating MODESTA smoothly,
enriching content, and utilizing e-marketing features
as a means to image the potential of Munduk Village
as a special branding. In addition, beside the
education, training, and coaching on how to run a
smart business, training and coaching on the concept
of green infrastructure is also carried out so that in
carrying out the business, there is still concern for
environmental conservation.
Refers to the natural resources of Munduk
Tourism Village and the characteristically of the
people, it is suitable to develop Conservation Tourism
and Second Home Tourism. Munduk Tourism
Village has natural potential that is strengthened by
the strong beliefs and culture of the community to
maintain and preserve the environment as holly
nature. This is a big capital to develop conservation
tourism. Tourism activities are packaged by always
coloring each stage of their activities with
conservation behavior as outlined in the form of
village policies. There are tourist destination areas
that are purified so that psychologically they are able
to control tourists to behave in conservation in the
sense of enjoying nature tourism while participating
in conservation activities, such as maintaining
environmental cleanliness and reforestation through
travel activities for coffee, cloves, rice and other
agricultural crops. It is harmony with the concept of
Second Home Tourism. It can be developed based on
the potential of the village that is empowered,
improved in quality so that it attracts tourists to make
Munduk Village as a second home during long
holidays. Tourists and villagers carry out daily
activities together such as shopping, cooking,
enjoying traditional meals with family while enjoying
various tourism activities such as picking cloves and
coffee, preparing and processing traditional foods
with the modern packaging. Thus, tourists can stay
longer, spend more money, and can move the wheels
of the community's economy. In an integrated
manner, the concept of conservation tourism and
second home tourism is an implementation of the
green tourism concept which has become a global
commitment. The application of the concept of green
tourism encourages and conditions tourists not only
to visit and enjoy the beauty of tourist destinations,
but also to actively contribute in maintaining the
beauty and sustainability of the surrounding
environment. The basic concept of implementing
green tourism is to harmonize tourism and the
surrounding natural environment, creating a
comfortable atmosphere for tourists, investors, and
local communities. Provide economic benefits, but
also the maximum impact on environmental
conservation. It can be involving the environmental
responsibility, local economic vitality, cultural
diversity, and experiential richness (Dodds and
Joppe, 2001; Mac ́kiewicz and Konecka-Szydłowska,
2017). The application of the green tourism concept
needs to be supported by a strong shared commitment
to comprehensively apply the concepts of green