and index Spatio-temporal data with high reliability
and efficiency. This paper is innovative in
implementing cloud virtualization (Yicheng Zheng,
2014). Furthermore, Kovari et al. researched that the
Open Node Virtualization Platform is an open source
CentOS-based server virtualization and management
solution. Proxmox VE is a tweaked Debian
distribution with a specially optimized kernel. The
two platforms are identical but based on different
Linux distributions, with minor differences. This
study analyzed these two open-source IaaS systems
as KVM & OpenVZ-based virtualization solutions
(Kovari, 2012). Research conducted by Min Chen et
al. proposes a new architecture, Affective Interaction
through Wearable Computing and Cloud
Technologies (AIWAC), which includes three
components: collaborative data collection via
wearables, model-enhanced sentiment analysis, and
forecasting, and controlled effective interactions.
Based on the proposed architecture, they present the
AIWAC testbed, design a practical mechanism for
computational-based emotional interaction that can
be subjected to exchange, and discuss its open
problem, which inspires potential research as a new
direction (Chen, 2015). Furthermore, in research
conducted by Suhatman, who designed a centralized
virtualization system using Cloud Computing based
on Virtual Machines capable of building Multi
Servers (DNS, WEB, Mail, and FTP) so that lectures
run smoothly and by the actual client-server network
conditions. This system is applied to 3 Informatics
Engineering Classes with 30 Linux nodes and 30
Windows nodes in each class. In the study,
information on the use of data sources in the form of
memory was up to 94.8%, who only used the CPU as
much as 17.8%, and accessing a Linux server was
much faster than accessing a windows server, namely
the average time to access a Linux server was 1.8
minutes, while to access windows takes an average of
6.20 minutes. So we can conclude that the
performance of Proxmox in terms of resource usage,
especially memory, is very maximal. The research
conducted by Harijanto et al. describes the design and
implementation of digital library software using
Slims digital library with cloud computing using
Proxmox Server for system implementation in a
centralized digital library; this saves infrastructure
and computer server maintenance costs. On the cloud
computing server, which made four digital library
servers with trials running simultaneously, the result
was that the server ran well on the cloud computing
server using Proxmox Server (Harijanto, 2018).
This study aims to build a server by optimizing
the computer's performance using the available
resources on the computer according to its
specifications. The trial in this study uses computer
specifications that support machine virtualization.
The result of this research is to build an e-commerce
service server for coconut-derived SMEs using
virtual machine technology based on cloud
computing using a proxmox server.
The trial in this study builds a cloud server by
optimizing the performance of available computing
devices. The next step is done on a laboratory scale
by simulating up to 750 users to get the version of the
installed device. The results show that the server can
work well for access to 400 - 450 users.
2.1 Proposed Method
The research methodology carried out in the
implementation of this research are:
1. Literature Study
Collect research materials or materials in the form
of; Literature study by collecting various
literature/references related to computer networks
(networking), especially those related to cloud
computing. References used are not only obtained
from libraries (books, scientific journals) but also
from the internet.
2. Analysis, Design, and Implementation
This stage is intended to retrieve, study and
analyze the data obtained from direct
observation/observation on server devices to carry
out the system design process and topology
design. At this stage, an analysis of the server
utility used, server scalability, and execution time
of an application running on a non-virtualized
system is carried out with the same application
running on a virtualized machine in the data
iCAST-ES 2022 - International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science