Smart Traffic Light Design Based on Histogram of Oriented Gradient
and Support Vector Machine
Yuliadi Erdani, Hendy Rudiansyah and Zahra Dhiyah Nafisa
Politeknik Manufaktur Bandung, Jalan Kanayakan 21, Dago, Coblong, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Traffic Light, HOG, SVM, Webster, NodeMCU.
Abstract: Traffic congestion is one of the frequent problems in big cities, especially at intersections. Congestion occurs
because the setting time of traffic lights installed still using the fixed timing without consider to the ups and
downs of vehicle density that have the potential to cause congestion. To reduce these problems, the traffic
light timing system must be in accordance with the circumstances in each intersection path. In this study, a
traffic light simulation was made using the Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG) and Support Vector
Machine (SVM) methods to detect vehicles that would determine the level of vehicle density. Webster method
used to determine the duration of the traffic light based on the parameters of the density of vehicle. The output
of this simulation is in the form in traffic light prototype that is controlled by NodeMCU and monitored by
an application.
Traffic congestion is one of the problems that often
occurs in big cities and generally occurs at road
intersections. The number of vehicles that continues
to increase from year to year, the growing population,
the imbalance between traffic demand and
transportation infrastructure, and the inability of
traffic management to control and reduce traffic flow
are one of the main causes of congestion. (Hartanti et
al., 2019). The right way to control traffic congestion
is by using traffic lights. (Mohanaselvi & Shanpriya,
2019). However, the use of traffic lights does not
always solve traffic congestion problems. In one
situation, the traffic light will be very helpful in the
smooth flow of traffic, but in another situation, it will
make the traffic jam worse. (Toar-lumimuut et al.,
2015). A common example is congestion during peak
hours, i.e. in the morning and evening. This
congestion occurs because the traffic light timing
settings used today still apply a conventional or fixed-
cycle traffic light (FCTL) timing system or
fixed/static red and green light durations without
considering real-time road conditions, such as vehicle
density in each lane of the intersection. (Ng & Kwok,
2020), (Siswipraptini et al., 2018). Such timing will
lead to the accumulation of vehicles on one side of the
intersection and is very prone to causing congestion.
With the different density levels at the intersection, a
smart traffic light cycle timing system is needed,
which can adjust the cycle time automatically.
Several studies have been conducted to overcome
these problems. Fibrilianty, have made a traffic
light timing system based on vehicle density
detection using the Histogram of Oriented Gradient
(HOG) method. The output of this simulation is a
Traffic Light prototype that has been designed on
Arduino which is connected to a program that has
been designed in Matlab. Simulation of Trafic light
timings designed to get more efficient system
performance results compared to traffic lights with
automatic timers in general. (Fibriliyanti et al.,
2017). Another study designed an application using
MATLAB 2009a Software and Digital Camera as
processing and input of traffic light images to detect
density using the bwarea method. The results of this
system can determine the length of time the green
light is on based on the density of the road section.
lumimuut et al., 2015). Noval, C. have
research on traffic light optimization using
the webster method. In this study, the webster
method is able to optimize traffic cycle time based on
vehicle density detection using infrared sensors.
(Noval et al., 2018).
The purpose of this research is to create a
simulation of a miniature traffic light that works
adaptively, namely a traffic light that adjusts the