Supply Chain Management in Determining Operational Performance
with the Moderation Role of Manager
Yuyus Yudistria and Deddy Rusyandi
STIE EKUITAS, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Keywords: SCM, Manager, Performance
Abstract: The shoe industry in the Cibaduyut area is one of the mainstay industries and the backbone for the economy
of the Bandung area. Supply Chain Management is important because one of the elements that has a
significant role as one of the keys to success in success plays an important role in the effective utilization of
Supply Chain Management and the progress of developing associations with the development of competition.
This study aims to determine operational performance and the relationship between Supply Chain
Management and the role of Manager. The role of Managers has an important role in Supply Chain
Management activities as decision makers and decision makers. Managers in making and making inaccurate
decisions will mislead companies in a competitive environment. Based on the sampling method using
purposive sampling in this research period, a sample of 146 shoe industry companies in the Cibaduyut area
was obtained. The results showed that there was a significant and positive influence between Supply Chain
Management on operational performance after being moderated by the manager so that the moderating role
of the manager resulted in the integration of Supply Chain Management positively in influencing operational
Supply Chain Management is a concern for
researchers, the importance of Supply Chain
Management is because it is one element that has a
significant role as one of the keys to organizational
success. Supply Chain Management directly affects
the company's performance. The competitive
business environment has encouraged companies to
emphasize all functions of Supply Chain
Management from raw materials, logistics to finished
goods, so for the success of organizational
performance, Supply Chain Management is needed.
(Furqon, C., Manajemen, P. S. and Indonesia, 2014)
The role of Manager plays an important role in the
effective utilization of Supply Chain Management
and the advancement of the majority of associations
with the development of competition. Operational
performance depends on an effective supply chain as
efficient logistics management contributes to cost
reduction. Managers assist in achieving goals for an
effective supply chain including decision makers.
The role of an effective manager yields many benefits
including in making the right decisions and
collaborating with stakeholders and business
participants at the operational level. The company's
ability to utilize and implement a Supply Chain
Management strategy that produces benefits for cost
reduction, production slope, flexibility, introduces
innovation, strengthens associations and relationships
between stakeholders must be included at every level
for the achievement of objectives. (Furqon, C.,
Manajemen, P. S. and Indonesia, 2014).
The role of the manager must be able to apply
Supply Chain Management in operational
performance by considering the company's goals. So
that the role of the manager must be more effective
and able to bring about changes in Supply Chain
Management, in making effective decisions in Supply
Chain Management according to the parameters of
the role in the effectiveness of Supply Chain
Management. Decision making is found to be harmful
and useless for the company like timely decision
based on the timely availability of the company. The
role of Manager plays an important role in operational
performance by sharing the right policies that will
help for the right decisions. Research that has been
conducted by (Sharif & Irani, 2012) on the value of
power carried out by a supply chain manager,
proposes an analysis model of the level of supply
Yudistria, Y. and Rusyandi, D.
Supply Chain Management in Determining Operational Performance with the Moderation Role of Manager.
DOI: 10.5220/0011865200003582
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Seminar and Call for Paper (ISCP) UTA â
Z45 Jakarta (ISCP UTA’45 Jakarta 2022), pages 41-46
ISBN: 978-989-758-654-5; ISSN: 2828-853X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
chain leadership ability as part of the supply chain
manager's responsibility function. (Akdogan &
Demirtas, 2014) stated that the supply chain strategy
needs to consider the strategy and the contribution of
supply chain management cannot be implemented
unless it is supported by the managerial team, so that
managerial attributes will have an impact on supply
chain performance. (Jia, Gong, & Brown, 2018) The
combined effect of supply chain leadership and
governance mechanisms affects supply chain
structure and supply chain learning and MNCs
change supply chain structure. And (Jonathan
Gosling, Fu Jia, Yu Gong, 2017) conceptually
describes how a company that focuses on taking a
leadership role initiates and disseminates sustainable
practices in the supply chain. According to (Jakhar,
2014) Identify important performance measurement
metrics for the supply chain of the textile and apparel
industry. (Regina, Suharto, 2013) there is a
significant relationship between supply chain to
competitiveness, Supply Chain Management to
company performance, and Competitive Advantage
to company performance. As well as research (J.
Rachbini, 2017) In improving the performance of a
company, a Supply Chain Management strategy is
needed that can be applied through integrated
information, company and processes.
This research is important to do to know 1). The
influence of supply chain management on operational
performance; 2). How is the moderating role of
managers in the influence of supply chain
management on operational performance?
Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a field of
study/research that is at the level of effectiveness and
efficiency in the flow of goods, information and
funding flows that occur together so as to unite
Supply Chain Management with various parties
involved (Pujawan, I., N., 2010). Supply Chain
Management is an activity of processing raw
materials into goods in process or semi-finished
goods and finished goods then sending these products
to consumers through the distribution system. This
activity includes the purchasing function that relates
between suppliers and distributors. (Heizer, J., dan
Render, 2014).
Performance is a description of a level of
achievement in the implementation of a program of
activities or company policies in realizing the vision
and mission of the organization (Moeheriono, 2012).
(Sedarmayanti, 2017) reveals that a performance is
the result of work that can be achieved by a group or
person in an organization that is in accordance with
the authority and responsibility of each field in an
effort to achieve company goals, which does not
violate the law and is in accordance with the law. with
morals and ethics. The company's operational
performance is something that the company produces
within a certain period by referring to predetermined
standards. Business performance refers to how much
a company is market-oriented and profit-oriented
(Schroeder, Roger G, Susan Meyer Goldstein, 2012).
The role of the Manager is a factor that influences
the success of the organization in achieving its goals.
the role of leadership is a factor that greatly influences
the creation of work effectiveness. Even today it can
be said that the progress achieved and the setbacks
experienced by an agency are largely determined by
the role of its leader which can be seen from its
leadership style. This shows that leadership has a very
important role in achieving the effectiveness of an
organization's work. If a leader is able to apply the
right leadership and in accordance with the existing
situation and conditions, then the employees will be
able to work comfortably and with high enthusiasm.
Effective leaders are seen from empirical signs such
as productive organizations. The productivity of the
organization certainly leads to the achievement of the
vision and mission of the organization. Effective
leaders make organizations run better. According to
(Vietzal Rivai, 2013: 164) states that leadership is the
ability of a leader to influence others by provoking
the growth of positive feelings in the people he leads
to achieve the desired goals. Meanwhile, according to
George R. Terry (Thoha, 2014: 5) means that the Role
of Leadership is an activity to influence people so that
they are directed to achieve organizational goals. The
role of leadership in running an organization is
inseparable from the strategy of long-term goals to be
achieved. So that short-term decisions should support
the supply chain towards these strategic goals
(Pujawan, I., N., 2017:34). Research conducted by
(Sharif & Irani, 2012) Analysis of achievement,
affiliation and power values reflected by supply chain
managers. Propose a post analysis model for supply
chain leadership capabilities as a function of supply
chain manager responsibilities. (Akdogan &
Demirtas, 2014) states that the supply chain strategy
must be considered in the overall strategy and also the
contribution of supply chain management cannot be
realized unless supported by the managerial board.
And Shows that managerial attributes have an impact
on supply chain performance. (Jia et al., 2018) The
combined effect of supply chain leadership and
governance mechanisms affect supply chain structure
ISCP UTA’45 Jakarta 2022 - International Seminar and Call for Paper Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta
and supply chain learning and MNCs change supply
chain structure. As well (Jonathan Gosling, Fu Jia, Yu
Gong, 2017) conceptually describes how focused
companies that take leadership roles initiate and
disseminate sustainable practices in supply chains
Based on several theories and the results of previous
research that the Role of Leadership has an influence
on the effectiveness of the implementation of Supply
Chain Management. This means that the leadership
role has an impact on the effectiveness of the
implementation of Supply Chain Management.
This study uses a quantitative descriptive method.
The implementation stages include Data Inventory
and Initial Information, which is carried out to
understand data availability. This is done by digging
up various information related to the condition of the
study area in Cibaduyut, Bandung City; Literature
Review, which is a follow-up to the first stage,
especially in relation to the literature on Supply Chain
Management, Managers and Operations
Performance. Design Research needs, to obtain
information that will be used in analyzing aspects of
General Information, Aspects related to Supply Chain
Management, Managers and Operational
Performance in the Cibaduyut Shoes Industry.
This research is cross sectional and qualitative.
The analysis was conducted on the shoe industry in
Cibaduyut. This study determines the operational
performance of a shoe company affected by Supply
Chain Management. The shoe company in Cibaduyut
as the organizational unit that became the research
respondent. The data is collected from managers,
Supply Chain Management of shoe companies
through a questionnaire. Data were collected from
146 shoe units in Cibaduyut based on convenience
sampling technique to determine Operational
Performance. With a measurement scale each
construct was adopted from previous studies and
determined on a 5-point scale.
Figure 1: Research Model.
Manager indicator interpersonal roles
informational role decision-making; supply chain
management indicator Planning, Organizing, Goods,
Strategic Partnering; and Operational Performance
indicator Cost, Quality, flexibility, Dependability.
The measurement scale of all constructs was
adopted from the previous study using 5 scales. The
Operational Performance Scale consists of 4
Dimensions with 15 statements. The measurement
scale to determine the Manager's Role was adopted
from the study consisting of 3 dimensions with 16
statements. Supply Chain Management scale was also
adopted from the study consisting of 4 Dimensions
with 15 statements. To test the effect of this
moderating variable, use Moderated Regression
Analysis (MRA). Moderation regression analysis
aims to determine whether the moderating variable
will strengthen or weaken the relationship between
the independent variable and the dependent variable.
There are three methods used to test the regression
with moderating variables, namely the interaction
test, the absolute difference test, and the residual test.
Y= α + β
+ β
+ β
+ e
Y = Operational Performance
α = Constanta
– β
= Regression Coefficient
= Supply Chain Management
= Role of Manager
E = Error Term
Table 1: The Determination Test (R²) Supply Chain
Model Summary
Model R R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of
the Estimate
1 .814
.662 .660 5.249
a. Predictors: (Constant), Supply Chain Management
The Determination Test (R²) as shown in table 1,
produces the adjusted R² value is 0.660 which means
the influence of the independent variable namely
supply chain management has an effect on
Operational Performance by 66%. The results of R2
of 66% indicate that the role of supply chain
management is quite strong in influencing operational
performance in the Shoe Industry in the Cibaduyut
Supply Chain Management in Determining Operational Performance with the Moderation Role of Manager
Region. The company's operational performance in
the Cibaduyut Shoes industry increases when they
implement supply chain management, where supply
chain management integrates manufacturing
operational activities ranging from: product
development; procurement; planning & control;
production; and distributions. By combining these
activities, operations can be carried out effectively
and efficiently.
The Supply Chain Management makes a
dominant contribution to Operational Performance,
this shows that Operational Performance depends on
the Effectiveness of the Implementation of Supply
Chain Management. The high contribution of the
Effectiveness of the Implementation of Supply Chain
Management to Operational Performance is in
accordance with the conditions of the descriptive
analysis on the Effectiveness of the Application of
Supply Chain Management which, although it is in a
fairly good range, the dimensions that make up the
Effectiveness of the Implementation of Supply Chain
Management are mostly in the category of good
enough to good, namely the Planning dimension. with
indicators of Level of Planning Clarity, Dimensions
of Inventory (Goods) with indicators of Inventory of
goods that have not been sold/not yet sold, and
dimensions of Organizing (Organizing) with
indicators of levels of capital and resources.
The results of this study are in line with the theory
presented by Heizer & Render (2004) in (Widyarto,
2012) one of the Supply Chain Management activities
includes the purchasing function which is related
between suppliers and distributors and will have an
impact on company performance. According to
(Wibowo, 2016: 67) reveals, performance can be seen
as both a process and a result of work, so that it can
be said that the effectiveness of the time the work
process takes place will determine the output.
According to (Moeheriono, 2012: 63) Operational
performance is related to the use of each resource
used by the company, namely how optimal the use is
to achieve profits or achieve the vision and mission.
Table 2: The Determination Test (R²) Manager Moderation.
Model Summary
Model R
Adjusted R
Std. Error of
the Estimate
1 .830
.689 .682 5.073
a. Predictors: (Constant), Supply Chain
Managemen"Manager, Manager, Supply Chain
The Determination Test (R²) as shown in table 2,
produces the adjusted R² value is 0.682, which means
the effect of the moderating variable namely
Managers in increasing the influence of supply chain
management on Operational Performance from 66%
to 68.2%. This means that Inner Managers can
increase the influence of supply chain management
on operational performance. Managers have the main
task of ensuring all the needs for production factors
are met with the minimum costs incurred without
reducing the quality of production, which in turn
distributes these products through distribution
The results of this study are in line with the theory
presented (Alex S. Nitisemito, 2014: 189) that the
role of leadership has a positive influence on other
people to make more effort in a number of tasks or
change their behavior. And according to (Robbins,
2011) the Role of Leadership also requires an
initiative to act which produces a consistent pattern in
order to find a solution to a common problem. This
indicates that the Informational aspect of the
Leadership Role is in good condition, because the
Informational dimension of footwear SMIs in the
Leadership Role is good. Based on these conditions,
it proves that the role of leadership contributes to the
Effectiveness of the Implementation of Supply Chain
Management, so that the better the role of leadership,
the Effectiveness of the Implementation of Supply
Chain Management will also be better. Thus, the role
of leadership needs to be optimized, especially in the
aspect of making or decision-making, with the
optimal role of leadership in the aspect of making or
decision-making, the leader has the initiative to act
which results in a consistent pattern in order to find a
solution to a problem, so as to achieve the goal
company. With a good leadership role will have an
impact on the effectiveness of the implementation of
Supply Chain Management.
ISCP UTA’45 Jakarta 2022 - International Seminar and Call for Paper Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta
Table 3: F Statistic Test.
Sum of
Squares df
Square F Sig.
1 Regression 8082.864 3 2694.288 104.688 .000
Residual 3654.550 142 25.736
Total 11737.414 145
a. Dependent Variable: Operational Performance
b. Predictors: (Constant), Supply Chain Managemen"Manager,
Manager, Supply Chain Management
Table 3 shows that the significance value of the
supply chain management interaction variable with
internal managers is 0.035 or smaller than 0.05, and
has a fairly high coefficient value, it shows that the
role of managers in being able to moderate the
influence of supply chain management on operational
Supply Chain Management variable has a very
significant influence on Operational Performance in
the Footwear Industry. Supply Chain Management
contributes to Operational Performance, it shows that
Operational Performance on Supply Chain
Management. The high contribution of Supply Chain
Management to Operational Performance in
accordance with these results is supported by
statistical testing).
The results of this study are in line with the theory
presented by Heizer & Render (2004) in (Widyarto,
2012) that one of the Supply Chain Management
activities includes the purchasing function related to
suppliers and distributors and will have an impact on
company performance. According to (Wibowo,
2016), performance can be seen as both a process and
a work result, so it can be said that the effectiveness
of the work process time will determine the work
(output). According to (Moeheriono, 2012)
Operational performance is related to the use of every
resource used by the company, namely how much is
the maximum use to achieve profit or achieve the
vision and mission.
Based on these conditions, it proves that Supply
Chain Management contributes to Operational
Performance, so that the better the Supply Chain
Management, the better the Operational Performance.
Thus, in improving operational performance, it is
necessary to improve Supply Chain Management.
Moderation of the Manager's Role contributes to
Supply Chain Management, it shows that Supply
Chain Management depends on the Manager's Role.
The small contribution of the Manager's Role to
Supply Chain Management. These results are
supported by statistical testing.
The results of the study are in line with the theory
presented (Alex S. Nitisemito, 2014) The role of the
manager has a positive influence on others to do more
in numbers or change their behavior. And according
to (Robbins, 2011) the role of leadership also requires
an initiative to act that produces a consistent pattern
in order to find a way to solve a common problem.
this has had that the Manager's Role from the
Informational aspect was in good condition, the
Informational dimension in the footwear in the
Manager's role was good.
Based on these conditions, it proves that the
Manager's Role contributes to Supply Chain
Management, so that the Manager's Role in Supply
Chain Management will also get better. Thus, the
Manager's role needs to be optimized so that it has an
impact on Supply Chain Management and
Operational Performance.
The influence of Supply chain management on
operational performance resulted in the value of
RSquare (R
) in the first regression equation of 0.662
so it can be said that the Supply chain management
variable on the performance of the operational
variable has an effect of 66.2% These results proves
that Supply Chain Management contributes to
Operational Performance, so that the better the
Effectiveness of the Implementation of Supply Chain
Management, the better the Operational Performance.
Thus, in improving operational performance, it is
necessary to increase Supply Chain Management,
especially in the aspect of partnering strategy, in this
case, increasing capital, having capital will have an
impact on the products produced and will have an
impact on operational performance, one of which will
be increased product quality.
After the moderating variable (the Manager's Role
Variable in the regression equation, the two R
) values increase to 0.689 or 68.9%. Thus, it can
be said that the "hypothesis is accepted". moderation)
will be able to strengthen or increase the influence of
the Suppy Chain Management variable on
Operational Performance. The leadership role
requires the development of methods as a liaison
between employees and can increase the productivity
of workers in carrying out their main tasks and
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ISCP UTA’45 Jakarta 2022 - International Seminar and Call for Paper Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta