the average user TBE is 0.0181 goals per second. And
the expert's time of 0.0467 goals per second.
When tested, the user's speed in using the
application and focusing on the features of the
existing application is still said to be normal and the
error rate made is also in the reasonable category
(Hussain, Mkpojiogu, Jamaludin, & Somia, 2017)
The results obtained are normal and the user gets
enough time to understand the location and function
of the features contained in the KPN PNB Mobile
application so that it does not take too long when
completing the given task. When compared to the
user's time, the number is 0.38 times longer than the
respondent in completing the task compared to the
expert, which is still in the reasonable category
(Hashim & Adamu, 2017).
Usability testing on the effectiveness analysis of the
success rate of using the KPN PNB Mobile
application, obtained a success rate of 83.75% with
the category of the level of achievement being very
effective, which indicates that the KPN PNB Mobile
application already has a good usability effectiveness
level in its use.
Usability testing on efficiency analysis of the
level of task completion in using the KPN PNB
Mobile application obtained time-based efficiency
for task 1 of 0.0101 goals per second, for task 2 of
0.0128 goals per second, for task 3 of 0.0051 goals
per second and for task 4 of 0.0046 goals per second.
the average TBE of users is 0.0181 goals per second.
When compared with the TBE expert time of 0.0466,
it is obtained that the number is 0.38 times longer for
the respondents in completing the task compared to
the expert. This means that respondents are quite fast
and able to complete tasks in using the KPN PNB
Mobile application.
From the research conducted, it can be concluded
that the usability level of the application is quite good.
Based on data from task scenarios, many application
users encounter difficulties when making inter-bank
transfers and credit simulations. Suggestions that can
be given are the need for additional transaction
facilities, for example in the form of a QRIS facility,
so that users can make transactions more easily. Users
also have not been able to optimize the use of mobile
applications outside of the tasks given, especially for
new users. This can be overcome by continuing to
provide socialization to users which can be done
regularly and also providing access to user manual
documents for new users. Meanwhile, the user's
speed in using the application and access to existing
application features is still normal and the error rate
made is also in the reasonable category. To expand
the use of the application, it is necessary to develop
the IOS version so that it can reach more users.
The authors would like to thank to Politeknik Negeri
Bali for the financing of this research and the
Research Centre and Community Services for the
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