Vulnerable Source Code Detection Using Sonarcloud Code Analysis
Alifia Puspaningrum
, Muhammad Anis Al Hilmi
, Darsih, Muhamad Mustamiin
and Maulana Ilham Ginanjar
Department of Informatics, Politeknik Negeri Indramayu, Jalan Lohbener Lama No. 08, Indramayu, Indonesia
Keywords: Source Code, Detection, Vulnerability, Code Analysis, SonarCloud.
Abstract: In Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), security vulnerabilities are one of the points introduced during
the construction stage. Failure to detect software defects earlier after releasing the product to the market causes
higher repair costs for the company. So, it decreases the company's reputation, violates user privacy, and
causes an unrepairable issue for the application. The introduction of vulnerability detection enables reducing
the number of false alerts to focus the limited testing efforts on potentially vulnerable files. UMKM Masa
Kini (UMI) is a Point of Sales application to sell any Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Product
(UMKM). Therefore, in the current work, we analyze the suitability of these metrics to create Machine
Learning based software vulnerability detectors for UMI applications. Code is generated using a commercial
tool, SonarCloud. Experimental result shows that there are 3,285 vulnerable rules detected.
In Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC),
security vulnerabilities being one of point introduced
during construction stage. However, vulnerabilities
being one of issue which difficult to be detected until
it becomes apparent as security failures in the
operational stage of SDLC. (Kehagias, Jankovic,
Siavvas, Gelenbe, 2021). Failure to detect software
defect earlier after releasing product to the market
causes higher repairing cost for the company. So, it
decreases company reputation, violate user privacy,
and cause unrepairable issue for the application
(Cisco, 2019). In addition, techniques to detect
software vulnerabilities are needed before releasing
product (Shin, Meneely, Williams, Osborne, 2010).
To solve those problems, dedicated tools are available
on the market: e.g., Veracode (Veracode, 2020) and
SonarCode (Raducu, Costales, Lera, Llamas, 2019).
The introduction of vulnerability detection (usually a
binary classification of vulnerable and neutral parts of
the source code) enables reducing the number of false
alerts to focus the limited testing efforts on potentially
vulnerable files (Chowdhury, Zulkernine, 2010).
UMKM Masa Kini (UMI) is a Point of Sales
application to sell any kind Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises Product (UMKM). Not only selling the
products, UMI also provides facilities for offline
transaction and facilities which can support the
development of UMKM. However, in construction
process, automated testing to detect vulnerable code
is a good way to save money and time. Therefore, in
the current work, we perform an analysis of the
suitability of these metrics to create Machine
Learning based software vulnerability detectors for
UMI application. Code is generated using a
commercial tool, SonarCloud.
2.1 Software Testing
Testing is an activity to evaluate software quality and
to improve it (Pan, 1999). In general, testing divided
into two namely black box and white box testing.
White box is a testing technique that uses Software
Under Test (SUT) or the software being tested as a
test guide to be carried out (Touseef, Anwer, Hussain,
Nadeem, 2015). In addition, Black Box Testing is not
an alternative solution to White Box Testing but is