regional media companies output includes local news,
especially breaking news, daily news, local variety
shows, films, documentaries, event records and so on.
With the expansion of data scale, especially the im-
provement of video definition, the cost of preserving
and managing these data assets increases gradually
over time, thus it is necessary to manage these valua-
ble local media data assets while managing them, in
order to give these assets effective and profitable pro-
tection, instead of increasing the pressure of financial
cost simply.
However, most Media Asset Management plat-
form (MAM) only focuses on (Veynberg, 2019) the
management of media assets, that is, digital assets
metadata governance, including a series of processes
such as the formation of data associations. At present,
there are some forward-looking researches, such as
FINA's MAM database (Kaliszewska, 2021), not only
does it have effective tools and multi-dimensional
metadata structures, but also detailed analysis of the
unique characteristics of audiovisual collections. Pay-
ing attention to the analysis of the content of media
assets is undoubtedly based on the establishment of
content-based transactions. Therefore, it is necessary
to design a platform that supports the trading of media
assets based on MAM function.
However, the copyright issue is a major difficulty
in media asset trading process, especially the context
of social platforms, while copyright is the restriction
of copying, whereas the ethos of social networking is
the promotion of sharing (Bosher, 2019). Informing
in its user agreement is useless because very few peo-
ple will read it, and most copyright infringement is
untraceable. Using block chain for certificate storage
and tracking combined with crawler technology is a
feasible way (Zhou, 2019), but it is a better way to
plan media property transactions through online plat-
forms or offline scenarios.
3.2 Integration of Digital Asset Hosting
Operation Plan Base on Online and
In the article, the online media asset hosting operation
platform, is divided into two parts, MAM and trading
section. MAM is the foundation of the media asset
hosting operation platform, carrying the responsibil-
ity of data governance and ownership determination.
Not only does MAM distinguishes data by format, but
also the semantic attributes of entities, including par-
ticipants, organizations, location, events, and time.
Among them, participants are not limited to the au-
thor of media, but also includes the main characters
in media, such as the protagonist of the play, the party
of the news and so on. Similarly, the other four ele-
ments, such as organizations, containing not only the
file metadata, but also the analysis of the content.
Meanwhile, the platform will complete the data min-
ing of media assets through data cleaning, association
and other steps, and ensure media data transmission
and data security through point-to-point transmission.
Media assets needs to be guaranteed through
MAM before the transaction. In view of the two prob-
lems, the difficulties of media assets tracing and the
unclearness of commercial value, MAM stores certif-
icates through block chain, and embeds copyright in-
formation and embedded coding in metadata to real-
ize media digital data copy right confirmation, build-
ing foundations for subsequent copy right evidence
obtaining. MAM crawls the embedded code in the
whole network and compares it with copyright con-
firmation to realize the media resource copy tracking.
Currently, a phenomenon exists that media assets
is in the hands of individuals, including editors, jour-
nalists, directors, and other staff. On the one hand,
this has caused economic losses to local-regional me-
dia companies-you can't force the staff to take out the
media assets that the company does not know exists.
On the other hand, hiding these media assets is a
waste of society, and people will no longer see or hear
the history behind these media assets. At the same
time, there are many phenomena of illegal use of me-
dia assets to develop derivative products or services
without permission, which cannot be completely
solved by crawler search and tracking, and it is diffi-
cult to obtain evidence and safeguard rights in court.
NFT has caught public attention since 2021, with
bright market expectations and variable collections
from videos, pictures, art masterpieces, even games.
Considering the difficulties to protect copyrights, and
the current situation that NFT could be seen as eco-
nomic bubbles because of lacking actual dependents.
Therefore, it is necessary by applying blockchain
technology, based on NFT tokens, through digital as-
sets dividends to enable stakeholders to have the op-
portunity to obtain benefits in a legitimate form. As-
sets owners and local-regional media companies can
achieve permanent accounts that cannot be tampered
with through the number of NFT holdings on the basis
of reaching an agreed dividend ratio. Through plat-
form access, developers, such as YouTube's organiz-
ers, can meet their needs and get their corresponding
income from buyers. Simultaneously, consumers can
also buy NFT through the platform, so as to get a cer-
tain income of digital assets to participate in divi-
dends, so as to make NFT produce value, rather than
simple speculation. In addition, by accessing the ju-
dicial chain of the court, the platform can upload the.