Nutrient Feeding Automation System in Hydroponic Cultivation
Using NodeMCU Based on PID Controller
Nurmahaludin Nurmahaludin
and Gunawan Cahyono
Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin, Jl. Brig Jend. Hasan Basri, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Jl. Brigjen Jalan Hasan Basri, Indonesia
Keywords: Hydroponic, NodeMCU, PID Controller.
Abstract: Hydroponic system is the cultivation of plants without soil and using only nutrient solutions in water. The
concentration of these nutrients needs to be adjusted before being given to plants. If the nutrients given are
too concentrated, the plants will die or wilt, on the contrary if the concentration is low, the plants will lack
nutrients. The automation system for regulating nutrient concentrations in this study is based on a PID
controller using nodeMCU. The setpoint is the reference nutrient concentration value which is compared with
the current concentration output measured by the sensor to get an error. If the error is positive, it indicates that
the plant is on the verge of nutrient deficiency so that the nutrient solution valve needs to be opened to increase
the concentration of the solution. On the other hand, if the error is negative it means that the concentration of
the solution exceeds the value it should have, so the water valve needs to be opened to reduce the concentration
that occurs. The test results show that the PID controller with Kp=0.8, Ki=0.5, and Kd=0.5 gives a fairly good
response and a relatively smaller average error of 3.92.
There are number of studies have been carried out in
relation with control hydroponic plants, including the
design of a hydroponic plant automation system
through regulating temperature and humidity,
electrical conductivity, pH, and lighting using sensors
and microcontrollers (Pache, Dudhe, & Dharaskar,
2022) as well as temperature and level regulation
(Azhari, Simanjuntak, Hakim, & Sabar, 2022)
(Chaiwongsai, 2019).
Control algorithms are used in the regulation of
hydroponic plants to obtain better performance,
including which uses the PID method to adjust pH of
solution (Hadiatna, Dzulfahmi, & Nataliana, 2020).
Another control method is Fuzzy Logic Controller to
adjust nutrient concentration (Nurmahaludin,
Cahyono, & Riadi, 2020) and to regulate the electrical
conductivity and pH of hydroponic plants (Dela
Vega, Gonzaga, & Gan Lim, 2021).
The next development is the regulation of
providing nutrition to hydroponic plants wirelessly
where Arduino is connected to Wi-Fi (Tembe, Khan,
& Acharekar, 2018) (Sihombing, Karina, Tarigan, &
Syarif, 2018) and an Ethernet module by connecting
to a microcontroller (Haq, Suwardiyanto, & Raya
Jember, 2018). Even though the control has been
done remotely, the settings are still done on-off where
the microcontroller will turn on or turn off the
actuator (pumping machine) when the control
objective has been achieved.
In this study, the PID control algorithm is used
where the resulting error will be processed
proportional, integral, and derivative. The valve
opening process depends on the servo motor
movement based on the PID controller output value
so that the desired density is achieved faster than the
on-off method. The control process is carried out
wirelessly using NodeMCU via an android device.
The control process is basically an attempt to keep
output (response) at the desired value of one or more
variables. Control system also aims to obtain good
performance from the controlled variables. Closed
loop control block diagram is shown in Figure 1.
Plant is a controlled system in this case is the
concentration of the hydroponic solution.
Process begins by giving a set point in the form of
the desired nutrient concentration value, then
measure the current output using the TDS sensor. The
results obtained are compared with the set point to
find errors that occur.