can be seen in Fig. 5. The enthalpy of Qc and Wc in
the system is calculated from the P-h diagram shows
about similar when the fan speed is increased. The
power consumed by the compressor also does not
significantly affect due to the fan speed. The average
power consumption by the compressor is 228,1 ±1,16
Figure 5: The effect of refrigeration and work done by the
compressor of various evaporator fan speeds.
The performance of the system is measured by
COP which can be seen in Fig. 6. The figure shows
the COP even much greater than 4 where most of air
conditioners in automobile with R22 refrigerant has.
Figure 6: The COP of three variation fan speed.
Combining electric powered compressor in
automobile air conditioning system has been
successfully implemented. The air temperature
leaving the evaporator unit has an acceptable range
proportional to their volume flow. It also found that
the COP of the system does not significantly
influence by the fan speed of the evaporator.
This work was funded by the Politekhnik Negeri
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2 3 4
Entalphy (kJ/kg)
Velocity (m/s)
Power compressor
2 3 4
Velocity (m/s)
iCAST-ES 2022 - International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science