Table 7: Final Score Stage.
Attribute Data
Final Score
Usage Period 0.166 0.037
CRI (Color Rendering Index) 0.152 0.147
Contains mercury TOXIC 0.136 0.007
Average weight (grams) 0.041 0.121
Carbon Dioxide Emissions (30
lamps per year)
0.106 0.011
Electricity Bill Fee/Year (based
on the use of 1 lamp for 8
hours/day at 900VA power)
0.091 0.036
Purchase Price (Cheaper) 0.001 0.075
TPI (Toxicity Probability
0.061 0.031
Lamp Replacement for 40,000
0.045 0.001
Warm-up time up to 60% light 0.031 0.001
Number of cycles on/off 0.0152 0.003
Total 0.844 0.472
Based on the experiments and analyzes that have been
carried out, the following conclusions can be drawn.
From experiments conducted based on test scenarios
using input options, among others, Base Shape
(Square) with Size (Side Length is 200 cm and Room
Height is 300 cm), Room Type is (Residential House
with Sub Room (Bedroom)), attribute ranking in table
4 which then uses the Physics Formulas (Lux to
Lumen Conversion Formula and Lumen to Watts
Conversion Formula) and Simple Additive
Weighting method, the results of the optimization
decision are obtained, the room requires an LED type
of lamp that produces a lumen size of 1000 lm or
about 10 watts. This proves that if the parameter value
is greater, the lumen requirement will also be greater
and the method used also works correctly. The final
total score will result in a decision on the best
alternative from the available alternatives. So it can
be concluded that the SAW method is a decision
support system in solving various multi-criteria
decision-making problems. It can also be used as a
decision support system for optimizing lighting needs
in the room. With this decision support system, it is
hoped that it can help the community choose the
lighting needs in the desired room.
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